Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Preparing for crises: to whom is our greatest responsibility?


I'm sure everybody who makes preparations for potential problems, no matter how small, has run into the sort of friend who says, "If disaster strikes, I'm coming over to your place.  You have enough to take care of us, too!"  My response to that is usually less than polite, to put it mildly.

This has led to accusations of being "un-Christian", in terms like "I'm your neighbor!  The parable of the Good Samaritan means you have to take care of me!"  The freeloaders will find all sorts of Scriptural quotations to justify their relying on you to take care of them in an emergency, rather than doing it themselves.  They don't seem to like it when I quote the parable of the wise and foolish virgins in reply.  They object, "But that's taking it out of context!  That's for when Christ returns, not a disaster!"  When I point out that, in the event of a disaster, they may be meeting Christ a lot sooner than they'd otherwise planned, they don't seem to appreciate it...

Arguments about context notwithstanding, I think the parable of the wise and foolish virgins is very applicable to preparing for difficult situations.  The "oil in our lamps" is what we need to keep ourselves and our loved ones alive and safe - well, as safe as possible - during hard times.  If we have "oil", we'll probably make it through the problems.  If we don't, it'll be a lot more difficult (and possibly more dangerous), and we may not make it through them.  It's as simple as that.

That being the case, for whom are we building up our emergency supplies?  It's not for every Tom, Dick and Harry who demands them.  I daresay none of us are wealthy enough to stockpile an almost infinite amount of goodies "just in case".  Most of us find it difficult enough to build up sufficient supplies for our own family, which must have first claim on them.  If we're fortunate enough to have a local "tribe" or extended family, people we know we can rely on in an emergency, they too may have a legitimate claim on us, just as we might have the same claim on them:  they help us, we help them.  It's a two-way street.  However, outside that sort of relationship, do we owe anything to those who have suddenly been left to their own resources when trouble comes, and realize they have none?  Do they have a tertiary claim on us?  I would argue they don't, at least not to any great extent.

Here we run headlong into the attitudes of society as a whole.  You can bet your last penny that in a disaster situation, the authorities will rely on local ordinances that empower them to confiscate anything and everything they need to help their people survive.  That will almost certainly include declaring preppers to be "hoarders" - thieves, in so many words - rather than prudent householders, in order to justify confiscating their preparations for the benefit of others.  If you have equipment or buildings that might be useful, expect to have them appropriated as well.  They won't ask your permission - they'll tell you, and if you object, you'll probably be arrested.  In larger cities, the welfare-dependent portion of the population will doubtless demand that the authorities do that, and do so themselves if they won't (yet another reason not to live in big cities).

Even if the authorities don't get that overbearing, my experience in the Third World during disasters is that local "strong men" will try to "organize" a street, or a neighborhood, or an area.  They'll send their followers to "inspect" people's homes and confiscate whatever they declare is needed to maintain order and look after the needy.  (Generally, of course, they'll keep what they confiscate for themselves, and/or demand payment in cash or in kind if you want some.)  If you object, you may be beaten up or worse;  you'll certainly be threatened and browbeaten.  (Think of the local "strong men" as an involuntary HOA, laying down rules and regulations that you may not like, but you'll be forced to follow if you want to live there.  It's just that this HOA is less likely than most to tolerate disagreement, and may be armed to enforce its will.)  Don't expect sweet reason and understanding from such folks.  In a disaster, "Karens" are all too willing to tell others what to do, and to force them to obey if they get half a chance.  (There are far too many of them in government as it is.)

This is why I and others suggest that you split your emergency preparations.  Part can be more visible, perhaps in the form of an "extended pantry", a larger-than-usual supply of canned and dried food in or near your kitchen.  If people demand to know what preparations you've made, and you're not in a position to refuse to show them, you can let them see that.  If they insist on confiscating some of it, by all means object (but not strongly enough to endanger your safety and/or that of your family).  Meanwhile, you should have more (perhaps most of) your emergency supplies hidden elsewhere, out of plain sight, either on your property and/or in a remote location like a storage unit or a friend's place that's less likely to be visited by such marauders, official or otherwise.  (Storage units may not be safe in such a situation.  They're likely to be looted, so plan to get important items out of them as quickly as possible if an emergency arises.)

Finally, expect such situations to arise in the event of a disaster or disruption.  There will be those who've made little or no preparation to endure such events, and who will turn to others such as yourself to tide them over.  It'll take firmness and determination to tell them "No", and you may have to back up words with actions if push comes to shove.  Your family is your primary responsibility, and comes first;  your extended family or "tribe" comes next as your secondary responsibility.  People who are not in those categories may ask for help, but have no right to demand it.  You have every right to refuse them if that would threaten your ability to help your primary and secondary responsibilities.

As a Christian, I do believe it's our duty to help those less fortunate than ourselves.  That's why I keep some extras in our emergency preparations, so that I can contribute at least something to those who may ask for help.  However, when those extras run out, that's it.  If others won't accept that and get pushy, then it's time for me to get pushy right back at them.  (There are those who believe one shouldn't help at all, because that will only encourage those one helps to demand more when the initial help runs out - a potential threat to our safety.  I guess that's a decision for each of us to make, based on our own consciences.)

