Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Quite so...


Matt Bracken posted this picture on Gab.  It made me laugh, partly because it's funny, but also because it's true.  No man can get pregnant.  Period (you should pardon the expression).  If someone threatens to harm him/her/itself if you don't agree with the contrary . . . well, that's their problem.  It's not yours.

The blind insistence by the trans community that their wishes can deny and defy medical reality is the biggest single strike against them.  When are they going to grow up?



  1. Just call them "Science Denier" and walk away.

  2. The "trans community", if there could ever be such a thing, want you to ratify their mental aberrations regarding gender. I adamantly refuse to do so. Someone who thinks that they are in the wrong body has a severe mental condition and should not seek nor be given anything which supports their delusion.

  3. Of all the crazy stuff going on now, this offends me the most. Men walking around stating that they are women and walking in to women's bathrooms.

  4. I think you've hit the nail on the head: "grow up".
    They're still attention-seeking children.
    What bothers me the most is that my generation raised them this way.

  5. Thanks, Ferret. I'm saving that one for future use. :-》 John in Indy

  6. If you lose a limb, are you not still a man or a woman? So, if you’re castrated or have a mastectomy, are you not STILL a man or a woman. You aren’t “trans” because you say so. Pregnant man? As far as I know, self conception is impossible. Don’t take my word for it, I’m not a doctor.

  7. That’s a George Alexopoulos cartoon, aka @gprime85. He deserves credit for it, he’s a good guy.

  8. Their problem. Not my circus, not my monkeys....

  9. We've lived with obvious lies about equality and immigration and economics and everything else pushed by the Left for generations now. What's one more lie?

  10. Being as how they are mentally ill, there is no "growing up" about to happen. They need to be institutionalized and helped and if help isn't possible, ignore them.

  11. 1, they are leftists so who cares what happens to them. 2, the suicide rate among those infected is high, it gets higher when given hormones as well as emotional support. 3, the suicide rate gets higher still when surgically modified.

    Time to make the tranny drugs over the counter (older men rejoice, cheep testosterone) and the surgical modifications more affordable, perhaps by training the new diversity hires at med school to do the procedures. I am picturing that Oprah meme where she is throwing her arms out, " You get a trans surgery, You get a trans surgery, EVERYBODY gets a trans surgery." As long as it is the kids of libs? Chop away.

  12. Sort of on topic, while watching an ad last night on some sort of TV it contained a cute cartoon family of brown bears. I wondered why there wasn't a black bear in there somewhere, you know, for reasons that appeal to DIE.

  13. Unfortunately, you cannot "hold-your-breath" to death.

  14. I have the utmost contempt for people who threaten suicide or self-harm to get their own way. Were I threatened with "I'll kill myself if you don't do what I want!" I'd hand that person a dagger and say "Go for it! Write your death poem, kneel down, and apologize to the Emperor!"

    Transgenders are insane, and my prescription for them is fifty years apiece in the kwanliso. That'd teach them better.
