Tuesday, October 3, 2023

"This is about preserving the United States of America"


Tucker Carlson and Victor Davis Hanson discuss American politics today, with particular emphasis on the attack from the progressive left on the constitution and American legal system in the context of the charges against President Trump.  It's a must-see, IMHO, and I strongly recommend that you take half an hour to watch the whole thing.  As Carlson states;

"This is a dangerous moment.  Without a legitimate legal system, people will no longer follow the law, and the country will collapse.  This is not about Trump;  this is about preserving the United States of America - but Trump is at the center of the story."



  1. Looking at a map of the largest denominations by county in the US has convinced me the US has to break up along religious lines and form nations based on religion. California is 100% Catholic, every county, and muxh of that coast is with Utah as the buffer between the papal states and the rest of the nation. The Bible Belt is mainly Baptists. Then New York and adjacent puke holes are mainly Catholic again. Montana and upper areas there seem mainly "mainline." Christian Nationalism would never work for the whole nation as it is now due to these differences so it will have to break up into regional nations based on primary denomination.

  2. "separatus" - My commentary is in direct opposition to your proposed position - and I'm not picking a fight because I would defend your right to your opinion to my last breath.

    Tribalism, factionalism, anything that breaks us in the US apart is not the answer - in fact it's exactly the tactic being employed so successfully against the US population. Black vs white, the people vs the cops, the divisions around gender, religion etc. Religious lines didn't work so well in Ireland (or anywhere else for that matter). We are the UNITED States of America. It made us strong and if we so choose - can again.

    A big lesson I learned in the Army - if you take care of yourself and the two buddies on your left and right (no matter who they are or what they may be) and EVERYONE just does that one simple thing - we'll win. We're all in this together - and those who would divide us do so not to help us, but to control us.

  3. The appropriation of Trump's properties puts me in mind of a quote from Friedrich Engels, “...the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.”

  4. I suspect that we are past the point of no return. It's too late to save what was. We must start over and build anew. That will require getting rid of the corrupt, disintegrating mess that now exists. The process will be neither pleasant nor peaceful. But it will be necessary. And there will be no guarantees of success or a return to greatness....or even of survival.

  5. The United States will not survive in its present form. It will break up along tribal lines.

  6. Seems reminiscent of a president who invaded the South to "preserve the Union"....... thereby violating the very Constitution he stated he was trying to preserve......

  7. Down the toilet. We will never be allowed to elect anyone not approved and owned by the deep state.

    Keep your powder dry and your guns close. Be needing them soon.
