Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Crudded out


My wife's been battling a sinus infection for over a week, and I guess my turn has come around.  I was coughing and spluttering and feeling miserable all yesterday, and didn't sleep well last night.  I'm really not in a fit state for blogging right now.

I'll try to put up something later this morning, once the medication kicks in and my nose has stopped dripping on the keyboard.  Until then, please amuse yourselves with the blogs listed in the sidebar.




  1. Fighting off a stubborn headcold myself at the moment. God created Alka-Seltzer Cold & Flu on the 8th day.

  2. Lots of rest, hot tea and whole chicken soup adding (don't cook) kimchee added in.

    You'll need a LOT of Nose wipes with that soup. But it's my go to for the "I wanna die flu".

    Warning, you will reek of garlic so no visiting vampires.

  3. Ginger Tea and turmeric. Chop up the roots.

  4. Same with me and my wife, we both tested positive for Covid.

  5. That time of year, especially with the weather and temp fluctuations. Almost bought a Navage to clean out the gunk and dust, apparently helps a lot.

    1. Problem with Navage is that if you are too congested it will not force everything out. Too much risk to eustachin (?) tubes and ears. I have one and love it when congestion isn’t too bad.

  6. I'm getting over it. The sinus part was liveable, but the stuffed ears and random coughing episodes were ... not fun. Especially during Concert Week.


  7. If you start coughing, and you're not driving, try a hot toddy. Warm booze with honey and orange juice, perfect for coating the throat and calming the cough reflex, warms the lungs and aids expelling what needs expelling. And much more tasty than any over-the-counter drug and usually more effective.

  8. Seconds on the chicken soup. Plenty of fluids and rest, and I hope y'all are better very soon!


  9. Get well soon Mr. Grant. And the little lady too!

    Just a note for your readers, COVID is back, but not nearly as bad as 2 years ago. We are getting a fair number of patients, but they are mostly not very sick with it. Big difference. Also lots of RSV in older folks. Worse than COVID in many respects.

    Care is basically whatever works for you for a normal cold. The suggestions given by people above are as good as anything. Get lots of sleep, a Benadryl or melatonin at bedtime might be a good idea. That said, if you get short of breath, a trip to the ER isn't a bad idea.

  10. My wife and I had been struggling with a persistent cough for two weeks, and although we had no cold or flu symptoms, it seemed to be getting worse just before kids and grandkids were arriving in a few days. We knew there would be a six week wait to see our PCP, so we went to the local urgent care. At 4:30 PM, the waiting room was empty, but they said they were fully booked until closing. After 8 PM, we could schedule an appointment for the next day using their online Web site. So we waited until 8:05, spent twenty minutes cursing at the defective Web site trying to make an appointment, tried three different browsers--nothing worked. Noticed a little box saying that Gigantus Horribilis Health Care Inc. now had online doctors.

    I figured at this point I had nothing to lose, so I downloaded the free app, put in the usual personal info, and five minutes later I was talking to a doctor. He listened to my symptoms, told me I had bronchitis, and prescribed three drugs and sent them directly to my pharmacy. My wife did the same thing after I was finished...also took her no more than five minutes. It was wonderful....

  11. This is anecdotal, with a data point of one, so feel free to disregard.

    I used to get 1-2 sinus infections pet year, sometimes turning into bronchitis. I started taking live conscious brand d3/k2 capsules along with zinc picolate. Haven't had a sinus infection/bronchitis since.

    I did catch Covid after sitting next to an infected person, but until I was tested, thought I had a minor head cold. YMMV.
