Thursday, August 3, 2023

I'm afraid he's right


Let me say up front that I'm not particularly enamored at the thought of a second term for President Trump.  I think he's too old, and too opinionated, and too brash, loud-mouthed and egotistical to make a good President in future.  I will admit that his first term was a whole lot better than I expected, and he did a number of very good things - but he also did a number of very bad things, such as choose entirely the wrong people for his team who proceeded to undermine his authority, and his wholesale cock-up of the response to COVID-19, the effects of which are still with us.

That said, I agree he has every right to run for a second term, and if he wins the popular vote, he should be allowed to serve as POTUS once again.  However, I also agree with The Good Citizen that he's very, very unlikely to be given that chance, because the process (and the US constitution, and our institutions of government) is/are being openly and maliciously manipulated to block him.  I don't believe we can have another honest election while the powers that be are in control.

Recent election interference from a weaponized Department of Justice intent on keeping Donald J. Trump from ever returning to the White House has horrified conservatives, independents, legal experts, and anyone with principles who cares about fairness, justice, and equality under the law.

They cannot fathom the banana republic transformation happening before their eyes, out in the open, and they weep for Lady Justice, who as I wrote after the shambolic New York indictment, “…hasn’t just been robbed of her blindfold, they’ve bent her over and invited every sick spook over for a gang bang.”

Watching conservatives’ confusion about recent election results and the political persecution of their favorite candidate is like watching the double-masked lockdowners waiting for Fauci to give them their next orders, except they’ll tune into the usual conservative commentariat who will never tell them the truth or risk losing their platforms that extract millions of dollars and billions of minutes of attention from these poor souls who just want their republic back.

. . .

What reality?

The reality that anyone with half a functioning brain could see coming since they orchestrated a domestic coup against Trump and spent four years undermining his Presidency.

The reality that conservative pundits failed for years to disclose to their loyal flock—Trump is not permitted to ever return to the White House. It doesn’t matter if he’s polling at 99% with all voters, he simply has two choices: Prison, or a plea deal that prevents his name from appearing on the ballot in 2024.

This isn’t just election interference, it’s weaponized lawfare by the state for ballot rigging against the favored candidate, and it will, not, stop.

. . .

Trump needs to keep running in order to score that plea deal that keeps him from doing time in a federal pokey and to continue the financial windfall from his supporters who instead of paying off their own credit card debt or shielding themselves from the coming collapse of the dollar by buying gold or silver will be suckered into micro-donations over the next 18 months to subsidize his legal bills for the next decade.

While most of last year the conservative punditry naively celebrated Trump’s latest MAGA rallies, and anticipated their savior’s return to power to rescue them from the open and brazen demolition of their republic-in-name-only, last summer I warned that all of this would happen:

At this point, all Americans should plan on them prosecuting Trump to keep him from running again, and/or rigging the 2024 election against whomever the opposition candidate is. Tyranny doesn’t decelerate on its own. If there are no consequences for traitors, seditionists, war criminals, and their federal government servants, there is absolutely no possibility for anything to change in the future. They will further weaponize federal agencies to make life hell for any people who even plan on resisting. This includes grandmothers touring the Capitol building, and former Trump administration officials, lawyers, followers, and supporters. Expect the political persecution to only increase in the year ahead as the next Presidential cycle nears.

They will bury him in legal proceedings even if every indictment increases his standing in the polls and improves his chances against Biden. They don’t care about any of that because they’re banking on prison or a plea deal that keeps Trump off the ballot. The regime is all-in on this play and cannot fold or run.

With either outcome, they win.

There's more at the link.

As I've said many times before in these pages, TINVOWOOT - There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This.  The entrenched powers that be are playing for all the marbles.  They know that if "their" politicians lose control of government, they face impeachment, prosecution and imprisonment for their crimes against America - therefore they dare not allow "their" politicians to be defeated.  They control enough Republicans to be sure that even if that party wins control of Congress and the Senate, their puppets will still prevent any retaliation against them.  The one thing they can't control is a rogue President from outside the "Washington system" who won't obey their rules:  therefore, they'll do whatever is necessary (I believe, up to and including murder) to prevent such a President from being installed.

I'm personally convinced that they'll try to bring down the whole American house of cards if they have to, to prevent anyone else taking over.  They'd sooner take the Samson option - "pull down the temple and die with the Philistines" - rather than lose power.  That's the primary reason I've been hammering on the subject of emergency preparedness for so long - because I sincerely believe they're willing (and may well be able) to destroy the USA as we know it, if necessary, rather than lose control of the reins of power.  It's the Götterdämmerung approach, the Ragnarök solution.  Hitler is reported to have said, towards the end of World War II, that Germany did not deserve him, and therefore should be destroyed for its lack of faith in and support for him.  That's how these people think, too.  If America won't support and sustain their hold on power, then to hell with America.  Let it burn.

