Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The COVID-19 scam is now plain to see - but the authorities worldwide continue to exploit it


Two of the leading lights in uncovering the lies about COVID-19 have just laid out the latest evidence that it was a deliberately manufactured plague, and that vaccines against it increase our risk of death.

The Smoking Gun - With a confession note

Emily Kopp from The US Right to Know (USRTK) has obtained additional detail about the DEFUSE proposal that is far more than a smoking gun but, in fact, is more analogous to finding the gun, fingerprint and confession note in one place.

Emily found evidence that this proposal also listed the very restriction enzyme (BsmBI) that Bruttel et al. claimed could build the virus. Not only did Bruttel et al. notice that BsmBI sites were conveniently evenly spaced throughout the viral genome and this spacing was not only NOT observed in other CVs but that this approach made complete sense as a logical path to manually assembling the genome.

Lo and behold the DEFUSE proposal actually contains NEB R0580S part numbers to order these very enzymes to construct the virus in the manner Bruttel et al. predicted.

This is a case closed event!

There is no more debate. C19 was made in a lab. Which lab and when is still a hot topic but it didn’t come from a pangolin courting a bat.

The New Zealand data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young is unassailable proof the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death

None of the leadership team at Health New Zealand is interested in the fact that their database shows they are killing New Zealanders with these vaccines. They will not let me speak to any of their epidemiologists and they won’t show me the time series analysis done by their epidemiologists for some reason. Why not? That’s the best way to silence me: just show me how I got it wrong.

. . .

When Barry has his day in court, he gets to do something none of us have been able to do: force these people to answer the questions we’ve always wanted to know the answer to but they always refused to answer.

These are questions such as:

1.  What reports did the epidemiologists create based on the NZ data showing the vaccine reduces all-cause mortality in New Zealand?

2.  What investigations were made by Health New Zealand after Barry Young informed management there was a safety problem with the COVID vaccine?

3.  How did the New Zealand epidemiologists at Health New Zealand explain the time-series analysis of the leaked data? The time-series analysis shows the vaccines increased the risk of death. If the vaccine didn’t cause this, then why were recently vaccinated people dying at a progressively higher rate than the rest of New Zealand (those of the same age). What did all these people have in common that accelerated their death if it wasn’t the vaccine?

I can’t wait.

There's more at both links.

And yet our government is still urging us to get booster shots, and those who refuse to contaminate themselves with a COVID-19 vaccine are still facing discrimination in many cities and states.

Doubling down on the manipulation of COVID-19 for government purposes, the Director-General of the World Health Organization has just warned of "Disease X", and stressed the need for even more government control of the population to avoid this so-far-non-existent disease.

Ghebreyesus, speaking in front of an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, said that he hoped countries would reach a pandemic agreement by May to address this “common enemy.”

Disease X is a hypothetical “placeholder” virus that has not yet been formed, but scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19.

It was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research in 2017 that could cause a “serious international epidemic,” according to a 2022 WHO press release.

Ghebreyesus said that COVID-19 was the first Disease X, but it’s important to prepare for another pandemic.

. . .

“The pandemic agreement can bring all the experience, all the challenges that we have faced and all the solutions into one,” Ghebreyesus said. “That agreement can help us to prepare for the future in a better way.”

“This is a common global interest, and very narrow national interests should not come into the way.”

Again, more at the link.

This is the same man who spouted the "party line" about COVID-19 for years, and exonerated China from any involvement in developing the virus (completely contrary to the evidence that has since emerged), and is pushing for a new global treaty to allow the WHO to mandate - order - national governments to take whatever action it sees fit if a new "Disease X" should emerge.  National sovereignty will be overridden by this treaty.  A global one-size-fits-all solution will be imposed on us - even if it kills us.

Well, after the disastrous display of government and bureaucratic incompetence, bungling and dishonesty over COVID-19, I'm looking forward to someone trying to lecture us about a new disease threat, and telling us what to do and how to respond and how to live, and ordering us to accept a new vaccine - or else!  I suspect many of us will have things to say - not to mention do - to anyone trying to force us to obey orders like good little proles.  That's perhaps the only good thing to come out of COVID-19;  it's taught many of us to think for ourselves, and to distrust Big Brother.



  1. OK, so we now know the truth behind COVID-19, and thanks to the brothers' videowe also know the details about the anti-American conspiracies behind the illegal immigrant invasion, and information is available about the money laundering and bio lab activities in Ukraine. .

    So what? What now?

  2. gotta dumb question:
    the Israeli government went out of its (authoritarian) way to make certain that all Iraeli citizens, Jewish and Muslim, were vaccinated;
    where is the Israeli data? where are the Israeli mortality tables?

