Monday, March 18, 2024

Local, local, local


From Ragin' Dave, writing at Liberty's Torch.  He's disgusted by the actions of our national government in allowing unchecked migration across our borders, including the very high risk of terrorist infiltration by that route.  He points out:

I never thought when I re-enlisted that I would be looking at my government as the primary evil force in this country. Sure, I didn’t trust it, but I’ve watched it go from greedy to evil in the past two decades. And the only real force I have to stave it off is local. In reality, that’s the only force any of us have. We have no control over the corruptocrats in D.C. Not really. They’re getting rich by ignoring us. I don’t see that changing any time soon. But locally? Having a network of people locally and getting prepared will be about the only real thing we can do.

True dat.  We can't do anything about Washington D.C. as individuals.  We're essentially powerless to stop their shenanigans.  We can't even be sure that voting for better candidates for Congress and the Senate will do anything, because in many parts of the country our vote can and will be manipulated, discounted, ballot-box-stuffed, and generally rendered meaningless.

What we can do is make local contacts, develop local bonds, form local support groups of like-minded people, and do our best to keep our own communities as islands of rational behavior in a sea of hysteria.  That's not an easy job, but it can be done.  I'm willing to bet that if my small town faced, say, an influx of criminal migrants, the residents would be ready, willing and able to deal with the problem before anyone in the state or federal capitals had woken up to the situation.  Our local cops would also be more than willing to ask - and receive - assistance from any and all of us, because they understand we're all in this together.  They may get orders from outsiders, but they live among us, and they know which side of their bread is buttered, and by whom.

Local, local, local.  It's very hard for one person, or one family, to withstand the madness that seems to be infecting our society and infesting our cities and towns.  It's a lot easier when people and families stand together for the values they share - and stand ready to deal with those who don't.



  1. In reality the only effective resistance will be what INDIVIDUALS do. Anonymously and without involving anyone else. Because ANY efforts to organize as a group of any size will result in said groups being infiltrated by countless "Glowies". FedBoi subversives who will hijack any meaningful efforts to change the status quo and who will create "evidence" to get honest people imprisoned.

    1. So true... I've often thought about this: how to organize given the penetration online and in person? Can't discuss it openly online, but sure would be helpful if people posted ideas about how to free Rhodesia from a tyrannical government?

  2. ALL politics is local at the root cause... Those that forget that will pay in the long run.

  3. My guess is that if the locals take care of a problem like you are describing, it will get immediate national media attention, and the state and federal governments will descend on the locals like a humanitarian aid air drop on Gaza. You'll be characterized as racist or xenophobic and rounded up as part of the "white nationalist/supremacy" problem.

    They'll be happy to hang your locals out to dry for the favorable liberal press and because they already know they can intimidate and shove your locals around with no risk to themselves. After all, they've been doing that for decades now.

    So your local solution had better include "shovel and shut up" as part of the solution.

  4. I don't disagree with what you say, however... what is to be done about the bigger problem you mention? I mean, it can't exactly be ignored, either?
    I agree we should focus on what we CAN do... but it is at least worth talking about? Do we work at the local level in the hopes it filters up?

  5. @Anonymous at 5:41PM: I can only cite the well-known advice of President Theodore Roosevelt:

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

    More than that is beyond any of us as individuals. Small groups can influence local politics. Larger groups can influence state politics. Still larger groups can influence national politics - but there are an awful lot of those groups already out there, who will fight with might and main to protect their turf and prevent others from getting a foothold on it. It won't be easy.

    Therefore, let's start with what we can do, with what we have, where we are. If enough of us do that in enough localities, it can burgeon from there.

    1. Agreed, we must do something. Apathy is harming us.

  6. Locals must develop appropriate counterforce and countervalue capabilities to deter federal intrusion beyond constitutional limits. Of course, buildng up such capabilities may result in federal intrusion regardless of constitutional limits. Kind of a catch-22.

  7. The trick will be an omerta-style approach, aka "stealth." The "front people" garner the attention while saying, and acting, in accordance with Expected Public Sentiment.

    The Real Work is done very quietly, far behind the scenery, stealthily, by Those Whom No One Knows.

    The outcome will potentially be binary: at low levels the issue is resolved with no fanfare, it "just seemed to disappear;" at some point, however, if the problem resists reduction, or reduction is wildly successful, Going Public may not only be unavoidable, it may be desirable if the movement carries sufficient strength and import to, if not overpower the authoritarian element, at least reduce its to being ineffective.

  8. "What we can do is make local contacts, develop local bonds, form local support groups of like-minded people, and do our best to keep our own communities as islands of rational behavior in a sea of hysteria. "

    This sounds a lot like *The Benedict Option*, by Rod Dreher.

    If you haven't read it, I commend it to your attention.


  9. Another thought to remember is education. Train the young back into what America was. Teach the young how to think. That arena is how we got here in the first place.