James Kunstler sees it too.

Surely Merrick Garland is not running the Department of Justice, but which gloopy pseudopod of the Blob is? My guess would be some Intel Community politburo made up mostly of people you’ve never heard of. The trouble is these geniuses confuse political ****ery with the operations of law.

. . .

Behind all these blobulations looms the specter of Mr. Trump’s attempted return to power. What would he do in the remote case that he escapes the Blob’s mendacious prosecutions? Chop the Blob into a million gelatinous fragments, expose it to enough heat to vaporize it all, and recalibrate a US government back to the task of operating the few things it might arguably be competent at. Such a program would obviate the Blob’s drive to destroy everything worth operating in the human project of remaining civilized.

Alas, Blobism has become the religion of the deranged intellectual / managerial class in America. The chief concern of this crypto-gnostic religion is summoning demons to harass those it regards as heretics to Blobism. Thus, it is well within the historic tradition of fanatical / hysterical paroxysms that shake ordinary human doings and end up needlessly and wrongfully killing a lot of people.

No doubt Blobism is a product of the Intel Community run by that mysterious politburo, with assists from partners in foreign lands such as the WEF, the WHO, the CCP, and a coterie of essentially stateless super-rich guys with axes to grind. It was designed to derange the people who do most of its on-the-ground dirty work. They already have a lot of blood on their hands with the Covid-19 trip laid on the world, the pointless war in Ukraine, which it started deliberately, and now the forced de-industrialization of the West with a crusade against farming on the side, to make sure that those who don’t die of vaccine-related immune system disorders just starve to death.

Again, more at the link.

I believe the rule of law has been sidelined, if not completely destroyed, in America's political sector.  The constitution and laws of the United States are conspicuous by their irrelevance to political operators.  They are disregarded, twisted, abused and manipulated for partisan political ends.  The rest of us are simply looking on from outside, powerless to use that constitution and those laws to restore the rule of law.  If we want to do that, it's going to have to be through other means.

Our future, as a nation and as individual Americans, is murky.  I believe we're facing very grave dangers, both internally and externally.  I think the most important thing we can do right now is to band together with other right-thinking people, to help each other to prepare for the uncertainties and dangers that lie ahead, and survive them as best we can.

I do not believe our republic, as presently structured, can survive the mess we're in.  I truly and sincerely hope we'll emerge from this crisis by returning to what our Founding Fathers wanted . . . but I also have to admit that there's enough nihilism and fanaticism out there that such a vision may be impossible.  We may find ourselves in another Thirty Years' War situation, this time driven not by religious but by political and ideological differences.  That would be disastrous, but it's by no means impossible - and it's outside our control.

LtGen. Michael Flynn warns:

Our country right now, is not at the precipice looking over the edge of the cliff, we’re in the valley of the shadow of death. We have given in and given up the moral high ground to what I truly believe is a communist takeover, a Marxist left takeover of our country through the various institutions within our country including and up to the White House.

I agree with him.

Watch what happens to President Trump.  That will tell you which side is winning.  Don't be too optimistic.  If they defeat him, they'll be coming after all of us, and they won't stop, because fanatics and extremists never stop.  They always want more power, and they always want one thing more, day after day after day.  There's no letup in them unless they're stopped in their tracks - and that may become necessary, the way they're carrying on.  They can only see the world through the biased, warped perspective of the lenses they've made for their own eyes.  They can't see reality in any other way - and those of us who do are so clearly, obviously wrong (to them) that we must be brought into line the hard way if we won't do it the easy way.

That's what leads to genocide.  Think it can't happen here?  Think again.  Remember the frontier period slogan, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian"?  Replace "Indian" with "conservative", or "Trump supporter", or "deplorable", and you get the idea.



  1. The president isn't elected by popular vote. In fact, there is no popular vote in the presidential election and no requirement in the Constitution for a vote by the people at all. Contrary to popular belief the president doesn't represent the people; he administers the federation of states and is chosen by them.

  2. It's understandable to view Trump is mishandling the whole covid thing, but if it wasn't for the vaccine availability then they'd still have justification for the lockdowns and other restrictions. By enabling a warp-speed with vaccine production, he drastically shortened that period time.

    It's likely that this deep state enemy has been there since prior to JFK. Trump has forced it to the surface and to show itself. At least the public will have an understanding of what is going on and not just those 'crazy conspiracy theory' far-sighted people.

  3. I have to agree with everything here. Trump is popular, but he is not the man this time.

    Sadly, I don't see anyone who is.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Their war against Russia is not going well and they may find a way to bail out and focus on fighting China. The problem is that they've conducted a long war on men and boys, and now patriotic men, and military recruitment is at crisis levels. So now, they're talking about a draft. Now let's add the massive invasion of our Southern border to the mix. The Blob is going to lose control, one way or another and the US will go away.