What say you, readers?  Let us know your thoughts in Comments.



  1. In the case of the "Good Samaritan" and people using it go justify demands to "take care of me", note he didn't take the man to his home, he took him to an inn. In other words, he maintained distance between the man and himself.
    In a related instance, I've been asked by panhandlers for "money for food". If I buy a McD's meal, it's not wanted, because it's not money and I'll get a snarling response.

    To your example about the local strong man (HOA), I'll just note what happened to the homeowners after Katrina, VS the homeowners further down the coast who defended their property. Signs with: Looters get shot.

  2. Ecclesiastes 4:12

    New International Version
    Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

    In times of troubles a band of TRUSTED friends and TRUSTED Family is the cord of three cords. THOSE are what Protects you and YOU protect them.

    Outside that band is folks that are useful, useless, trouble and serious danger or some combination of these factors.

    In my case I help those that are useful and will provide food for work.

    In civilized times I note that a solo Karen sees reason IF several People acting in concert oppose them. Karens will ALWAYS try to split the group as to establish discord and her domination. But Karens fold and flee against strength.

    In not so civilized times, a thug who suddenly realized his blood is apt to be on the floor selects a different target.

    Christians stormed the beaches of Normandy, bombed Dresden and did the crusades. Whole Bible Christians that is. Salad Bar christians (lower case intentional) forgetting or ignorant of Psalms 144:

    Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

    2 My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

    Subdue my people under me, sounds pretty strong words there in our "Feel Good" "Love is Love" (SPIT) "salad bar christianity".

    In time of trouble, you have to control your AO OR someone else WILL.

    Peter says "getting Pushy", I speak plainly.

  3. If/when the SHTF any help I offer will come with conditions.

    I will have plenty of work that needs to be done. Payment for two hours of work will be a supplement to what you should have prepared or for what the gubbermint is supplying you.

    Don't expect to eat any better than I do. I don't care if you think you need to eat two pounds of beef every day. Ain't gonna happen.

    Stealing or breaking my tools is a mortal injury to my life. Expect me to treat you in a way similar to if you were slitting my throat.

    I believe it is a sin for me to care more about you and your life than you demonstrated that you care for your own life.

  4. Preps? What preps?

    I lost "everything", including most of my charity*, in tragic boating accident.

    If you have the means and don't have a modicum of extra necessities after the last four years of global fock-tradians trying to kill the world, shame on you.

    *We modestly help the very few family and friends that help themselves and aren't wallowing in stupid decisions. Also anonymously kick into a very few select local charities.

  5. Hey Peter,

    Yes, that is a concern, where many people only have a little food on hand and supermarkets don't have a lot of food on hand. I remember several years ago when the EBT went "kerbluey" for 5 hours here in Atlanta, the local denizens that depended on EBT went nuts and I heard all over the news and media "Whos gonna feed my chirren?" no preparation whatsoever. I can see a heavy handed government response where they seize people's prep for "distribution" in the name of "Fairness" and of course the people in the government will keep the best for themselves after declaring martial law suspending the Bill of Rights. Yep it will get sporting, as the "haves and Have Not" get played on the government media and guess how the spin will go.

  6. Have a special stash reserved just for looters. Arsenic and turbolax laced. A schiddy way to die....

  7. Stirling's Dies the Fire illustrated this quite well. Some groups that survived the collapse then sent out armed parties everywhere within walking/riding distance to insist that all other groups contribute whatever they had to help feed the refugees from the cities. End result for anyone unable to object effectively was "everyone starves" instead of "some starve".

  8. Peter, I thought that you might find this useful.
    Salt Curing & Smoking Cookbook: The Bible • Master the Art of Safely Preserving Your Meat, Fish, and Game with Time-Tested Techniques

  9. "[T]he authorities will rely on local ordinances that empower them to confiscate anything and everything they need to help their people survive"

    I'm sure they think that way. Where I live, I suspect those authorities will run out of people to carry out those confiscations pretty quickly.

  10. Communism is still as lethal as it ever was.

  11. All of my charity after SHTF will be given anonymously through the local church. If anybody shows up on my doorstep, I'll send them there for help.

  12. The question in my mind is what will touch it off and how fast will it happen. Very fast means preppers are in a better space, less time for govt to react. If slowly, expect govt to get very invasive. Remember, all those illegals with govt provided cell phones. The govt knows where they are and can contact them at any time.

    If you have preps, who will demand a share? Answer: The government, your neighbors, your relatives, your HOA, any crimelord that happens to see you. If you have a garden or animals, will management or harvest be left to you? Will we stop turning corn into fuel for cars and allow it to feed people? Government solutions include confiscation, but also quartering. One relative in a rural county has already seen signs in the big city. If there are problems, go out to the rural counties; they will take care of you.

