Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Talk is cheap. Where's the action?


So, at long last, Durham has released his report on the Trump-Russia probe and found it was fundamentally, intrinsically flawed (not to mention illegal, but he doesn't use that word) and should never have begun.

Big, fat, hairy deal.

The question is, WHAT IS GOING TO BE DONE ABOUT IT?  Where are the charges of criminal conspiracy?  That's something so obvious that a blind man should have seen it right from the beginning of the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" imbroglio.  Where are the charges against the Clinton campaign, which basically made up the whole thing for political advantage?  Where are the dismissals from federal agencies that made up and/or went along with the whole pack of lies?


The Good Citizen sums it up.

Let’s get this straight then, the CIA, FBI, and justice department with help from the NSA and FISA court basically took the muck and propaganda of one campaign (the one holding power), and attempted to orchestrate and manufacture a coup d’etat against their political opponents with help from 99% of media outlets and even the establishment of the same party as Trump (McCain, Graham, et al)?

And yet the media is still pushing the “collusion” narrative despite facts proving otherwise and congressional memos showing it was in fact the other party and prior executive office holder who are guilty of everything they’re accusing Trump of? 

a) seeking slime on a political opponent (the Trump Jr./Russian lawyer meeting) = bad, so we’re told for the past year

b) Adam Schiff attempts to dig up slime offered by prankster Russian disc jockeys, is recorded on the phone asking for it, and has his emails released showing he followed up on it = not bad, according to the media

This is some serious oligarchy/deep state/swampy-shit soap opera.

I’m curious, where doth democracy exist in the world today?

It makes some banana republics look tame by comparison. This was some crazy Stasi-level Orwellian ignorance-is-truth manipulation of the masses to orchestrate a soft coup with endless 24/7 CIA-planted media lies about Russia collusion when there was absolutely nothing there. Nada.

They manipulated dates ie the Trump transition team calls to the Russian ambassador happened as President-elect, pure rudimentary stuff. First contact to smooth the transition to power. The media omitted all that. Lies by omission. The trump jr. email about Podesta’s emails came two weeks after Assange had already released them to the world. The media lies and says Jr had access to the emails before the world did, or omitted the dates on purpose. Got that abc swamp reporter suspended.

The DNC server data was not hacked but taken from the source by USB drive. Then the Seth Rich “Robbery” assassination. No phone or wallet was taken. Interesting “robbery.”

On and on for a year, then another, and now the Obama/Clinton soft coup rolls into year two. “Special prosecutor” to catch people perjuring themselves and “Russian bots” organizing both pro-trump and anti trump rallies. Bizarro to bring indictments against foreign nationals simply making Facebook groups.

Something more sinister is going on here. Is War with Russia in the cards soon? The US was basically at war with Russia in Syria through proxies. They seem to really want war with Russia. Do these lunatics have any idea what that would entail?

But where’s the grand jury to investigate FBI, justice dept. collusion to surveil political opponents and use a Clinton-fabricated dossier to justify endless wiretapping?

It’s sickening. Totally sickening. No headlines in the Bezos-CIA Amazon post. No story by that decrepit whore the grey lady. All the swamp stenographers refuse to admit this whole Potemkin charade. Operation Mockingbird is still in strong effect 40 years later. They probably get morning memos from Langely.

If they can manipulate these braindead zombie Americans, of both sides, to believe one stinkin’ rottin’ word of this Russia psyop, what else could they be capable of completely fabricating out of thin air with help from the media?

There's more at the link.

The short answer:  nothing is going to be done about it, because too few of us, the American voting public, are willing to take a stand and demand that something should be done.  Most of us just don't care . . . and that's why we can't have honest elections anymore.



  1. There is no other word for this but "treason"....and at the highest levels.

    It seems that the very PURPOSE of the Durham Report is -- since our government is incapable of doing anything about it -- to trigger a response from the only institution left in America with ANY credibility left that can do anything about it, THE MILITARY.

