Friday, August 11, 2023

Looks like crime by the homeless is getting organized


Courtesy of a link over at Vox's place, we find this tale of a smash-and-grab robbery that appears to have some very professional organization behind it.

While waiting for the police to arrive we stayed about a block behind the man who was now just walking. He no longer thought he was being followed, but also knew the police were called. We watched him take off his shoes, shirt and cut his blue jeans into shorts. Within thirty seconds, he looked likes a completely different person. We called 911 back and gave the new description and his new location.

A middle aged man wearing a ‘Just do it’ NIKE hat suddenly rode up to me on his circa 1980s huffy, grabbed my shoulder told me to stop following. He said “I’ll make serious trouble for you”., I knocked his arm off me stood my ground and told him I was not going anywhere. He looked into my eyes and saw I was not going to back down so he retreated. I caught back up to the thief who had just turned a corner and observed as two other homeless placed a blanket over him and then walked away. If I had not seen it I would have easily walked past him. We called 911 again and let him know he was now hiding under a blanket several blocks away.

As John spoke to the operator, a lady wearing a black jacket and minis skirt lunged at me and tried to take my phone. She held on tight and with all her might tried to take it from me. Another man arrived on a BMX and grabbed my arm. I got her to let go and let the new man know I meant business and to stay away. He got the message and stayed on his bike. He did though also threaten me and said “Watch your back”. As I questioned this lady on why she was trying to take the phone she saw two city employees in yellow vests and started screaming “Help I am being harassed!”, hoping they would believe her. They looked in our direction then looked away and kept working. She continued screaming and the man jumped out from under the blanket ran away with another group of individuals that seemed to appear from nowhere. There were five of them and he blended in with them in the middle and walked away.

Jon called 911 once more and they finally told them they would not pursue because we were not the victims. We asked the operator to reconsider, reminding her we were eyeball witness, filmed it and knew exactly where he was. She reiterated they would not pursue and told us to do the same.

The last few photos I took was of him jumping into a car. It came out of nowhere and it was clear they were following us the entire time. The driver got out, stared me down then jumped back in and sped off.

This entire event happened over a twenty minute period and about twenty blocks. While relieved I got the items back, I was also very frustrated with how impossible it was to get a police officer to arrest a clearly guilty person. That is when it dawned on me why smash and grabs and most other crimes now occur in the middle of the day with multipole witnesses. There are no consequences. What I witnessed was organized crime. There were spotters, enforcers, harborers, a woman screaming fake claims to distract what she had done and a getaway driver. All told there was at least twelve people involved and all did not hesitate in getting physical and to threaten anybody that got in their way. They were very organized and it was clear they had done this dozens if not hundreds of times before.

There's much more at the link.  I highly recommend that you take the time to read the whole thing.

This incident happened in Seattle, a city that's almost given up on trying to maintain law and order, and surrendered much of its municipal authority to street people and drug gangs.  There are other cities as bad:  Portland, Oregon comes to mind.  Other major cities have entire suburbs that are effectively off-limits to police unless they enter in force, with backup available.

Last month I wrote:

I sometimes get the feeling I'm talking to a brick wall when I keep warning about the dangers of living in "big blue" cities, because few people appear to take my warnings seriously.  Nevertheless, I'll keep providing evidence, in the hope that at least some of my readers may see the light in time, and get the hell out of them before it's too late.

If you didn't read it at the time, please click over there and read that article now.  I meant every word of the warning I provided then.  This incident merely confirms what I had to say in July.  Our major cities are increasingly becoming unlivable, because the authorities there are refusing to do their duty and control crime and urban decay.  They appear to think that pandering to the low-lifes will keep them in power.  They may be right.  Unfortunately, if you're not a low-life, that means you're out in the cold.

Note the police response in this incident.  Do you want to hear them saying that to you, after your wife has been assaulted, or your kids beaten up, or . . . you fill in the blank.  Do you?

Need more evidence?  Consider the result of Andy Ngo's court case in Portland, and the blatant intimidation by Antifa of any and every right-thinking person involved.

Get out of our big blue cities, now - or live with the consequences (if they let you).



  1. I worked my way through college in the mid 70s working for the phone company working on a multiracial crew in the Black Slums of South Central Los Angeles. Things were bad then and we were attacked often. I saw killings and almost got killed. Overall there were were areas the police would not go and we would only go during certain times.

