Thursday, September 28, 2023

James Bondage? Don't laugh. It could come true.


Daniel Greenfield notes that "woke" has come to the James Bond canon.

Even though Ian Fleming has been dead since 1964, [his] estate turned to other authors to prime the giant money pump. Initially new Bond novels were written by prestigious writers like Kingsley Amis or former military men like John Gardner, but in more recent years turned the books over to wokes.

The latest of these come from Kim Sherwood, a University of Edinburgh lecturer who is interested in “women’s stories” and was authorized to write a feminist James Bond trilogy.

How do you write a feminist trilogy around one of the least feminist fictional characters around?

Easy, get rid of him.

In the new feminist novels, Miss Moneypenny has been promoted, Q has been replaced by a computer, and Bond by a woman, a black man and a Muslim man.

Sherwood’s feminist trilogy of Bond novels has the superspy go missing while she invents new zeroes to take his place. Sherwood’s “feminist perspective” on James Bond gets rid of the white man and offers an “ensemble cast of heroes who we can all identify with.”

“I want to bring a feminist perspective to the canon,” Sherwood pitched, to “create a space for all of us to be heroes.” As long as they aren't white men. The new zeroes prioritize “inclusivity, female heroes, and heroes of colour” including a black gay disabled 004, a female 003 and a Pakistani Muslim 009.

Sid Bashir, the Muslim replacement for James Bond, remembers standing by his mother’s side at an Islamic cultural fair after 9/11 under a banner reading, “Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic.” Another scene quotes the Koran and has Bashir saying, “May Allah bless your family.”

“I was born poor, black and gay, I know about hard times,” 004 who, it is important to note, is black and gay says.

There's more at the link.

Perhaps, as an author, I could turn my hand to writing something like that.  The possibilities are almost endless.  Even James Bond's official number, 007, lends itself to a "woke" narrative.  I mean, clearly the two zeros need to be fitted with frowning eyelids, to disapprove of his patriarchal sexist antics, while the "7" is obviously a graphical representation of a limp, dangling . . . well, never mind.

On second thoughts, I'll stick with the old macho, sexist Bond.  He's a lot more fun.



  1. If that scene was done today by the crew above, the mind boggles at what might appear on that parachute.

  2. I wonder how well that screenwrite of James Bond would do. Possibly as much as 6 or 7

    The comment of "As long as they aren't white men". Raycissst anyone?

    Note: spelling on purpose.

  3. Just follow the logic:
    "In the new feminist novels, Miss Moneypenny has been promoted, Q has been replaced by a computer, and Bond by a woman, a black man and a Muslim man"

    So it takes 2 non-white men and a woman to equal one white man? Isn't this sexist and white supremist hatemongery? Asking for a friend.

    I had a female friend who was Chinese. She hated EEO because that said to her without all the help she couldn't perform or ever be as good as Caucasians.

  4. Jesus wept.

  5. Still have the old set of Ian Fleming paperbacks my aunt gave me.
    I will cherish them even more.

  6. I enjoyed the Bond series as such. The books and the films were different with the steam kaliope (metaphor) playing throughout the movies reminding you to suspend reality. They were entertaining.

    If I'm not entertained, I won't watch the production. I know that I'm not alone. It's not a racial thing with me usually unless it's racially stupid. However with Bond, why not just not make Bond films. Call it something else maybe "Bent"?

  7. That clip was done back when they actually did special effects. Today, it'd just be a few twists & turns in front of a green screen. Doesn't have the same feel as previously.

  8. This is exactly why I wish nothing but complete economic failure and popular rejection for the writers, cinema production companies, and movie houses that traffic in this woke nonsense. Please, invest millions in this tripe. And with a little luck, the public will refuse to purchase it, books or movie tickets.

  9. I watched my last Bond movie when 007 died at the end in a fiery rocket attack. End of the Bond story as far as I'm concerned.

    In a similar vein, I watched John Wick 4 on a long flight yesterday. Very stylistic and well done with lots of satisfying violence. But Wick dies at the end, so any attempt to resurrect the series EVER, I won't be watching.

  10. 'Sherwood’s “feminist perspective” on James Bond gets rid of the white man and offers an “ensemble cast of heroes who we can all identify with.”'

    So, as a White man, since I can't identify with this cast, does that mean I don't exist? Am I not included in "all?" Wow. I feel so oppressed right now. I mean, I Can't Even.

    Another historic icon hijacked by self-important wastes of protoplasm who've been 'educated' beyond their intelligence.

  11. Why not? It worked so well with Ruby Rose and "Batwoman."

  12. In my humble opinion the best attempt at a female Bond was the movie Atomic Blonde released in 2017. Charlise Theron stars as an agent sent to Berlin in the last few days before reunification. Quite violent, many twists and turns in the plot, and a final gotcha at the very end. And rated hard R both for the violence and sexual contend to be warned. Still what I consider a well crafted shot even though the story slips from reality into fantasy at times, but that's in keeping with the Bond films in general.
