Thursday, July 20, 2023

The great disappearing comment mystery


Google seems to have implemented a number of artificial intelligence bots on its Blogger service, and they apparently have no idea what they're doing.  I found this morning that over 250 comments, dating all the way back to 2008, had been deleted as spam - notwithstanding the fact that many of them came from regulars here, some with their own Blogger accounts as well.  Most of the comments were no more than a few words, too;  nothing controversial at all.

I can't for the life of me figure out why Blogger is getting its knickers in a twist like this, but if you find one or more of your older comments - or something you've tried to post over the past couple of weeks - have vanished into the ether, it's not me and it wasn't my fault!

Sorry about that.



  1. It appears that we have now become "The United Soviet Republics of North America" under the leadership of Google.
    It is the Articles of Google that are the basis for this country, no longer the Constitution of the United States of America that holds sway.
    Convince me otherwise.

  2. It never ceases to amaze me how many different ways Blogger finds to screw things up. I understand using a free supposedly simple platform like Blogger. But being a free product doesn't mean that the product should be crappy.

    Any bets Blogger "looses" this comment since it is critical of them? And yes, I have a Blogger account. I just don't blog.

  3. They are retro policing our blogs... Can't have those 'nasty' comments showing up... sigh

  4. That happened on my blog the other day! I saw that a bunch of comments (including one of mine!) had been put in the "spam" folder. (And my blog is totally nonpolitical.) I've seen other bloggers complain about the same thing. I have no idea if Google is doing this deliberately, or if it's just some weird bug.

  5. How did you find out the comments were deleted? Did Blogger email you?

    "over 250 comments, dating all the way back to 2008" is a lot of them over a long time. If comments from my early days of blogging disappeared, I'd have no idea.

  6. I've seen it on my blog, also. I try to remember to check; but I don't post often enough any more.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  7. @SiGraybeard: I noticed that the number of posts in my Spam folder on Blogger had suddenly gone from a couple of dozen to 254, almost overnight. I knew I hadn't deleted any, so I took a look.

  8. You might want to get in touch with Divemedic at He has his own non-Blogger server which IIRC is located outside the US. Last time I checked, his main rule was no porn sites.

  9. At a vBulletin site I go to, there was an "AI" generated topic. Someone figured it out as the post did not quite make sense, and someone else was able to generate almost the exact same text by using a post from several years earlier and asking a chatAI to 'paraphrase' or 'rewrite' it.

    I'm wondering if real people are being deleted and replaced, like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. An old Dilbert strip had Catbert telling Wally, "It is against company policy to kill you and replace you with a poorly paid imposter, but I wanted you to know it was technically feasible"

  10. I would look at my own blog but find that I have never cared all the much. Naughty gene, naughty!
    Be well.