    Looks like you could have a few people camping out on your property. Please be a good neighbor and feed them eggs from your chickens. We'll send supplies. Honest Injun. Slip of the tongue, forget what we did to the Indians. Really, this time, we'll keep our promises. What do you mean your chickens are already eaten?

    Why was horse stealing a death sentence in the West, because steal a man's horse and you were possibly sentencing him to death. These days you can't use force to protect mere property. Once we realize how poor we are, people will use force to protect mere property. Tools, livestock, transportation, etc. Any of that stolen puts you in a compromised situation to go on living.

  13. I agree with Xoph. Once the Gubbmint finds out your have something, anything, they will set up a committee to distribute (fairly, of course) your goods, taking 10% for themselves (each of themselves).

  14. My wife is a big believer in being ready. Last week she bought an oven that users sterno (indoors) or briquettes/sticks/etc for heat. I think the three Dutch ovens we have will work fine but this new one makes her happy.

    She figures that the more warning you have to prepare the less likely she wants to help you. Over a few years she organized group buys of several tractor trailer loads of food for emergency storage. Those who knew but didn't take advantage of those opportunities, to buy even one #10 can, are at the bottom of her list.

    I believe most people don't understand how much food a community needs. Your typical "hoarder" may have a lot for two but little for many. If we had food enough for us for a year, it'd only feed our neighborhood for a couple of days. No one can store enough for everyone who wants it.

  15. One other thought. We had a neighbor once who called us rich. After contemplating it, I realized it was because we had savings. Whenever the broken appliance or car repair cropped up we could pay for it. Not so our neighbor and how he lived. He vacationed, we saved.

    As prices go up and only the "Rich" can afford to eat, you may become a target for that reason as well. In other words, no one has to know you have preps, they just have to see you not having the same struggles.

    Blend in as best you can.

  16. Thing is, if things went pear-shaped and I had neighbors who I knew had prepped well, I would show up at their door with a list of what I had to offer:
    1. My supplies
    2. Another pair of eyes
    3. Another pair of hands

  17. Don't live in a community run by fact, get the hell out right now.

    If you have any worries that they will do as you suggest confiscate or tax your preps, then you need to live somewhere else (anywhere else!)
    You can't hide your wealth of food or supplies. Even if they only take what you show them, when everyone else is losing weight due to a deficit of calories and you and your family are not, it will be noticed.
    You can't hide it, and if you can't defend it then you will lose it.

    I think, where I live, that the "authorities" will run out of people to do the confiscating fairly rapidly...but the Mobs will come, eventually.

    1. Salt stores well, about 30# in a 5 gallon bucket. Use the salt to preserve whoever comes to your door insisting. Feed him to the next beggar.

  18. I have the same reaction. Don’t come to my house and demand that I hand over my preps. You won't like my shotgun.

  19. The Good Samaritan made a choice that went against community expectations, not acquiescing to a demand or expectation.

    Just for fun, reply to your friend "We'll call you when we run out of meat. Come alone."

    The look on their faces will be worth it.

  20. NC Reed's "Fire From The Sky" series of PAW fiction novels covers this seeming moral conundrum in depth, and is very much worth reading, if you're into that sort of thing.

  21. In disasters and normal times, the people that are the greatest threat to you always live within a couple of miles of your front door.

    And any civic body that imagines they may suspend the law in times of emergency for their own benefit is no longer a legitimate authority, and ought to be resisted as exactly the thieves and brigands they would become. Either the laws are laws, and immutably so, or they're just a con. There's no legality to any such "because now we want your stuff" provision, and never will be. The answer to that demand is a bullet in the face. Which solves your need and my problem simply and permanently.

    "Laws" to the contrary beforehand are simply an announcement that TPTB intend to switch to tyranny and despotism when it suits them.


    During an emergency, the Law of The Jungle applies. Best wishes with that plan in my jungle. Bring a lot of apes you can afford to lose.

    If you need something then, you should have foreseen that need, and made your own provision when times were easy. If you ain't got it when you want it, you ain't getting anything but an early demise if you choose to force the issue.

    No quarter will be given. Any demands to the contrary, on whatever pretext, will be treated as reaching for a gun. The result of that behavior will lead to being "in charge" afterwards as tantamount to joining the Endangered Species list.

    Any civil authorities that don't lose their mind and their morality in tough times will fare much more robustly than thieving grabby-fingered mobs with an imaginary mandate based on a non-operative form of government, and they'd be wise to remember that. Rule 308 has no appeals system.

  22. "You failed to undertake any preparations whatsoever for hard times; that is not my problem, it is yours. You can pass away quietly, hungry, at home with your loving family or you can die quickly and violently on my front lawn. I do not care which. Your choice."

    The First Rule of Prep Club is: "Prep Club? What's a "Prep Club"? Never heard of it. Some sort of golf thing, like a 9 iron?"

  23. I wonder with all these 'smart devices ' if powers that be know where to go first for 'surplus'?