  3. We knew this by summer 2020. We knew it by 2021, 2022, 2023 and now 2024.

    Yet when I took my wife to sign pension papers for her ex-government job, the idiots in the Health Services and Risk Management were all behind sneeze shields and there were COVID(iocracry) warnings everywhere.

    Even after all of the Covid stuff was proven wrong, including how to treat it, separation, sneeze shields all of it, the stupid city government in a state where the Governor and State Legislature said "Knock all this Covid Crap out NOW!," is still going hog wild for the Wu Ping Cough.

    Can't make this up. No amount of telling these lunatic leftists and moronic marxists, no amount of proof, no amount of actual science, will stop them from worshiping at the altar of complete stupidity.

  4. Anyone know what the normies are hearing or believe? Other than a muttered comment that I'll never take another vaccine I haven't heard this discussed in public for better than a year. In the city I do occasionally see people wearing a mask.

    Within weeks of hearing about COVID, the first molecular sequence showed gene splicing. No vaccine against a corona virus has ever been approved because they always lead to 100% mortality of the test animals. I heard this very early at the outset. I watched the CDC's own statistics. Excess mortality was up 20% with Covid but went up another 20% with the vax. Excess mortality still running around 8-10% from a wide variety of causes, but I believe they all have in common a possible root cause of the immune system attacking itself. This isn't over. I would be very interested in the response to Disease X as I wonder how many people would actually believe that sh!t.

  5. Take your ivermectin every month, it does prevent infection. Cheap and effective, what more could you want in a drug? We have found that a five day course will cure even long covid among our friends and acquaintances.

  6. Thing is, somewhere down the line, there'll be a REAL medical threat, and NO ONE will believe it... THAT, by the way, is not a bug. It's a FEATUE! After all, "WE" don't need 98% of the world's population... 'See how that works?...

    1. I’ve thought a lot about this over the past few years. With good public hygiene most diseases greatly reduce in transmissibility. Serious diseases quickly mutate into less serious ones because people stay away from people dropping over dead. I’m just going to take my chances and let God handle the rest. The cure seems to be worse than the crisis. Maybe we will use an American plan for epidemic management instead of a CCP one? We had good plans informed by American epidemic experience and valuing human rights in our files but the current crop of leaders in the CDC (am I the only one who remembers that multiple people quite their CDC or FDA job when the vaccines got approved?) are a just a bunch of Marxists looking for a reason to institute slavery (like always). The plans they want to implement are all stupid Marxists plans that lead to accidental mass starvation at best and intentional mass gennoacide at worst. The CDC is undoubtedly more ideological then before since sincere intelligent moral Doctors all left. Also I’ve even more realized that my health is ultimately my responsibility, everyone else is just and advisor.

  7. Just another Cuck that will disappoint you, like Marco Rubio. It was the decision to bail on BRICS that was the real tell.

  8. FWIW

    “COVID Didn’t Suddenly Become ‘Deadly’ In April 2020”

    “The spike in all-cause deaths that began after the lockdowns has to be explained by dozens of reasons instead of this virus. It was the response to the virus, not the virus, that better explains most of these purported “Covid deaths.”

    These reasons would/might include ventilators, remdesivir, not giving pneumonia patients antibiotics, dehydration, over prescription of powerful sedatives, isolation, panic, depression, etc.

    If we’re counting all excess deaths, the mRNA “vaccines” probably caused millions of deaths. Spikes in suicides, homicides, domestic assaults, drug overdoses, accidents, and deaths from delayed diagnoses from treatable diseases are other causes that no doubt explain the massive surge in extra deaths in the last three years.

    Basically, if my hypothesis is correct that the Covid mortality rate should have remained constant, this would mean that, even today, millions of deaths attributed to Covid probably aren’t occurring from Covid or Covid alone.

    Even I admit this would constitute a scandal almost too mind-boggling to consider…

    …but I’m considering it because that’s what my “early spread” hypothesis strongly suggests.

    If this virus wasn’t deadly in December 2019 or January 2020, it shouldn’t have suddenly become “deadly” a year later…nor today.”


  9. 'That's perhaps the only good thing to come out of COVID-19; it's taught many of us to think for ourselves, and to distrust Big Brother".
    Unfortunately not enough in my experience.
    I have a work colleague who gets another booster as soon as he is able, he is up to five or six now. Still people testing with RATs as soon as they get a tickle in their throat. I was told at Christmas that my 4yo granddaughter tested positive a month or so ago.
    All the politicians and Health Officers still have their jobs and pop up every now and then spruiking the booster for the latest variant.
    The battle for the purebloods still has a ways to IMO.

  10. The biggest problem is the artificial intelligence running loose in our supposed government whose agenda is absolute control.