    I left California my home state in 96 due to business with my wife and family. Many of my relatives and friends have also left but some have not, but they say it has gotten much worse. The lack of Law Enforcement will lead to vigilantes to take over when there is no real government.

  2. As JG noted:
    Committees Of Vigilance are about fifteen minutes into the future in multiple places.

    The state wishes, in general, to have a monopoly on the use of force.
    The other half of that social contract is that they will diligently protect the citizenry and enforce the laws.

    If they forfeit one, they lose the monopoly on the other.
    Nature abhors a vacuum.

    Now imagine that story, but with the author carrying a loaded .45, and a couple of spare magazines, and re-write it as it will be, sooner than later.

    No police are coming? becomes
    No police are coming!!!
    Open season, and screw the bag limit.

    1. On SurvivalistBoards forum, a thread asks:
      * 'after the collapse, what should I do about goofballs camping in my yard!'.
      Eugene, Oregon.
      Discussions with property owners and business owners suggest goofballs camping in your yard will not be a problem.
      Apparently, the goofballs will go 'floppy' in the first half-hour.

  3. yeah, saw the way the trend was going years ago and left philly as soon as I could. when you have to stand guard over the stuff you just bought as you bring it in the house, you know things are bad. and the cops? forget them. they only come and write up the history of what happen.
    there used to be 2 good supermarkets within walking distance
    but not anymore. they both closed due to shoplifting.
    the one tried though, hired more guards, one way in and out
    still didn't stop them. the one guy I talked to said the store will close once it gets over 5 grand a month.
    the last market closed 3 months later. dave in pa.

  4. Yep, carry everyday, and be ready to use it! Sometimes that nail really IS a nail and you need to use that hammer.

  5. This is the legacy of Fentanyl Floyd/ BLM riots. Go ahead. Enforce the law on blacks. You want your city looted and burned? The blacks have effectively declared themselves above the law. It is bad enough that they have trashed every single city and town they occupy. Now the cities and towns are their turf, not America's. Any cop who has to kill a violent perp will end up crucified by the leftist courts. A cop would be a fool to try and stop them. So what's the answer? What's the solution? Try to aggressively rein them in and we risk a national race war. I fear it is coming.


  6. gotta a cuppla really dumb question !
    to what lengths may we go (under various state laws) to protect our possessions?
    to what lengths may we go (under various state laws) to protect our families?
    to what lengths may we go (under various state laws) to protect ourselves from immediate bodily injury?

    do you live in a state (area) where the local district attorney will not prosecute you for defending your rights?

    how can this be ameliorated (understanding that the ballot box no longer works)?

  7. Excellent questions Boron.

    Prevention vs revenge is my goal as a raped friend isn't un-raped after we smoke a predator.

    Some folks dream of an era where a 45 and spare magazines would take care of the trash problem, never accepting that the THUGS have cell phones also and the Police WILL ARREST YOU for murder.

    Cities are the most surveilled areas in America. Stores have surveillance, people have cell phones (even homeless ones) freaking street lighting has some surveillance cameras built in. License plate readers and so on.

    The Mack Bolan school of counter surveillance with the nickel in one shoe, sunglasses and stolen plates doesn't work well WHEN the Police REALLY WANT you.

    Committees of vigilance require the government quietly supports it or turns a blind eye to it. Neither are the facts on the ground as of 8/11/2023.

    Difficult subject.

  8. Re. the DA's who coddle criminals.

    You may have heard of the Sikh 7-11 people who laid a beating on the black shoplifter. I heard the local police were reviewing whether to charge the Sikhs with assault. They later arrested the beaten shoplifter.

    Why, did the Sikh shopkeepers not get charged?

    Sikhs are very tribal and look out for each other against all outsiders. (They kill each regularly).

    If the shopkeepers had been charged the DA would lose the next election. Also there is the potential that the Sikh shopkeepers may have Babar Khalsa connections. If so, the DA who charged the Sikh would have a good chance of experiencing an explosive disassembly.

  9. Head over to the Anonymous Conservative blog if you want to see more discussion of this incident and others. It's a lot more sinister then mere organised street crime!

  10. Why, did the Sikh shopkeepers not get charged?

    Sikhs are very tribal and look out for each other against all outsiders. (They kill each regularly).

    If the shopkeepers had been charged the DA would lose the next election.