    1. Unless the "30 Years War" option raises it's head the Blob isn't going to lose control in foreseeable decade or so. They must be MADE to lose.

      Sharpen those war tomahawks, boys

  5. Welcome to reality Peter!

    First time? ;)

    The incidents at Waco and Ruby Ridge woke many people up back in the '90s to the true nature of their government. We've been called conspiracy theorists since then, but we are batting .975 on facts.

    Trump's elections kicked the ant hill of satanic corruption for the majority to see the true nature of Power in this country.

    The real question is: Would you rather die quickly in thermonuclear blaze of glory in a war caused by Victoria Nuland and the Anglo/Marxist/Talmudic elite? Or slowly due lack of power, medicine, water and food due to their deliberate policies?

  6. The Left will continue, as they always have, until they are forced to stop. With all the messy meanings of the word "force".

    The Tree of Liberty is perishing for lack of nourishment.

  7. Seeing as I agree with the conclusions stated above, how then do you still hold hope that a shooting Civil War that'll make
    1861 - 65 look like a garden party?

  8. "... if he wins the popular vote ..."

    One of the few things clearly spelled out and clear in the Constitution Of These USA is the Electoral College. That is why there has been no way for liberals to work around it.

    It is the member States in the Union that elects the POTUS and VPOTUS.

    The Electoral College is, probably, the remaining mark that we were once a Republic of Republics.

  9. I don't think either Abidin' or Trump will be President next term. So who's going to be?

  10. Were Trump less egotistical and narcissistic, he would withdraw from the presidential race with a simple announcement: "It's obvious the Powers That Be are afraid of me and will do anything, legal or illegal, to keep me from office because it's not really me they are afraid of, it is you, the citizens of the United States, who elected me once. It is just as obvious they will not stop until they have destroyed me, this wonderful country, and it's citizens, to keep themselves in power. Were I to win re-election they would marshall their forces in the federal government, and outside it, to prevent me from accomplishing anything you would hire to to accomplish.Therefore I am withdrawing from the presidential race and putting my entire support behind whichever candidate you choose to represent you as President."

    At which point they would focus their attacks on DeSantis because he would become the highest polling Republican and they would have to destroy him the same way.

    And, having destroyed DeSantis, it's Ramaswamy next.

    When they've raped, pillaged and burned their way through the entire Republican candidate list, leaving only the absolute weakest and ineffective candidate standing, they could "win" in 2024 and continue to Biden the country into submission.

    At which point we would have Civil War, or secession, perhaps both, within two years. I have absolutely no doubt TINVOWOOT. If we are to keep the Republic and its Constitution it will be have to be kept with force. Preferably the force of law, but force in any event.

    Trump was the right person in 2020 but Democrats, and their agents in the media, stole the election, not from Trump, but from us. Trump is not the right person for 2024. They will steal it from whichever Republican runs in 2024, whether it's Trump, DeSantis or Wilbur Cloddash from Dogpatch, unless Americans can prevent it.

    Good luck.We're going to need it.

  11. I don't believe we can have another honest election while the powers that be are in control.

    The election margin of win for the more-freedom candidates is small, and because it's small it can be overwhelmed by election fraud. But if the margin wasn't small, it couldn't be hidden by fraud. Why is it small? Don't you have a dozen low-cost social media options, some of which don't censor much, upon which to organize campaigns for more-freedom candidates?

    The rest of us are simply looking on from outside, powerless to use that constitution and those laws to restore the rule of law.

    Powerless? There are libertarian-ish candidates for state and national offices, including president, who in many races you could write in on the ballot without anyone's approval.

    BUT...half or more of voters are Democrat party, and have so much self-loathing they want to see humans go extinct. The other half of voters are Republican party, and while they want stability, they also want to continue receiving "their" gimmies. This is a monkey trap, because stability requires everybody giving up all the gimmies.

    Democrats with self-loathing and Republicans in a monkey trap. That is who is actually in control, not the permanent bureaucracy.

  12. Trump was never my guy, and in fact, he wasn't the Right's guy.

    But he's the Right guy, if only for both
    a) his unshakeable resolve to take everything they can dish out, and throw it right back at them even harder, and
    b) because he sends the Evil People into fits off apoplexy usually reserved for simians flinging feces at the zoo.

    Those two facts alone, unlike any and every other Republican't ever, make him the only possible choice.

    There won't be a fair election, as two failed impeachments and three (so far) indictments and persecutions by a thoroughly captive and corrupt Department of Injustice have demonstrated, repeatedly.

