Wednesday, January 31, 2024

New York City budgeting on display


New York City mayor Eric Adams displays utter mathematical innumeracy.

Mayor Eric Adams expects the city will spend roughly $10.6 billion to care for migrants over the three-year period ending in June 2025. The city spends an average of $352 per night to care for each migrant family, city budget officials said.

I blinked when I read that, did a double-take, and read it again.

Friends, $352 per night amounts to an annual sum of $128,480.  Let me put that in words:

One hundred and twenty-eight thousand, four hundred and eighty dollars.

That's what New York City is spending per migrant family - just one of them - every year.

How many of us - or, rather, our households/families - earn $128,480 every year?  I suspect not very many of us . . .  If we earned that much, I reckon we'd be able to pay for housing, furniture, clothing, food, transport, and anything else we needed, even budgeting carefully in an expensive place like New York City.

How about New York City abandons the entire effort to shelter migrants, fires every city or state employee involved in it, cancels all the contracts with hotels and others, and simply hands over to each migrant household a cash amount of one hundred thousand dollars per year, to live there and pay their own way?  The migrants would doubtless be very happy, and the city would save millions!  The ratepayers would object, but they're already being fiscally raped to a greater extent than that by the city's current policies.  It's just that most of them haven't noticed it among all the other demands on their money.

(To those who object that such a cash hand-out would merely attract a lot more unwanted migrants to flock to New York City:  those of us living elsewhere think of that as a feature, not a bug!)

Progressive-left budgeting at work.  Sheesh!



  1. Let the migrants just squat in the unoccupied office towers.

  2. Illegal aliens. Not migrants, not immigrants, not asylum seekers, not any other thing but illegal aliens. This is the actual legal term.

  3. @Anonymous at 12:44PM: Er . . . not technically. If the US government has allowed them to enter, they're legal aliens, at least until their case has been finalized. You and I both know that they're invaders rather than migrants, economic refugees rather than seeking political asylum, but when the laws are twisted in their favor, we're between a rock and a hard place.


  4. Grifters, graft, kickbacks, scams, bribes, skimming, double billing... No chance even half that money is going towards caring for unlawful immigrants.

  5. There's no graft for TPTB if you do it the way you suggest.

    It also wouldn't cost nearly as much. Most likely the money funnels through the bureaucracy and various leftist NGOs with each one taking a cut and giving some back as political donations.

  6. The Math - NYC Median household income is $67,046 (pre-tax) and these bozo's are spending almost twice that. NYC has a 4.5 % sales tax and a 4-10.9% income tax. 5.5% at the median income. Let's assume 20% off the top for state and federal tax and that all remaining funds are spent to max sales tax. 2,950 in income tax and $2,414 in sales tax for a total of 5,364. They literally need the tax money of 24 households to support 1 invader family.

    Train, bus, plane tickets back to where they started would be much cheaper.

  7. If they were staying at any of Jared Kushner's properties we would be hearing all about 'slum lords'.

  8. sadly the federal government will vote the funds to fully cover these "costs" and NY won't be out a dime.

  9. Actually, the household income would have to be in excess of $160,000 in order to have have a take home pay of $128,480 in NYC.

  10. Uh, Peter.I am not an attorney nor any kind of legal eagle but the US Government allowing them to enter the country does not make them legal. It may make their status undefined but since they were apparently intent on entering the country regardless of the existing laws then I believe their intent determines their status.

  11. It would be much cheaper to rent large cruise lines, and give them a very comfortable trip home. That, and tell them they can't come back until they apply, follow all the rules for acquiring citizenship, and swear to follow the laws of the United States.

    In my opinion, if you enter any country in violation of its laws, you're an invader. Just because some crooked politician allowed you entry doesn't forgive you of ignorance of the law. It's not allowed for any other aspect of criminal violations. Even a traffic ticket is not defensible if your violation is described by statute.

  12. Our government doing it absolute best to burn it all down. Limited government. Blame Abe Lincoln for the mess we have now.

  13. Several of his illegal pets just beat the snot out of two cops. Immediately released.

  14. And remember, it's not just "who earns $128,480 per year?" It's "Who earns $128,480 per year AFTER TAXES?" That is what any expense is for any other person.

  15. Y'all have to understand that to the Nomenklatura; the hostile, foreign, invaders of our country are aristocracy for their services in proving that we are no longer a sovereign nation. The rest of us are mere helots.

  16. Lots of 10% for 'somebodies' there...

  17. Saw a video tonight with a comment attributed to Elon Musk. It was in reference to the city of Denver CO claiming that 40,000 illegal immigrants was "breaking" them. Allegedly, Musk commented something like "you think you have problems now, wait till you have 400,000"

  18. Considering the cost of staying in a fair hotel in Manhattan ($175-$200 a night) and per diem of $50 per person per day, HIZONER"s math is not to far off.

    They may have to rethink that sanctuary status pretty soon.

  19. New York is reaping the results of their woke idiocy. There are two things at work here.

    First, the right to shelter. There is a court decision in New York City that essentially says that if you show up and ask for help, the city has to get you shelter in a very limited time.

    Second is their 'sanctuary' status. If you advertise yourself as a safe place for unlawful immigrants then they'll show up.

    They are reaping the fruit they've sown and can't grasp the cause and the effect.

  20. Pay them nothing. No benefits. No housing. If they aren't coming here prepared to make it on their own, they should stay where they came from.

    They'll invade/migrate to the big cities whether you pay them or not.
