Friday, April 5, 2024

Slow start


(Wipes sleep from eyes...)

Good morning, friends.  Sorry about the lack of my usual early morning post, but I was in a lot of pain yesterday evening, so I took a strong analgesic and a Flexeril together.  I'm usually limited to three to four hours' sleep before my back seizes up solid and wakes me in pain, but being over-tired plus the combination of those meds put me out like a light.  I've only just woken up.

I wish it could work that way all the time . . . but Flexeril's a funny medication.  It works well when used for short periods.  However, if you take it for much more than a week, every night, its effectiveness is reduced;  and if you do so for two weeks, it simply stops working (or works at such a reduced level that it's no longer as effective).  It's meant as a short-term solution to a short-term problem.  Abuse it outside those limits, and you're wasting your money.  I keep it on hand for those times when pain is too much of a problem in the short term for my analgesic meds to cope with it.

Anyway, so far, so good.  Onward!



  1. Sorry to here that. I know I have been taking Vitamin I for sleeping of late. Otherwise I wake up some around 2am for a bit from stiffness.

  2. My sincerest sympathies. I get migraines, and no medication I've tried thus far has made it past my esophagus before my body rejects it violently. I decided throwing up while my head's throbbing was worse than just suffering through, but I'm glad that pharmaceuticals work for you at least sometimes! Hope your pain level is now somewhat tolerable.

  3. Ahhh, flexorall, cyclobenzeprene... 10 mg of heaven when my back goes out!

    I have noticed a distinct difference in my lower back since we got a Sleep Number bed. If you have the opportunity to try one for a couple nights, I highly recommend it. It's pretty supportive and I like being able to adjust it from firm to soft as my mood suits me.

  4. Sorry to hear of your medical challenges in dealing with pain. I hope medical advances will find a better product that gives you better relief.

  5. @Anonymous at 12:21PM: Thanks for your good wishes, but a better product is unlikely. I've been in pain 24/7/365 since February 13, 2004 (yes, it was Friday the 13th!), when I was injured in a work-related incident. Two surgeries later, the pain was slightly diminished, but not eliminated, and I've been left permanently partly disabled. Oh, well. I count my blessings. Some people who've suffered similar injuries never walked again, so in that sense I came off lightly.

  6. Peter, my cover's off to you for dealing with it. I also have 24/7/365 pain, but mines just since April 2008.
    Notice how minor pains don't even matter anymore? That's me--YMMV.
    --Tennessee Budd

  7. I can fully empathize with you. I have degnerative disc disease, and spondylosis in my lumbar spine; had 2 laminectomies to free nerve compression, which helped but the post-op recovery was brutal (apparently when you move nerves around, they get irritated- whow knew? sarc/off).So I have decided not to undergo a 3rd surgery,and instead have to settle for ESI's and Radiofrequency Ablations. The pain doc says its like playing whack-a-mole b/c I need so many shots- add to this post herpetic neuralgia,and I am in constant pain- the only change is what number my pain is...and getting out of bed in the AM is a whole other level. Except for the Nucynta, I would be at level 6-8 all the time.

    In spite of it all..God is good, and one day (soon?) we will be free of all pain and with Christ - so we persevere!

  8. I think that's the pain med that the employee health nurse gave me for a neck sprain. I took one. I went back the next day and told her "Shirley, I don't need any help being stupid. I can do that on my own."

  9. Well shit, I was all "me too", but after reading everybodies "issues", my issues pale. 1-2 spaz meds and 2-4 Vicodin a day and I'm mostly functional with pain rarely going above 4 (and if I hold still just right it's 1-0 briefly). Fortunately, Vicodin, for me, is just Excedrin Extra Strength pain relief, no addiction, euphoria, dizziness, stupidness, nausea, constipation, nada, zilch. I'd like to take credit, but the Lord issued me an outstanding system that most meds work on as advertised. Also, I depend on the placebo effect. I believe in it, so it works. I'm blessed.
