Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A demonstration of terminal ballistics


A hood rat in St. Louis recently found out that a police SUV, traveling at a reasonable rate of speed, has terminal ballistics (in this case, an impact energy) rather greater (as in multiple orders of magnitude greater) than the bullets he's firing at the vehicle.


If a gangbanger won't stop the easy way, he can - and should - be stopped the hard way.  Amazingly, the gunman (who rejoices in the name of Taiwansley Jackson) survived the double impact, and is in jail pending charges and trial.  Hopefully he'll spend a lot longer behind bars, so that the rest of us don't have to worry about him.



  1. That BitChute video embed works amazingly well. Absolutely seamless on the playbac.

  2. Never make the cops chase you.

    It does not make them happy.

  3. Good morning story with a happy ending. Great start to the day!

  4. In today's America, Mr. Dindu Nuttin will become n icn of the BLM scam, and be awarded millions of ( soon to be worthless ) dollars at a show trial that will fill the airwaves while the writer's strike makes the media desperate for any "entertainment" to broadcast .

  5. Taiwansley is Latin for “dumb ass”

  6. PHYSICS! A body in motion tends to stay in motion until....

  7. The first hit just jostled him a bit. He'd have gotten up and kept on. I can't believe the second didn't finish the job. Cop should've backed up to see what he ran over.

  8. He's only throwing 9mm out of that Tech 9...

    and yeah, he got what he was asking for.

    Night Driver

  9. Extended mag and I'm betting a happy switch on that handgun, good use of vehicles after being fired upon.

  10. Amazing. First hit sent him flying at least twenty feet. Second hit fifteen or so feet. The the car that hit him the second time ran over him - TWICE - by the left front tire and then the left rear tire. I am reminded of the song about Bad BAD LeRoy Brown.

  11. I never understood how John Wick could survive being hit by so many cars, but I guess the movie wasn’t wrong 😂

  12. does it make me a bad person cause I found this way too funny?

  13. This hood rat had been working to support his family since jail release seven years ago. There were three murders, a suicide and other recent major tragedies in his life that may have caused him to snap. No, I am not suggesting he deserves leniency. His family also acknowledges he is guilty. But they also say he needs help.

  14. That Bit, of shooting at the oncoming car always works in the Movies!
    Not surprised he tried it.....

  15. Damn, now he will receive therapy for years if not decades on taxpayer money because there is no way he survived that with his arms, legs or back intact.

  16. What stands out to me is the number of cameras. There isn’t a single significant gap in the coverage, and while most or all of them are probably private, it’s still crazy to think about. How easy is it to hack into those cameras? Not that the government would ever do anything like that...
    redshirt guy

  17. As an ER Nurse said once - the sad part is how easily some people will die of accidental injuries, while others will survive far worse intentional injuries.

    Like this guy.

  18. Sometimes the old way works stake meet heart.

  19. Hrumph!....should've thrown the vehicle is reverse & finished the job

  20. Hey, I know right where that is! It's a shame the dumbass survived to be more of a drain on the taxpayers.

  21. I worked my way through college in the mid to late 70s on a multiracial crew for the phone company in the Black Slums of South Central LA. It was open warfare. Black on Black crime, Black crime to anyone else. Daily shootings and killings.

    The Corporate Media has never talked about it and the local media never talks about it. Black Crime has always gotten worse. The person that replaced me as I finished college was from a city called Gary, IN and he did not think our area was so bad. Even through every one in all our crews were attacked and my supervisor (who was Black) was shot, he still thought we had it easy. He said in Gary that they would lose about 9 a year as they would get shot off poles.

    Nothing has changed in these Dem cities and states, but the left is making it worse by letting the people out of the prisons and giving little jail time. Overall the plan is to kill the cities and then the suburbs.

  22. Double thump at the end is the real owie!

  23. @Night driver "...He's only throwing 9mm out of that Tech 9. ..."

    Not a Tech 9, (Tec-9).

    Looks like an aftermarket frame with a Glock slide & extended Mag (1:15)

    But what is interesting to me, is @ 1:20, the shell casing lying there did NOT come out of that pistol.

    1) it's not a 9mm, .40 S&W, .45ACP, .45GAP .. too long
    2) It's not a 10mm (same as a .40 S&W but longer)
    3) It's a revolver casing!!!

    a) It's a rimmed casing

    b) there's NO ejector groove

    Now inquiring minds may well ask, where did it come from?

    The Po-po don't use .357 Mag or .38 Special anymore.
    The Po-po didn't fire any shots, right?

    What the heck???
