Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday Morning Music


As noted earlier this week, Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot died on May 2nd.  He was a giant bestriding the Canadian and North American music scene, and has left an irreplaceable and unfillable gap in his wake.  I've enjoyed his music for many decades, and like many others, I share a personal sense of loss at his passing.

To commemorate his life, I've chosen a dozen of my favorites among his tunes at random.  I could easily have selected two or three times as many - his prolific output over the years makes that easy - but I had to limit myself to what would fit into a blog post.  At the end of the music videos, there's a 13th one that mentions a very, very special commemoration of his death at the Maritime Sailors Museum on Lake Superior.  If you recall his mammoth hit "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald", you may be able to guess what it is.  Do make sure to watch it.

Here we go, in no particular order.

And, last but by no means least, a very fitting farewell to Gordon Lightfoot.

God rest your soul, Mr. Lightfoot.  Thank you for your music.



  1. I think my favorite Gordon Lightfoot song was Summer Side of Life. Probably because it reminded me of my teenage years.

    Many years later I was working security at a theatre when they announced Gordon would be playing a concert. The front house manager said she didn't know who he was. I looked at her in disbelief. I said he had several major hits in the 70's and 80's. She reminded me she wasn't born then. Children.

  2. Canadian songwriter Ian Tyson passed away a few month ago at his Alberta ranch at the age of 89. Best know for "Four Strong Winds" but there are many others.

    Ian and Sylvia were well known in the folk scene when, if I have the story right, they first heard Gordon at a folk venue in, of all places, Los Angeles. They visited with him about using his music on their upcoming album. The lead song, the album name and cover was "Early Morning Rain". It was a big boost to Gordon's career.

    It remains my favorite of his songs and (IMO) their rendition is the best.

  3. Carefree Highway and The Wreck of The Edmond Fitzgerald were probably my favorite of his songs.

    Carefree Highway, because of "her name was Ann . . .". Yeah, I was young, but that girl was so, so, special. But, wasn't meant to be. Still, I am reminded of her every time I hear the song.

    And The Wreck needs no explanation.


  4. The first time I heard the song was at the museum at Whitefish Point. I'm glad to hear that Gordon got such a tribute.

  5. Lord of the FleasMay 7, 2023 at 9:40 PM

    My favourite was (and is) The Canadian Railroad Trilogy. A marvelous composition. And that last line is absolutely chilling. RIP, Mr Lightfoot.

  6. Did you intend to have "Ghosts of Cape Horn" twice?
