Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A warning from Elon Musk


Elon Musk tweeted yesterday:

This follows a mind-boggling report that the Biden administration has secretly flown well over a quarter of a million migrants into the USA, bypassing normal border crossings, without any background checks or other security measures.

If I were trying to find a way to import enemies to the USA, bypassing all normal security precautions, I couldn't possibly have designed a better one.  What's more, it's all paid for by the American taxpayer!!!

I fear Mr. Musk is correct.  I don't see how this can have anything other than a truly disastrous ending.

I hope and pray we're both wrong.



  1. Once again the question that should be asked is: "How much ammo do you have?"

    The answer is: "Not even close to enough."

  2. I am afraid that someday soon Kurt Schlichter's book "The Attack" is going to be listed as non-fiction.

  3. The evil I see coming is horrific. I used to joke I was to the right of Ghengis Khan. Seriously, we are heading towards roving bands of vigilantes shooting anyone that does not look like themselves. The original Vigilantes formed because they could get no trustworthy law enforcement. Going down that path leads to potential abuses, those our legal system is designed to minimize (can't eliminate). However, those in charge of our government are now at war with the American people. Most people know something is wrong. Very few, I think, recognize we are at war and so any pushback is ineffective. My mother, case in point, believes things are bad but they were in the 70's with Carter and we'll get through this. I suspect there will be an event that operates as spark to ignite all the tension.

    Two poorly educated guys ran around the DC area acting as a sniper team and shut down the area. Now imagine 100,000 such teams, 2000 per state, 1 for every rural county and multiple for every city. What could 100K teams go after. If you goal is to destroy than one team can do a lot of damage where there is maybe 1 cop on duty for every 5000 people.

    Keep in mind our gov't isn't just flying them here, they're getting phones and EBT cards. Almost as if they are troops on call. Hmmm.

    1. To hell with 100k sniper teams, 50 to 100 semi-competent teams would shut the country down

    2. Remember Charles Dorner?
      ONE guy shut down 3 counties and made the police shit their drawers.

    3. Also remember that Soviet wannabe in Connecticut who shot two St Police with a bolt rifle and ran into the woods.
      He didn't even fight the patrols looking for him, and it took a battalion a week to find him in a 10 mile area. (1,000 men)

  4. The only person the left hates more than Elon Musk is Trump....

  5. I am having a hard time deciding if the enemy within is compromised or complicit.

  6. For all places and times since at least 1900, the answer to the question of "How are things?" is always

    "Things are far worse than you imagine them to be. They may even be far worse than you CAN imagine them to be.

    Period. Full stop.

  7. The sheer hatred for a president running for reelection led to this. America, you hated Trump so much you sold your country out. That senile Old man and his funkies brought you this calamity.

  8. and, consider, the pResident will use every means at his disposal to defend his actions.
    wait and watch.

  9. I wish that I did not understand what is going on. Civil War II, here we come. A bunch of old citizens against a bunch of young invaders. The funny thing is that the Amish think that they will not be affected by the invaders but they are starting to realize that they will be overrun also. Amish is a code word for 14% of the USA citizenry.

  10. Remember how the ATF and government were going to 'punish' the FFL's they roped into Fast and Furious after it came to the public's attention. Let's sue to death all the companies that provided aircraft for this.

  11. Obama. It's all because of Obama. Obama has done this to us. Everyone else is just a pawn

  12. I spent 21 years in the Coast Guard. Our bread and butter was keeping illegal aliens and illegal drugs out of the United States. Now I watch as our "leaders" invite both into the country in copious amounts...


  13. Obama?

    He was and is a CIA puppet.

    So whomever is pulling his strings is running the show.

  14. There are a lot of people who need to feel a rope after a short drop.

    1. When?
      That is the real question.

      Better stated is, How much are you willing to tolerate?

      The country is being eansacked before our very eyes and little to none is being done abiut it.
      Indeed, the response has largely been, You are a fed, when sounding a call to action.

      A fire is better extinguished when still small.
      Yet too many seem to employ the tactic of waiting for it to burn itself out.
      Even while nigh every sentence begins, I remember when ...


  15. Peace through superior firepower.

  16. > Peace through superior firepower.

    Amen bro, amen. Works most every time that you are willing to use it.

    If your civilization is so far gone that you cannot defend yourself, God help you because no one else is going to.

  17. Hightecrebel-my point exactly. Why this many?

  18. The answer to any "how much X have you stockpiled?" question is always "none."

    Because if you say "not enough" it means you have some, and will be required to share with those less well off.

    And it is not just ammo. How prepared are you to go off grid, right now, for the next decade or more? Because intentionally or not, the electric grid will be hit.

    Oh, and remember, one can see a lite match a long way at night. That candle is much brighter than a match. Stays lit longer too.

  19. It's no wonder why the Biden Administration is so soft on human smugglers - They are participating in it themselves !

    I thought illegally trafficing people into our country is a crime. I guess it depends on how is doing the trafficing.

  20. Obama is a puffer and a packer. Tailgunner we call em.
