Wednesday, May 3, 2023

"Academic medicine is to medicine as logic is to feminist logic"


That's a quote from William Briggs, who cautions us:  "Do not get sick".

It’s clear enough the Experts at the FDA with their “food pyramid” cannot be trusted. And the CDC? I cannot say here what I really think of the CDC because this is a family blog.

So while our side might be wrong about all or some of those things above, it’s clear—look out your window and see for yourself!—the other side is offering only continued pain. There seems only one way to bet.

Here’s the thing. You have to make that bet. You have no choice. You really need to get healthy and stay that way. Listen to your Uncle Sergeant Briggs. You cannot get sick anymore. Maybe in the old days you could. No longer.

Doubt me? Then gaze and wonder at this opening sentence from a recent New England Journal of Medicine article: “As academic medicine begins to recognize and examine racism as the root cause of racially disparate health outcomes, we need curricula for training physicians to dismantle the systems that perpetuate these inequities.”

Once you stop gagging, you will realize this sentence is perfect. It contains the seed, the core the pearl, the very key to understanding what has gone wrong and why. It’s right here—and in the first three words.

Academic medicine.

Ah, yes. Academic medicine. That’s it. Not medicine! Academic medicine. Medicine is the practice and art—art, not science—of healing. Academic medicine is to medicine as logic is to feminist logic.

We know this is true, that academic medicine is something far removed from medicine, because of the rest of the sentence. Which says academic medicine recognizes “racism” as the “root cause of racially disparate health outcomes”.

There's more at the link.

That's about the size of it.  Medical education has been trampled beneath the jackboots of political correctness and "woke" indoctrination.  Doctors in training are now being taught that race is at the root of most disparities in medical care, and of most outcomes - i.e. members of one race are more likely to recover and/or survive than another, due solely to the influence of their race on the treatment they receive.

It's complete and utter bullshit, of course . . . but the young doctors entering practice today are taught that, and many of them don't (yet) know enough to realize that it's all a lie.

If you aren't one of the "chosen" race(s), your care is likely to be deliberately sub-standard as a means of "rectifying" that institutional racism, or "balancing" medical care across races.  Does that make you feel happy?



  1. Before I left the University of Illinois I watched them start to stand up the new Medical School there... Thought perhaps being "medicine" and thus a "hard science" it would escape the DEI silliness that took over so much of the rest of the Campus, but alas... Made the decision to leave a bit easier knowing it would not in fact be a serious School.

  2. Agree with the sentiment, but the comparison is backward.

    Should be "Academic medicine is to medicine as feminist logic is to logic"

    Yeah, I'm a stickler for accuracy. Or, as a feminist might say, I like to "mansplain".

    But seriously, the bozos pushing this sort of thing should lose their medical licenses, their tenure, and their jobs. Tarring and feathering optional.

  3. One would hope regardless of what the school taught, getting substandard medical care would still get the ambo chasers and malpractice lawyers on your side and expensively teach the medical practices not to do that.

  4. Here’s to ya NFO,,,Woodruff.

  5. Thankfully all of my doctors (Oh, I have many) are as, or almost as, old as I am. When the COVID thing was flying the flag they were less than enthusiastic about just about everything other than masking. They all had patients and staff masking and I'd bet there was an insurance aspect to that because they were quick to drop the requirement as soon as they could.

    Young folks today have some unfortunate circumstances to face in later years.

  6. Hopefully both of my two kids actually become doctors. That way I can get a second opinion...

  7. Anywhere there is a lot of money eventually you will see lots of corruption. Big Medicine involves lots of money.

  8. In the vein of this observation about the status of our healthcare system, I was recently denied service by a home healthcare agency here in the Dallas, Texas area.

    Over the course of a couple of weeks I had a few visits by two wound care nurses to change a simple dressing on an open wound, in an anatomical area I, as a paraplegic cannot reach. After being interviewed for over an hour by the first nurse, she informed me she could not change the dressing until it was approved by Medicare. The homecare was prescribed by my doctor. I forcefully said the policy to wait was stupid and I'm sure I used some salty language. The nurse relented and changed my dressing, which took about 5 minutes.

    Later I was visited by another wound care nurse and then by a nurses aide. So then a few days later I received a letter from the home care agency telling me they were terminating my service because I exhibited "verbal aggressiveness" and the fact that I had "multiple guns" in my house. Well yes, I keep a holstered 9mm compact pistol discretely placed next to my bed, and next to that a holstered replica 1851 Colt cap and ball black powder revolver. I use it while lying in bed to exercise my arms as it is relatively large and heavy.

    To be concise, I am deeply offended by this denial of service by a Medicare-funded healthcare provider (taxpayer's money). I feel I was literally abused by racist, sexist, ageist, gun-phobic, ignorant, lazy, incompetent, "minority" female "nurses". Dare I say these women were Black and had a taught negative attitude towards old white men whom they believe to be dangerous and the cause of all their problems. I'm not sure where to go from here, but I do feel the need to reply. I wonder what might happen if this denial of care led to my hospitalization, expensive surgery and perhaps worse. What say you'all?

  9. The problems with modern medicine include but go far beyond simple diversity idiocy. So much medical care is based on obsolete fads (low fat High carb, cholesterol will kill you, etc) and the needs of big pharma selling useless and/or dangerous drugs (statins, mrna vaxx, etc). People must become their own medical researchers.

  10. On the one hand, racism is not the root cause of all disparities in treatment and outcome.

    On the other hand *race* is the root cause, at least for some conditions.

    If a white child and a black child both show up at the doctors office suffering from anemia, swollen hands, and unexplained pain, the doctor will immediately test the black child for sickle cell, while the white child might face a battery of tests and treatments before being tested for sickle cell. Is this because the doctor is racist against whites, or because the doctor knows that there are 40 black sickle cell patients for every white sickle cell patient, so the odds are against it being sickle cell for the white kid?

    Doctors need to be taught that there are actual biological differences between the races and genders so that they can recognize when such a difference is impacting diagnosis or reaction to treatment. And they need to be taught such WITHOUT it being labeled racist, sexist, transphobic, or any of the other trigger words we have these days.

    And yes, race and sex/gender (biological, whether you call it that or "assigned at birth" need to be a part of everyone's medical record.
