Thursday, June 29, 2023

"Vancouver Is Dying"... or is it being deliberately killed?


Back in 2019, I mentioned a video report from a Seattle station titled "Seattle Is Dying".  It was pretty harrowing to watch it back then, and it looks as if other West Coast cities like Portland, OR and San Francisco, CA are following in Seattle's footsteps.

Now we learn of a video report from Canada titled "Vancouver Is Dying".  It shows precisely the same pattern of drug- and homelessness-fueled urban decay.  It makes grim viewing.

A Canadian writer claims that this collapse is a deliberate attempt by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to destabilize, and destroy from the inside, urban culture and society in the USA.  I'm in no position to verify that, but Elizabeth Nickson's claims are disturbing.

[Vancouver] is now a cesspit of crime, drugs, human trafficking, child sex and money laundering. We launder most of the drug money in North America. The city has been taken over by a consortium of cartels, Asian and Mexican, who own through their funding of a proliferation of social justice activist groups, members of the city council, the judiciary, as well as members of the provincial and federal government, particularly those in immigration who rubber stamp the papers of the worst criminals from across the Asian world. They are all here now. The pickings are just too good. You are next on their list.

In Canada, our sleepy political class just woke up to the fact that the CCP had infiltrated our government and they are making vain, lazy, attempts to show they are up to the task. They aren’t. First of all, they don’t understand it, they don’t take on board just how much the CCP wants to dominate Canada, and the lengths to which they have bribed everyone they needed to bribe and compromise a long long time ago.

The public is told China is “interfering” and “must be stopped”. But how are they “interfering”? They are interfering by exporting fentanyl and Asian crime gangs, which plan to infiltrate throughout America. How they are “interfering” is by destroying people, families, cities and economies, through wholesale criminal activity.

Because this is happening across Canada.

In the US, all CCP criticism is limited to the populist right. And called crazy. That’s just how profoundly foolish our politicians are. They stumble around luxuriating in a peace that someday will just be ….. gone and they will wake up a wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP.

The CCP funds the social activist organizations who have shifted the criminal justice system, effectively destroying it. The city’s streets are littered with the dying, half dressed, smeared with shit, needles still in their arms. This is allowed because our leadership wants to destroy the middle class. Do you know what losing a teenager to hard drugs does to a family? It destroys that family forever.

. . .

The police are helpless in the face of it. They can investigate and arrest and the criminal is back on the streets, the same day. The judiciary is corrupted, almost all socialist, almost all compromised. Recruitment is down. No one wants to be a policeman now. It is suicide. Stewart called the police force, “racist”, despite 60% being people of color. There is no pro-active policy. Just let them die, let them kill. Bonnie Henry, the province’s health officer stated that if you are an alcoholic, you can have treatment. If you are a drug addict, there is none. Just die. Die faster. Take some rich people with you.

Vancouver pioneered the first legal injection site, and recently we legalized all hard drugs. You can buy cocaine at a vending machine. A new business just received permission to manufacture legal cocaine. This would “erase stigma”, said the activists and the stupid-beyond-belief system agrees. We have the second biggest port on the west coast of North America and through it the Asian cartels, allowed by the CCP, import the compounds from China that make up fentanyl. The Americans have insisted over and over again that the CCP stop. It doesn’t, it only increases. The chemicals to manufacture Fentanyl come into our port, is made up, and sent south to the States. Fentanyl is so addictive that despite the fact that we supply addicts with up to 40 Dilaudid a day, they sell those pills and buy fentanyl.

Thousands die every month, swept up like garbage and burnt to ash.

. . .

In the 80’s and 90’s, greens effectively shut down the resource economy of the region. All the money from logging and mining paid for health care and education. That money vanished. The cartels saw opportunity, bought off the right government officials, including those in Immigration, and now, today, we are a massive hub of sex trafficking, child prostitution, organ harvesting, and of course, drug addiction.

This is the model they are going to follow in every city in the U.S. and Canada, all regions which allow their economies to be assaulted and ruined by green activists. Crime, addiction and misery replaces resource use everywhere. Our citizens, lazy, disengaged, drugged to the gills by prosperity, its foundation built by Christian families who believed in service to others, allowed it to happen.

There's more at the link.

As I said, I'm in no position to verify what Ms. Nickson claims;  but I daresay some of my readers are.  If you can shed additional light on what she says, please do so in Comments.

As for China's being behind the drug problem, there's abundant evidence that fentanyl and other hardline drugs are being exported from there to drug cartels in Mexico and other countries.  Whether or not that's actually being done by the CCP, it can't possibly be unaware of it.  Its failure to use its law enforcement agencies to crack down on such crime is, in itself, an indication of guilt.

On the other hand, the CCP probably doesn't care.  China still remembers, with extreme anger and resentment, the forced export of opium to that country by Britain and other nations in the 19th century, causing millions upon millions of addicts and massively disrupting its internal economy.  Two "Opium Wars" were fought, and lost, over that issue.  The "Unequal Treaties" further compounded the colonial-era exploitation of China.

Some years ago, talking about narcotics such as heroin and LSD that plagued American forces in Vietnam, a Chinese prison inmate told me quite baldly that China did to America in Vietnam what the West had done to China only a century before.  He regarded it as entirely justified, based on that Western precedent, and actually looked forward to seeing the same thing in Western Europe and North America in due course.  He felt it would be no more than poetic justice, and justified his own involvement in illegal narcotics on those grounds.

