Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Bear heaven?


Alaskan wildlife reminds me very much of African wildlife - they do as they please, and don't give a damn if you don't like it!

A mama black bear and her cub had their fill of sweets Tuesday morning when they climbed into a van delivering Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and devoured several boxes of the freshly baked treats.

The van was parked on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson when it happened. As a delivery driver was making a regular stop at an Express store on base, he briefly left the van door open to deliver doughnuts to the store. That’s when the mother bear and her cub snuck inside.

“You could hear them breaking open the packages,” said Shelly Deano, manager of the JBER store. “We were trying to beat on the van but they just kept eating all the doughnuts. They ate 20 packages of the doughnut holes and I believe six packages of the three-pack chocolate doughnuts.”

Deano called base security, which eventually got the bears to leave the van by blasting loud sirens. She said they ambled off into the nearby woods.

There's more at the link, including a video report with pictures of the bears chowing down.

Momma bear and cub on a sugar high . . . no wonder the locals didn't want to get too close!  I bet they'll be chasing after every Krispy Kreme delivery truck they see from now on.



  1. Sadly, a fed bear is soon to be a dead bear...

    Yogi got it very, very wrong.

  2. Glad 2 c u r still with us.
    I'm posting this over @ the Twitter thing to drive more traffic for you.

  3. Hey, Booboo! Yummy donuts!!!

    Idunno, Yogi...

  4. I often have an opportunity to take home the left-over doughnuts from the office; in my case it's the racoons that get to enjoy them.

    Nothing like watching the face of juvenile racoon as it gets into it's first-ever doughnut - their entire face changes as their brain goes into sugar hyper-drive... LOL

    I figure at some point PETA will show up and require an insulin dispenser...

  5. Bears and cops being referred to as bears, who is imitating whom in the donut eating world?

  6. At least it was only black bears.

    My father was stationed at King Salmon in 1968-69, which was a forward airstrip/ radar installation under Elmendorf's command (at least to my understanding).

    He told me nobody was ever allowed outside unless at least one man had a high-powered rifle, because of the polar bears!

  7. I wish I could eat that many donuts.

  8. Mama Bear: “Junior, get to know these Krispy Kreme trucks. Hard shell on the outside but soft, chewy and sweet on the inside.”

    Perfect way to put on fat for the winter.

  9. I lived in Valdez Alaska and worked at the fish hatchery from 1990 to 2010 and during egg take season we had a lot of bears around. I think the only reason we didn’t have an idiot tourist mauled was that they were so well fed. One time a mama grizzly and three cubs actually jostled some tourists who were crowding they when they were trying to get an across the bridge and up the hill. Once in a while we popped an overly forward black bear with a beanbag shot shell when the tourists were not around. Last of the season night shift had to watch out when making rounds or cleaning raceways.