  2. It would make no difference whether the voting public cared or not, demanded something be done or not.

    You seem to be laboring under the delusion that the US is a constitutional republic with representative democracy. It's a delusion that those in power and their media sycophants work hard to maintain. But it hasn't been true for decades. Maybe longer.

    We all live in occupied territory now. Act accordingly.

  3. Nothing is going to happen and no one is going to be charged with anything because Durham drug out this farce long enough for the statute of limitations to run out on everything.
    Is nobody else seeing a pattern here?
    Barr, Horowitz, Durham?
    All talk and no action, covering for the deep state.

  4. Did we ever have honest elections in this country? Ever?
    And when fraud, cheating, and every other dirty trick in the book usher Old Joe and his cackling VP into another term in office even the most clueless of citizens will have no choice other than to accept the truth that the Republic is a lost cause.
    And the aftermath will be violent and ugly.

  5. All the people that did this to Trump is part of the UNIPARTY and Deep State. Nothing will be done to them as nothing has been done to them in the past. Unless both of these massive groups of our Government are replaced the country will die.

  6. If you rear the AP version of the Durham report published yesterday, it basically reads like, Well the FBI fixed what was bad and promises never to do that again. No mention of Hillary, Biden, Obama, Comey or Brennen.

  7. When you realize that your government, press, and financial system is controlled by dual-citizens and their minions whose first loyalty isn't to this county nor it's constitution.

    No, it's just a coincidence...

  8. There are those in our society who are above the law, this is an example.

  9. Phil, I could be wrong but AFAIK, there is no statute of limitations on treason, nor should there be.

  10. The military is going to step up?!?!?


    The "Red Stilettos March" Military?
    The Commies At West Point Military?
    The "Diversity Is Our Strength" Military?
    The "Join The Tranny Navy" Military?
    The All Black Female Cadet NCOs and Officers AT West Point Military?
    The Rural Christian Conservatives Are Our Greatest Domestic Terror Threat Military?
    The Free Sex Change Surgery On Uncle's Nickel Military?
    The 69th Intersectional Dildo Brigade Military?
    The Booster Step Obstacle Wall Military?
    The Women Can Be Special Forces and SEALs Military?
    The "Take The Jab Or You're Fired!" Military?
    The 25% of all pilots are now medically unfit to fly because of the Jab Military?
    That Military???

    Dude: It's not 1980 anymore.
    It's not even 2000.
    The military you're dreaming of retired 20 years ago, and it isn't coming back. NEVER.

    All I want from Durham's report is a by-name exhaustive list of the culpable.
    The rest will sort itself out in due course.
    Time wounds all heels.

  11. As Phil says there seems to be a pattern here. But does Treason have a statute of limitations?

  12. Trump should Find a Judge in a Red State to sue the parties involved for Libel.

  13. Does anything really NEED to be 'done about it'? The Republic was Usurped by the criminals over a Century ago. The only way it CAN be 'Corrected' is by a Collapse, that the petty criminals (and the big ones, too) are not going to Survive; neither will their "System" that keeps the criminals isolated from the People they parasite off of.

  14. (((They))) want us dead, diseased, enslaved or cooperative, depending on our attitude/usefulness. I know what they have in mind for me.
    Voting, debates and lawsuits are just money, energy sucking, time wasting, circus.

  15. So, BRM, what do you suggest the American people do? Vote? Write? Call? Campaign? We are NOT REPRESENTED in DC! Our elected officials are AWOL. We elect new and they are AWOL. Has their silence and inaction been bought?? Are they scared for their families? Only a disaster, as mentioned previously, a collapse will wake people. It will be too late but it will be the reckoning. The next generation will say why did our parents let this happen? Will the young sacrifice themselves for their country? Only if they can bring their video games.
    On the other hand, none of this thuggery is news to the Lord God!! It's been a hard fact to accept for this control freak, but HIS WILL BE DONE!

  16. Phooey on all of it. And that's as much power and influence I have.
