Thursday, December 28, 2023

The crud is still going strong...


I'm still battling to overcome the crud that hit me a couple of weeks ago.  I feel like death warmed up, and I'm trying to do as little as possible while I give my body time to heal.

I won't be putting up more blog posts today unless things improve significantly.  Sorry about that, but this bug is a very nasty one.



  1. Get some rest Peter, feel better soon.

  2. I'm on the rebound after a sinus thing that lasted 10 days. Don't recommend it. Since the last few rounds that went through Day Job missed me, I guess I was due.


  3. I'm avoiding it like the pl... well... I'm avoiding it. So far.

  4. Get well soon, Peter. I have some version of the crud that I picked up just before Christmas and can empathize.

  5. Went over to the inlaws place for Christmas & they didn't tell us that everyone had something, threw the presents down & departed post haste. The wife has to work & I have waterfowl to chase, don't need to get sick. Haven't got anything yet.

  6. I get it Peter. In fact I got it too. So I think I know what you're going through I won't tell you how long it took to just put this together. Sleep. Get Well.

  7. I've had it about two weeks. The worst of it is gone, but some congestion remains. I found that vitamins and extra rest do more than anything else. That, and over-the-counter cold medications for nighttime use.

  8. Ex Navy? It sounds like the Filipino Fall Apart. Go se the doc...

  9. Nothing I did work on whatever this was. Hit the day after Thanksgiving and stayed until December 10th. Felt better on the 10th but not completely. Wasn't until the 12th I ventured from the house. All I could do was wait it out.

  10. 'Tis the season, all right. Get healthy.

    I spent the day after Christmas lethargic and not hungry, but forced myself to eat a small breakfast. Big mistake. Ended up skipping lunch, and at the first sniff of dinner, proceeded to learn my stomach was capable of storing everything I ate or drank for at least 24 hours. Even water made me uncomfortable afterwards, but it gave my kidneys something to do. Finally started eating last night. On the bright side, at least I lost five pounds.

  11. You might want to give Ivermectin a try.
    Well-documented anti-viral properties.

    Ann has a good site with info:

    From personal experience, I have been taking it since 2020 and have had zero colds, flu or covid. I used to get a cold every winter and the flu every 3-5 years.

    I use this:

    By mouth on the 1st and 2nd and the 14th and 15th of each month.

  12. Hi Peter

    Try this -

  13. Dave:
    I checked out your and see the meds are for livestock. How do you dilute the product, if any?

    1. Sir, goto the website that Dave mentioned. Instructions are on her site. Pay close attention to them.

  14. Do what you need to, we'll be around.

  15. Hi Bob
    I posted a link to Ann Barnhardt's website where she goes into detail.
    There is a link at the top of this page for FULL DOSAGE AND CONVERSION TABLES

    I use the injectable form but I take it orally. I am about 180 lbs so that would be about 3.2mls I use a 6ml syringe to withdraw it from the bottle. You do not want to open the bottle - just use the needle to pierce the rubber septum. It keeps the air and bugs out.

    I then squirt the contents into about an inch of water - it helps to cut the taste. Not bad, like a strong herbal tea.

    You do NOT want the pour-over form - that contains some insecticides as well as the ivermectin. Not anything you want to take internally.

    I am one of the 50% of the people who will get a sensitivity to light after taking it - usually after my second dose. Not bad, just odd - especially when going to sleep in a dark room.

    I know this is just personal experience but I have not had anything in the last three years I have been taking it. I will also take an additional dose if I have been around anyone with a wet cough.

    There was a case of a young girl who tried to commit suicide and she took 100X the human dosage. She was a bit loopy for three days but she survived with no after effects. It is not toxic to people.

  16. Large dosage of Vit D3 has been suggested for virus problems, as it is needed for your immune system to function properly. I'm not sure if this is a recent finding, but I saw no comments, until the covid hit, about it being so important.