Are we now seeing the bitter fruits of that almost two-century-old crime?  "What goes around, comes around".  That may be Vancouver's fate now . . . and many US cities, too.



  1. Sir,
    This is absolutely real. And it is not new.
    I moved to Vancouver in 1992, during a major recession in Ontario which had made it very difficult to find work. Note that this is also five years prior to Hong Kong reverting to Chinese rule.
    Chinese money flooded the province. Families and businesses used their Canadian footholds to move everything to Canada in advance of the commies getting their mitts on it. It was a very strange time.
    There was also very, very pure heroin on the streets, and it was killing people. The welfare checks came out on the first and fifteenth of each month. The following morning the meat wagons would patrol the lower East side, picking up bodies.
    In fact, I worked in security downtown, and we had a pool going to see if we could predict the number of corpses in a single month. The record was thirty-one.
    Vancouver was a dangerous place then. I can completely see how it has worsened. One of the interviewees on that documentary is my old senior supervisor from the security company, and he is certainly someone who knows the truth. He has seen it.
    Mike in Canada

  2. China has a long memory and its Opium Wars 2.0

    I'm pretty sure Sun Tzu could find a quote or three to approve such warfare.

    Fentanyl and Carfenal are SO addictive one dose is often enough to addict.

    And like the war on poverty just gave us MORE folks depended upon the Governmental teat, the War on (Some) drugs and use of overdose treatments on the streets just keeps the situation going.

    I wonder (I know a hard thought here) how much each meth head costs America in theft, assaults, loss of services and simple costs to revive them on a often weekly basis?

    But like Minor Attracted Persons (Pedophiles) there is no real solution but the ending of that horrific life. I ponder the value of lifetime behind bars as a "good thing"?

  3. If you want to know who hollowed out the legal systems and law enforcement in the West, look to the (((Usual Suspects))). It's not the Chinkies funding 'law reform' -- it's Soros and Friends.

    For the rest, the Chinese take an amoral view that if you're not willing to enforce your own laws and are willing to allow your customs and other enforcement agencies to become corrupted then too bad for you.

    Long time Hong Kong Expat here who has knocked around and met people from all walks of life. I've heard it first hand from people who would know that Canada has since the 1980s been notorious as a soft touch -- i.e. known Triads could very easily emigrate to Canada whereas would never be approved as US immigrants.

    The crime trouble started way back then with Hong Kong Triads moving in. In fact even earlier as there was a wave of corrupt Hong Kong police rank and file emigrating in the 1970s when the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption kicked off and lots of Chinese station sergeants and their bagmen cashed in their chips and retired. After the Triads, it was Fujianese snakehead gangs... and then in the 2000s the seriously wealthy PRC New Money breed.

    I'll leave out the Tamil Tiger fundraising crime operations which are now defunct. Also never forget the Vietnamese... plenty of them up to no good, too.

    Anyway, so much for the Open Society (where in 10 years any of these guys with a bit of motivation can waltz in and pass the bar exam or set up as a CPA)... The Open Society is good for people with surnames like (((Hayek))) and Chan.... Not so good for people like YOU. Think on it.

  4. To take over a country/dominate the inhabitants, first control their means of self-defense:

  5. It's not just China's memory of foreign intrusions, it's also because, overall, the central Chinese are some of the most bigoted, racist, stuck-up, insufferable people in the world.


    Because they are the Middle Kingdom, and they know it.

    Like... There's the Celestial Kingdom, which contains the gods and souls of the departed. The Middle Kingdom, which holds real men, and is basically the Han Chinese. And the lower kingdoms full of animals and animal-human hybrids.

    Seriously. They think this way.

    And the Commie Chinese have been sending their military age men over here to get lots and lots of education for decades.

    Most of the modern Drug Cartels are either in cahoots or partially or fully owned and controlled by Communist China.

    You can link, if you wish, all of this, the rampant drug crisis fueled by cheap and deadly drugs, directly to the CCP.

    Of course, if our people wouldn't buy and use the crap, the CCP would be hanging in the wind.

  6. I'm reminded of the great phrase uttered by a character in Larry Niven's and Jerry Pournelle's Oath of Fealty: "Think of it as evolution in action".
    Back in 2016-17 I worked a contract position in Milwaukee and we contractors saw a lot of junkies looking for handouts. From a discussion in an engineering staff meeting came the inspiration for the popular "Send a Junkie to Hell!" activity, where those of us participating each carried a 10 dollar bill, to be given to the derelict of our choice each week.
    Each of us tried to give our sawbuck to the worst looking person we could find, and noted where the gift was made. Every Monday at the staff meeting the donations were tallied up and located on a map in the big engineering conference room. We had off duty Milwaukee cops working security, and we kept them in the loop. They would tell us which of the junkies died, and where they hung out.
    At one point, there were about 25 people participating, both directs and contract people. The game ended when the projects went from design to production in early spring of 2017, but a contractor who went back in fall 2017 told me that the game was revived and was still going when he left for the big Orlando contract. During the period I participated, we probably spent upwards of $250/week times 36, or somewhere in the vicinity of $10000 total.

  7. The Canadians put up with Trudeau - same as the morons who "elected" President (*) Xiden. I'm just trying to brace for the coming collapse....
