Wednesday, April 5, 2023

You daren't do unto us what we're doing unto you!


That's what Victor Davis Hanson sees in the current vindictive lawfare assault on President Trump, and the progressive left's assault on conservatives in general.

The Left repeatedly breaks laws and long-held customs with impunity by weaponizing federal offices and bureaus, whether defined in the legal sphere by mostly exempting 120 days of mass rioting, looting, arson, mayhem, and lethal violence in the summer of 2020, or procedurally by denying the House minority leader the right to nominate his party members to committees, or ceremonially having the speaker of the House tear up the presidential State-of-the-Union Address on national television.

. . .

It is the revolutionary Left that attacks institutions deemed unhelpful for its current political agenda—one that rarely warrants 50 percent public approval—whether that effort is defined by threats of ending the filibuster, scrapping the Electoral College, adding two more states, packing the court, or radically changing balloting laws and customs to turn elections into a 70 percent no-show of voters on Election Day.

All of the above is predicated on a simple premise: Were the opposition to match tit-for-tat these Democratic means, then the republic would quickly descend into a spiral of illegality and chaos analogous to what ended the late Roman Republic. That fact is well known to the new hard-left Democratic Party. So it has assumed the role of the spoiled teen who feels he has a blank check of lawless behavior that his parents would not dare emulate, given that for adults to do so would destroy the family.

In other words, the Left is saying to America something along the following lines, “We are so morally superior to you that we can and must employ any means necessary to achieve our unpopular political ends. But you cannot respond in kind or deter us by mimicking our own tactics, because should both parties do so, the resulting disorder would undermine the republic. And that is something you won’t dare do.”

There's more at the link.

It's a persuasive argument.  If conservative and middle America were to say "So far and no further", the progressive left would erupt in demonstrations, violence and anarchy, seeking to impose their will by intimidation.  Sadly, a great many Americans would be cowed by such uprisings, and prefer to back down rather than risk what might come from such confrontations.

Of course, the only way forward - the only way to stop such progressive machinations - is to accept that risk, and stop them in their tracks.  That means accepting the necessity to answer in kind:  to meet provocation with resistance, to answer violence with violence.  There's no other way to do it.  Gandhi's non-violent solution worked in India, in a colonial situation, but he wasn't facing an opponent that welcomed violence and embraced it as a political and social strategy.  We are.

Christians, in particular, are going to have to harden their hearts in this regard.  It's very easy to say that we should turn the other cheek, as Christ commanded:  but in this case, if we do that, they'll rip it off, along with the first cheek we turned.  The progressive left knows no other approach except intimidation and dominance.  Anything less is seen as weakness.  That's why they've made so much progress, and they have every intention of continuing their progress until all resistance is at an end.

It's time to stop them . . . if necessary, by using their own tactics against them.  To begin with, that can be to use the same legal tactics against them that they've used against us.  If they take that to the next level, well, we can do that too - and we must, or be steamrollered by those with everything at stake and absolutely no inhibitions of conscience.



  1. The solution is to send for Murat with the grape.

  2. Of course the leftists recognize our morality. Would they glue themselves to paintings, block traffic or any of their myriad schemes if they thought they would be handled roughly as a result? No, they expect to be gently removed, coddled and lightly tapped on the wrist

  3. The Christians will be waiting for God to do something for them. Little do they remember that the kingdom of God is taken by force (Matthew 11:12). The Christians need to arise and take the lead as they do it in conjunction with God. No more passive wussy lazy times.

  4. Kyle Rittenhouse comes to mind. The left did everything they could to destroy him for having the temerity to stand up to the rioters. They might not have been successful in destroying him, but they sent a clear message to everyone else.

  5. "Turning your cheek" is about not responding to an insult, not about failing to respond to an attack.
    One of the reasons these Prog / Leftist / Globalist / totalitarians aren't stacked in the streets like cordwood is that people who see themwelves as "law-abiding" do not want to be forced to change their nature, as would be required for them to respond in kind.
    John in Indy

  6. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek. I've only got two cheeks, four if you count my ass. They've all been slapped. I've had enough. EVEN JESUS deployed righteous anger when he found the temple being court being used as a flea market venue! If We, The People are willing to allow this collection of loons and perverts to have their way with us, we'll have no one to blame for what we end up with, WHO we end up BEING, and what our CHILDREN end up living with. We OWE the FUTURE a FREE and GOD-FEARING AMERICA. It's time, folks... WAY past time...

  7. Yes, Jesus told us to turn the other cheek when struck. He also told us to resist the devil, and he will flee from us.

  8. I'm of the belief that Christian nonviolence is only biblically required in cases of religious persecution, when you are being attacked specifically for being a follower of Christ/for your faith...

    Otherwise, violence may not be the preferred response, but it is an available and not necessarily sinful one.

    Wish more religious leaders would be transparent about this... But few are even forthright about the Bible's separate definitions of "killing" and "murder" -- only the latter is specifically prohibited by the 10 Commandments.

  9. You're delusional to think the courts can work for us. Sure we get the occasional, scattered ruling in our favor but that is often lost on appeal or basically ignored. The rule of law is gone but people still think we can vote out way out of this. The courts are lost as is the military, congress, education, the media - basically the entire system. A collapse of the entire system is what we have to look forward to. And that's not a bad thing since it can't be saved.

  10. Oh, I dare, alright, I dare to use [their] tactics and then some.

  11. It's time:
    "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end."

    It may be blasphemous in today's eyes, but might DJT be considered the New Messiah in centuries to come? ("for the things concerning me have an end" - messiahs usually fail in their times but stand as beacons in the times beyond) Think of Jesus' standing in His own times.

    I would be surprised if DJT is alive by election 2024. Certainly by Inauguration Day 2025.

  12. We are seeing the lefts mantra "rules are for thee, never for me" on display and in action everyday now. They only subscribe to ONE rule...WIN. By any means required. Laws and rules are to be ignored except when they can be used as a cudgel to abuse anyone opposing them.

  13. I think they might be in for an unpleasant surprise, thinking that way.... it didnt take more than a few Marines getting bush-whacked in the Solomon Islands by "surrendering" Japanese before the watch-words became "No Quarter".... never trust a Leftist.

  14. OTOH, this is from a leading Biblical scholar:

  15. "The resulting disorder would undermine the republic. And that is something you won’t dare do.”
    here, hold my beer

  16. The Good Book also states quite clearly: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
    This action against Trump throws the doors wide open for legitimate legal action against Mr. Biden the moment he leaves office, hopefully on January 20, 2025.
    And I will note that the intent of eye for an eye was to limit retaliations by the powerful to equal in kind rather than the capricious excess common at that time.

  17. I am reminded of this. “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”
    – Author Unknown