    REMINDING the DA and Police often WHO they work for has been useful in my little New England area. WORKS for Teachers and Principals also.

    The Powers that BE want us divided and thus weak. Getting out with friends and showing up at meetings DOES work far better than sitting around the keyboard alone typing about shooting our way out of tyranny.

  11. When I read the article and saw the pictures, my first thought was Antifa.

    I be read a couple of his other articles, and a quote from a homeless interview stood out: “ They are loving us to death”.

  12. JG and JWM,

    If you had sought out the original link, you'd find that these organized folks are mostly white. There are pics.

    My suggestion for this crap is to keep a knife on you.

    And stab tires.

    Getaway cars don't run so good on flat tires, and you can't be tried for much for killing a tire.

  13. Since the "justice" system refuses to do it's job that leaves only one recourse for victims. The oldest form of justice in the world...vigilante justice. Just be careful to not leave any evidence behind because the corrupt system has no problem crucifying anyone who actually fights back against systemic corruption.

  14. Two decades ago, BisonPrepper James M Dakin explained the RulingParasites abandoning an area:
    * road and other maintenance is reduced
    * utilities are reduced -- 'rolling black-outs', water on alternative days
    * LawEnforcementOfficials are reduced until they are cloistered in their fortified offices.
    Why abandon an area?
    * natural resources -- coal, petroleum, lumber -- become less profitable.
    * human resources become less profitable -- wages, health care, pensions
    * human resources in the form of easily-manipulated voters and urban non-producers become too expensive.

  15. Homeless and illegals camping in your backyard is not an SHTF scenario. It is happening now. Last week the police in a neighboring town arrested a group of squatters from Manchester (NH) who were camping out on a resident's farm. This is the second phase of the invasion and it is underway in rural towns where nobody expected the urban orcs to infiltrate.

    Always carry and be ready to defend yourself, and enroll your neighbors in a neighborhood defense association if possible. If you see a group of trespassers on your farm, take the AR before going out to confront them.

  16. good to tell people to leave blue cities, but they need to leave those blue city mentalities behind as well, otherwise the good parts of this country, will see the same deterioration. It is a matter of being engaged, and doing your research before just voting for voting sake.

  17. Re: talking to a brick wall. Go back to anonymousconservative, he has been discussing the internet being used to create silos where you think you are reaching the world but you are in a restricted room with only a few people and bots.

  18. "Let it fall down, let it fall down, let it all fall down." H/T to James Taylor. You can call it a tipping point, trigger effect, or whatever. I saw this coming when I was a Peace Officer in SoCal many years ago. And now, sheeple, normies, and cucks in places like Beverly Hills, Westwood, Yorba Linda, Newport Beach, etc. are meat on the table for these savages. But they voted for it. Amerika ist verloren. Bleib ubrig. - DTW

  19. This is related. Abandoned homeless camp found in Oregon forest.
    Mind boggling how many people would've been living here.

    1. For somebody with nothing, they sure throw a lot of it away.

  20. "Why did the Sikh shopkeepers not get charged?"
    Because they check one of those boxes, silly!
    White shopkeepers would be in jail right now.

  21. Large Marge like two legged rats they eat what they want and defecate on the rest.

    Lovely neighbors to have squatting on your land or next door stealing from you.

    Something to "enjoy" even more in the law free Democrat Paradice. Where the police will not respond except to Protect THEM from you.

    A real problem coming soon to a neighborhood near you as they bus them like illegal immigrants to your area.

  22. Change will never occur until the following occurs:
    -those who sanction lawlessness are made to pay
    -their agents suffer retribution, either official or unofficial. In Brazil rampant crime resulted in citizens carrying firearms and dishing up instant justice. Officials who protected the thugs often found themselves the victims of organized theft rings who broke into their homes and managed to maim or kill those inside.
    -the thugs themselves must be made aware that their are consequences. Broken legs, gun shot wounds, a visit to explain to St Peter are lessons not lost on the jungle class.
    -Law abiding citizens must learn that being armed is worth more than an entire police force on the phone.
    -The justice system is a bad joke designed to protect scum, grifters, frauds and perverts while prosecuting the industrious class.

    -Remember Jefferson said when faced with tryanny the "tree of liberty had to be watered with the blood of tyrants."

    The FBI, ATF, DOJ are the Stasi. Treat them as such.
