Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Very interesting... but where are the details???


It seems that visitors to Jeffery Epstein's island may not have been as anonymous as they might wish.

NEARLY 200 MOBILE devices of people who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “pedophile island” in the years prior to his death left an invisible trail of data pointing back to their own homes and offices. Maps of these visitations generated by a troubled international data broker with defense industry ties, discovered last week by WIRED, document the numerous trips of wealthy and influential individuals seemingly undeterred by Epstein’s status as a convicted sex offender.

The data amassed by Near Intelligence, a location data broker roiled by allegations of mismanagement and fraud, reveals with high precision the residences of many guests of Little Saint James, a United States Virgin Islands property where Epstein is accused of having groomed, assaulted, and trafficked countless women and girls.

Some girls, prosecutors say, were as young as 14. The former attorney general of the US Virgin Islands alleged that girls as young as 12 were trafficked to Epstein by those within his elite social circle.

The coordinates that Near Intelligence collected and left exposed online pinpoint locations to within a few centimeters of space. Visitors were tracked as they moved from the Ritz-Carlton on neighboring St. Thomas Island, for instance, to a specific dock at the American Yacht Harbor—a marina once co-owned by Epstein that hosts an “impressive array” of pleasure boats and mega-yachts. The data pinpointed their movements as they were transported to Epstein’s dock on Little St. James, revealing the exact routes taken to the island.

The tracking continued after they arrived. From inside Epstein's enigmatic waterfront temple to the pristine beaches, pools, and cabanas scattered across his 71-acres of prime archipelagic real estate, the data compiled by Near captures the movements of scores of people who sojourned at Little St. James as early as July 2016. The recorded surveillance concludes on July 6, 2019—the day of Epstein’s final arrest.

There's more at the link.

Unfortunately, the article does not identify any of the devices by its owner.  I don't know why not - I mean, it's not as if they're alleging that the owners of those devices actually did anything illegal, immoral or fattening, is it?  All they could say with any certainty is that on a given date, that device - presumably in the possession of its owner - was on Epstein's island, and took a known, traceable route to and from the island.  That's not actionable in any way . . . at least, not yet.

One suspects that the owners of those devices have already taken steps to destroy them and "fudge" the records, to suggest that a subordinate or an employee was actually using them at the time.  I'd love to have been a fly on the wall to listen to the panicked conversations when the Wired article was first published.

It's a complete and utter disgrace that not a single name from Epstein's "little black book" has been published so far.  The authorities have been in possession of the names of visitors to his island for years - in some cases, decades.  Their refusal to release them strongly suggests as much of a cover-up as claims that Epstein committed suicide in prison.  (If you believe the latter, I have this bridge to sell you in Brooklyn, NYC.  It's a real bargain!  Cash only, please, and in small used bills.)

Despite this official intransigence, I hope that the names will one day become known.  One hopes against hope that it will be soon enough to make it possible to bring any guilty parties to justice.



  1. My hope the names become known in obituaries. That, and those that cover it up have the same recognition of their deeds.

  2. If you believe that Epstein committed suicide in prison, I will sell you a big bridge in Baltimore cheap. It's a fixer-upper.

  3. It is quite interesting to see the shrinkage of the timeline of an allegation going from crazy to considered to confirmed. Be sure your sins will find you out

  4. >>The former attorney general of the US Virgin Islands<<.
    She was the one fired by the Governor of the US VI right after she subpoenaed someone important about the pedophile investigation.

    She filed the subpoena, Biden flew out to the VI to "golf" with the Governor and the Governor fired her the next day.
    The subpoena went away....

  5. Funny that. Ghiselle was convicted for pimping girls to... nobody. Again, funny that.

    And who doesn't think that anyone in St. Croix didn't know and wasn't complicit in what went on at that island.

  6. Given the nature of our society, or what remains of it; I rather suspect that the employees of this "Near Intelligence" and those affiliated with them are going to [purely by chance of course] begin suffering a phenomenal and "purely accidental" casualty rate in the near term.

  7. Pedo Biden would be the first name I would like to see along with his misbegotten son.

  8. Where are all the supposed victims? They seem to be currently 'not available for comment. I'm guessing they died in some horrific way to further compromise the blackmailed perpetrators.

  9. Regards Anonymous @8:23 they passed suddenly to avoid compromising the names from earlier timed. Move along, nothing to see here.

  10. Who cares what phone went where. The DOJ/FBI have actual flight records and other data showing actual NAMES of sexual predators and the exact dates they visited Pedo Island. And they will destroy those records before they will ever release them or use them in the cause of actual justice.

  11. Anyone know of a link to the dataset?

  12. I know this is off-topic (fwiw we watch some shows and movies while we eat...but I tried mightily for years to prevent it.)
    As I said, I know this is off-topic, and I understand if you don't let this comment through, but I just saw this story on VD's blog and followed the link...and I wondered about your take on it. Horrible and utterly indefensible as far as I'm concerned (imagine if we'd taken out a clearly marked, properly cleared aid vehicle, waited for the survivors to be dragged aboard another, blown that one up, waited again and blown the remnants up in the last vehicle, in Iraq. And there was video footage from the operator's monitor, of the missile entering the logo, and recordings of the authorized convoy reporting (what they thought was) an accidental friendly-fire incident. We imprisoned men who shot combatants who were actively surveiling and reporting back to the enemy... because the combatants in question hadn't actually shot at the poor bastards we locked up. We'd have executed the man responsible for this massacre)


  13. @Anonymous at 1:30AM: Yes, that's off-topic for this post, but I felt your question deserved a longer response. I've provided it in my first blog post this morning - link is below. I hope it helps make sense of this tragedy.


  14. With FJB sitting in the White House you can't honestly say that THIS is the complete and utter disgrace. To be sure, it's bad, but there are cultures all over the world that condone, and even promote, this underaged activity. I say this pales in comparison to what has happened to our country. The names will be known only after we take our country back.

  15. As I see it at great remove, the really sad fact about what is known about the island is all really nothing but BS hotair and speculation based on what exactly? So no, I don't trust a single word about the issue from the media or the government which makes it really hard to find any credible source but then I'm not looking either.
    If your cell phone was there, you was there is the kind of "crime" that the FBI uses to throw patriots in jail in America. I don't buy it.
    If your phone was there was it having sex with underage girls? Show me the girls but then of course to get to the truth we'd need to see the birth certificates and if we couldn't get one out of Obama for years, what are the odds?
    If the girls were indeed underage but appeared willing just HTF is someone supposed to know? Do they have their birthdays tattooed on them somewhere so a guy would know?
    I would ask, what jury would convict based on cellphone was there so you must be guilty of a crime, but I live in America and that happens all the damned time now.
