Monday, January 1, 2024

Europe in 2024: Same as 2023, only crazier


If you were planning on visiting Europe this year, you might want to reconsider that in the light of these headlines.

The Methodist Church of Great Britain Labels Terms ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ Offensive

The guidance specifically addressed the issue of gender identity as well, saying, “using a person’s chosen pronouns is helpful as it honours their identity.” The church also cautioned followers against using “Language such as ‘brothers and sisters,’ while intended to be inclusive and friendly, doesn’t take into account our non-binary friends.”

Congregants are also encouraged to use their pronouns when conversing in everyday life.

. . .

The radical language guidance from the governing body of Great Britain’s Methodist community follows even more radical actions from 2021 when the organization voted by an overwhelming margin to redefine marriage and officiate same-sex weddings. 


Leftist Politician in Germany Says Migrants Are “Entitled” to Mass Loot Grocery Stores

A shop owner in Germany was denounced as a racist for complaining about migrants mass looting his store, while a left-wing politician sided with the criminals, saying they were “entitled” to steal.

Grocery store manager Gatzke told Bild that the thieves who steal huge bags full of items are usually migrants, with around a third of them being Tunisian.

However, he was denounced as a “racist” for complaining about the mass looting and subsequently criticized by Ferat Koçak, a member of the Berlin House of Representatives for The Left party.

Siding with the criminals, Koçak suggested that the migrants were “entitled” to steal because the government wasn’t giving them enough free money in welfare payments.

Sadly, it won't be long before the USA follows Europe's example of over-the-top political correctness and democratic socialist steal-whatever-you-want greed.  I'm sure there are some pressure groups in our progressive left big cities who are already developing plans along those lines.

Oh, well.  Until that happens - Happy New Year!



  1. Re: The church - wolves in sheeps' (or, apparently in this case, shepherds') clothing.

  2. Since when is " Ferat Koçak" a German name? Of course- the interloper sides with another interloper. It saddens me no end, that common sense and reality is always sacrificed to justify thievery, lying, and insanity in all of The West. It is like a mass psychosis has overtaken every country in the world. It is obvious that Islam/Satanism has overtaken Christianity. Thou shalt not enshrined in the 10 Commandments.What a start to the New Year!!

  3. My family recently abandoned our mainstream church due to celebration of the gender stuff and implications that, if you don’t want the entire third world in your back yard, you’re a racist. We’re currently in a growing “house church” with similarly minded folks. This is in a fairly rural, notionally conservative area. We’re in for rough times…

  4. Even here in Montana, I have seen thieves walk out of grocery stores, even Barnes and Noble, and not be taken to task. It appears the stores are more worried about possible litigation and injury to their employees than stemming the tide. I have been in business, and there is NO way this ends well. More thefts, violence will occur, and a business will increase prices or go out of business. Many businesses consider themselves well run if they clear(after all bills have been paid) 2% profit at the end of the year. That's a fine line to walk.

  5. Considering that my state just had a law go into effect (thanks, 9th Circuit!) that effectively bans any form of carry outside the home, it has already gotten worse.

  6. The police are not here to protect you but to protect the criminal from you. I am fairly sure I got that from law professor Glenn Reynolds.

  7. LOL! Yes u think it's any better here?

  8. Attended a Christmas Eve church service at a Methodist church in Connecticut. Completely impotent teaching - by a woman, nonetheless. Methodists, Episcopals and Presbyterians need to exodus from those churches, and soon.

  9. It's a Turkish name. Surprise, surprise.

  10. Glad I don't have a 'reason' to be over there anymore...

  11. The USA is LEADING in over the top political correctness - Europe is FOLLOWING :D

    All this shit grew to critical mass in your your leftist Universities, bloated with taxpayer money and grotesqe student loans to become bigger than some countries economies. It was practiced in your big cities, and founded by taxpayer money, decades ago. And it was the inept handling of wars and invasions by your government that triggered massive refugee crisis and lead to it snowballing into a well funded mass invasion.

    Sorry, don't pin this on the Europeans. We still have influential conservative parties and even governments - while your "conservatives" try too hard to not be caught on grindr.

    I always get a chuckle out of it, when (just an example) Texans claim that the USA is "the land of the free" just because they can open carry. Yeah, yeah. Meanwhile the immigrants are flooding across your border and screw over your election system while you can't offer your goods and services without a license - but hey, just add another carry pistol to your collection, Tex, that will surely frighten the state attorneys that let criminals go free while fining you for not getting a seller's permit.

    Maybe the problems are homegrown but people were to busy consuming stuff that they didn't care?

  12. My mind wanders a bit but I notice some trends...
    ... We are all of the same mind, and we are not unique. There are legion of us, but we are silent in public
    ... It WILL get worse. There hasn't been any pushback, so why wouldn't they continue?
    ... It will continue until we stop it.
    ... this inversion isn't accidental, it's satanic. This is the devil at work, even if you don't believe in him. The pure inversion of everything wholesome, is how you know. The gender bending, theft is good, straight up inversion out of the bible. Satan's hands are visible.

  13. That's in the UK, not Europe. Wokeism is not translating as quickly into other languages.

  14. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but in many locals and urban areas... examples most seen in Portland Oregon and various locations in California but not limited to those most egregious examples. This problem of mass theft is so bad that most major corporations have closed their stores throughout those regions. You wont find a Walmart in those communities or any national chain drug store plus many more. They simply said they could no longer make a profit, fired everyone and locked the doors on stores in those regions. I might be being hyperbolic about firing everyone as I don't truly know that, maybe they transferred them to another store in another regions.. but somehow I don't think that happened much.

  15. Many denominations are having major percentages of their congregations leaving to churches that are still teaching biblical doctrine up to entire churches and their congregations separating from the overall denomination.

    My wife is catholic and im seeing the start or even middle of it there too. Lot of people unhappy with Francis.
