Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Tucker Carlson drives home the point


Yesterday we listened to Neil Oliver discussing the immigration dilemma in Ireland and Europe;  how untold numbers of immigrants had poured across borders with little or no control, their presence imposed upon locals by globalist-oriented governments who didn't care about national culture or history.  If you missed that video clip, I highly recommend watching it as soon as you can.

Now Tucker Carlson drives home the same point in a discussion with Steve Bannon.  It's blunt in its analysis, but also entirely correct, IMHO.  Don't miss this one.

The outraged reaction of many Irish to the events of the past weekend is entirely understandable.  What scares the globalists is the thought that such reactions might need to electoral change, as we saw in the Netherlands just last week.  (You can read more about the background to that electoral upset here - it's well worth your time.)  The globalists dare not lose power right now, when they're so close to forcing their views and their policies on the rest of us.  Resistance cannot be tolerated - so they're trying to crack down on it, to rule by decree rather than democracy.  The same is happening in the USA, with the progressive left seeking to politicize the security organs of government and use them against their opponents.

Listen to the Carlson interview all the way through, and don't ignore it.  He and Steve Bannon speak the truth.  If it's taken down by Rumble (from where I embedded it above), you'll find the original on X.



  1. This is why the globalists are on the brink of disallowing elections.
    Because elections are a "danger to democracy."

  2. yeah, kind of what I have been thinking for a while now.
    we not going to be able to vote our way out of this mess.
    unless we get really lucky. and I have my doubts about that. as I have pointed out to others why else are people who never thought about owning a weapon are now getting one ? even the so called normal people know and feel something is very wrong here. so, now is the time to talk with your neighbors and find out how they feel and think about this.
    when there is a mob coming up your street or road is a bit too thing I did stock up on is candy. granted many might think of this as a waste. but, when everything is going to hell, a bit of candy for someone kids will be worth millions in good will. same thing , a hot cup of coffee or tea will bring a smile to someone face when they are cold or tired. and I think this is going to get really bad for most people. the cities will burn like never before. I think they want to rule over what might be left. and food will be their weapon of choice.
    but, what do I know. I hope I am wrong about this. dave in pa.

  3. "we not going to be able to vote our way out of this mess."

    Unless we do a whole lot of Rooftop Voting.....

  4. Read our Declaration of Independence. The despots ate running the show. We have a Duty to replace them when enough is enough

  5. The thing is, Anonymous... your Declaration of Independence was signed by and was the end result of years of Colonial landowner and especially merchant ELITE dissatisfaction with the political and economic state of play.

    Plus said Colonial Elites were playing for the Brass Ring. If they could kick out the British then THEY would rule. And get to have statues made of them in togas LARPing as Roman senators.

    It wasn't just Muh Libertayyyyyy. And it wasn't a bunch of Barcalounger Bass Fishers leading and financing the gig. Nothing 'Grass Roots' about it except for the cannon and musket fodder.

    They won. Then they ruled... Then they became corrupted... Now your old WASP ruling class is largely replaced by 'Russian/Eastern European' late C19/Early C20 Immigrants (you should know who I mean -- just look at makeup of Biden's cabinet surnames/physiognomy.. if I say the word blog host will likely censor) plus some various other Mystery Meats.... many subcontinentals on the up and up giving aforementioned Bagels a run for their dirty money.


    But the point is they are a functioning (nasty and dysfunctional, but still they control the power of the state) Elite and throwing them off is not as simple as Citizens rising up.

    You still need an educated elite to take over after the uprising who have some . Or the Barcalounger Bass Fishing Billybobs with the AR-15s get hoodwinked again. You saw this with the Trump administration. Trump could not hire or co-opt sufficient elites with any loyalty to himself and his program (mostly hot air anyway) to get anything done. Anybody capable of operating at that level wouldn't touch him with a barge pole.

    And make no mistakes. Grass Roots uprisings don't last or work unless they have backing from a faction of the elites. Perhaps in the future some tech titans might need Billybob canon fodder to get to a political environment which suits THEM more than current woke arrangements?

    All the above true and pessimistic and cynical statements being so, it's still satisfying to put the Fear of God into Elites from time to time and exercise the National Razor. So there's that.

  6. People are slowly waking up to the realization voting isn't going to bring about their desired goals. That goes for both sides!
    I can say and articulate the fact that the left has been winning the last several years, yet some on the left still protest. The right is too scared and complacent to protest, but THAT is the part that's changing (e.g. Ireland).
    Brush fires are swift, they spread very quickly, even when tamped out, if the tinder isn't removed (via means or burning), it's just sitting there waiting for a spark.
    Less metaphorically speaking, the WORLD is a powder keg. Everyone, on all sides, from all stripes.
    The issues in play today (Abortion, Gun Control, Free Speech) are extremely strong and polarizing, with both sides being ginned up.
    There won't be a peaceful solution.
    Strauss and Howe cover this in the 4th Turning book. Historically there is a build-up, an explosive period of change lasting a couple years (most feel that's where we are now), and afterwards one side enters the dustbin of history while the other continues on for another 250 years.
    That their theory, now you don't have to read the whole book.