    Which means Trump will either be a martyr, or the leader of the resistance.

    There is no third option, and whatever happens afterwards, this country is a full-blown Banana Republic, until its downfall, and the reign of nooses and light posts for the losers.

    And it isn't going to get any prettier or rosier for any of us.

    Perhaps ever, in our lifetimes.
    And for some people, NTTAWWT.

    Everyone should look to their own provision for what's to come next.

  13. Anon, you make a good point. It would be very instructive to the people to see that process play out down the line. Unfortunately, as you point out, Trump is far to self absorbed to ever consider doing such a thing.

  14. I believe that Trump will run as a Republican even if in jail as the Constitution does not stop it. I do not think the Dems can run Biden as he is to far gone so I believe they will push Michelle Obama to be President to try to keep the Black and suburban mom vote they are losing.

    If they steal the election again the country will dissolve into CW2. Basically I believe CW2 would be like the attacks in Iraq and the government will not survive. The people have too many weapons, most ex-military are from the south and not happy with what is going on with open borders, Woke, Trans, DEI, CRT, and government over reach.

  15. I open the window and look out upon a sea of sheep swaying in time to the tune of Their Leader’s every gaseous comment, amplified in the well-paid, obedient media.

    I look around more closely and I see the preppers gathering their necessaries and running into their caves/shelters, every so often poking their heads out of their holes like groundhogs saying,"I'm ready for whatever happens; until my food runs out."

    I even see a few people going about their everyday business without seemingly a care in the world, just like the Europeans of the ‘30s telling themselves “It can’t happen here.” as they're boarding the railway cattle cars.

    I see a very few gathering, ready to fight (and if necessary die) for our Republic/Constitution: but they have no leader

    Have you looked out your window recently? What do you see?


  16. First I'd like to say I agree with pretty much everything you posted, but I would like to make a point of order that I think a lot of people tend to miss. Near the top of your post you said Trump put the wrong people in place and that was true, but it wasn't the whole story.

    Unless your biden you don't just randomly pull names from your supporters to run various departments, you generally choose people who have at least some experience in that field. For instance you wouldn't hire your best friend from high-school to run a hotel you are now in charge of as a manager if he has no experience in hotel work or even as a manager. You wouldn't do this even if he backed you financially for purchasing said hotel in the first place. It would be insane.

    So it's quite likely he was given a list of candidates to choose from, people who had at least some background in each of those departments. Because keep in mind, this isn't a hotel its a major country and it isn't the early 1800s when communication took weeks to months allowing time to learn on the job. Which brings us to the start of his term. We all knew D.C. was lousy with scum and swamp-dwellers, but I don't think any of us at the time really knew just how bad it actually was. Further President Trump should have been able to count on his staff if no one else. Their number one job was literally to aid the president. Of course by halfway through we found out his staff was riddled with traitors, but this wasn't known in the beginning.

    So here is the picture. President Trump has a limited amount of choices to replace heads of departments, he doesn't have a lot to time to vet them himself (that's what the aids are for,) but the aids who came up with the list were riddled with (at the time unknown traitors) trying to sabotage his presidency.

    So let me ask you a question. If you had limited time to vet candidates, for several positions that have to be filled as quickly as possible. Have a limited amount of candidates due to experience needed for the job and your aids who you should be able to trust and who's actual job is to help you with this task are doing their best to sabotage your choices. How well would the candidates you choose do?

    - W

    Post note, but yea totally agree 2020 was stolen Trump won, no doubt. Though the real problem we currently have isn't just the rigged voting, but the fact that the GOP is riddled with globalist/satanist who for whatever reason keep getting voted back into office. Mitt Romney (AKA Mittons,) Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham just to name a few. Seriously how have they not been tossed out and or simply dragged off and tossed out of the country or something?!?

  17. I just don’t know who else to make President right now. The USA is down the road from the crossroads of a major decision. That decision was to replace all fossil based energy with the so-called renewables. We can still walk that decision back but it will take a strong leader.

    Desantis is ok but he needs more seasoning. And he needs a good replacement in Florida, I do not see one.

    And this war in Ukraine is spooking me. I suspect that it will go nuclear soon. I expect Germany to get nuked in the process too.

    What a jerk Pence has turned out to be !

  18. When I was younger, being homosexual was the ultimate taboo that would get you fired from your job or banished from polite society. Now that it is widely accepted and even glorified, the one predeliction that can do that now is pedophilia. I imagine this is why the Epstein/Maxwell client list is so guarded since the puppets in the federal system are being extorted to do the will of the beast that is really running our world. I imagine his identity will be revealed soon enough.

  19. Until the vote counting is fixed (no mail in ballots, no computers), there are no legeit elections; ergo no legit representative government; ergo we be fuuuucked!
