Friday, May 31, 2024

Declining intelligence = declining country


We've examined the topics of IQ (theoretical and applied), education and ability on several occasions in these pages.  If you'd like to read the earlier articles:

Higher education and IQ

IQ, countries, and coping skills

IQ and potential, both individual and national

Karl Denninger warns that the flood of lower-IQ migrants across our borders threatens to lower our national competence to cope with issues and problems.  (WARNING:  He uses more profanity than usual in his article.)  Here are some excerpts.  Emphasis in original.

You won't like this and I don't care.

You're going to die if you don't take this to heart, or even worse your kids will die.

What am I talking about?

Quite simply its this: You need about a 115 IQ to build and maintain modern civilization.

Examples?  Too many to count.  How about Flint's water system?  It poisoned a bunch of kids, remember?

Why didn't it poison kids for the previous 80 years?  It had been there that long, with the same lead service lines, but didn't poison anyone ... The 115+ IQ people who built and ran the water plant at Flint all those years knew this, and knew how to keep it safe.  They drank out of the same lines and so not only did they know how they had plenty of incentive to not screw up -- and as professionals who were smart, they didn't screw up.

Then Shaqueena, or her analog with a <115 IQ took over.  And changed the water source.  And, at the same time, didn't check and make sure the chemical and pH balance remained correct because the intellectual firepower to do so was simply no longer there.  The result was a bunch of poisoned kids.

. . .

Why do I bring all this up?

Because if we do not stop destroying the incentives for those on the right end of the IQ bell curve to have kids it will not be all that long before you go to flush the toilet and it won't, your stove, heat and A/C won't work either because there's no power or gas and virtually everything we rely on in the modern world will either kill you or simply not function at all.

Its much worse when people who simply don't have the intellectual chops for a given task are passed in school and given credentials they didn't earn.

. . .

Those who built all these things we enjoy today and in fact are the reason we can have several billion people on this planet -- most of them created by white men, and all of them by persons of >115 IQ -- are going to die.  We all die; it is inevitable.  If we do not stop demonstrating to those who are of higher intelligence that the only reason to have kids is their own hedonism, and by doing so for hedonistic purpose they will screw their offspring as those kids will have a s***ty future said people will choose not to breed as they are choosing right now.  The data is clear in this regard -- those who are of higher intelligence are choosing not to have kids and since they are of higher intelligence it is obvious that they are capable of reasoning out the incentives and disincentives, weighing both for themselves and what they perceive as the future for any children they might choose to produce -- and that analysis, once complete, is unfavorable as they see it.

People often claim that as societies advance the people tend to have fewer children.  That's a true statement but did you notice that the "why" is never discussed?  As societies advance inevitably people are led to believe, often by active fraud peddlers, that you can have something for nothing and the more-intelligent discern that it is likely their children will get ****ed by this pattern.  Said persons have no means to stop it peacefully as they're out-represented (by definition > 115 IQ is at least one standard deviation out on the right side and thus they're out-voted roughly 6:1) so they simply choose not to have children at all.  This inevitably results in the average of the curve shifting leftward unless it it is stomped on hard.

There's more at the link.

Like Mr. Denninger, I and many others have warned that "If you import the Third World, you become the Third World".  We're seeing that in action right now.  Despite the progressive left's demonization of IQ as a First World approach that automatically reduces equality and diversity in our workforce, IQ remains the single best indicator of whether or not a nation, or a city, or an organization, can and will prosper.  Higher IQ = better chances of that happening.  Lower IQ = lower chances of that happening.  It's as simple as that.



  1. "The Marching Morons" was a work of fiction by Cyril Kornbluth, but it sounds as if it is becoming reality.

  2. Sounds a lot like that disturbingly prophetic, also profane, but still funny movie, "Idiocracy". Truly, the center does not hold.

  3. The fix for this is that, if we're going to have an income tax at all, shift it higher, from right to left, based on IQ. The lower you are, the higher your rate.

    Stupid people pay confiscatory rates. Being stupid, they can't even figure out a way to avoid it.

    Anyone at 100 (which is average) pays the mean rate.

    The farther to the right end of the bell curve you move, the lower your taxes get.

    Three standard deviations to the right (genius level) you are tax free.

    There is now a disincentive for stupid people to breed, and a positive incentive for the actual best and brightest to have children. Who subsequently get tested, and taxed based on their mental abilities as well.

    Do standardized testing from a randomized rotating 20,000 question pool every ten or twenty years. First test at h.s. graduation. Some people move up, some people move down over time, but nobody can any longer claim it's not a fair system.

    Make college loans merit-based as well. H.S. students testing at the top 1% get a free ride. People of average IQ pay full price, but qualify for subsidized loans. People below 100 are told "best wishes in trade school", and given a comprehensive aptitude test to find their best fit in the arts and trades.

    Suddenly h.s. diplomas and college degrees will mean something, and all the bullsqueeze majors evaporate like fog on a summer day, starting with any "science" that doesn't include a laboratory with test tubes.

    If the serfs don't like it, they can emigrate back to Trashcanistan and Sh*tholia. Anyone wishing to surrender naturalized citizenship with an IQ below 100 qualifies for a govt.-paid one-way ticket back to their country of origin, provided they sign an agreement that they may never return.

    Call it the "Keep the Turds in the Turd World" Act.

    Afterwards, the trains run on time, the toilets flush, and the guy least able to rise above the task is cleaning them.

    Next problem.

    1. Yes. We want the lowest IQ people in the trades, as electricians, linesmen, plumbers, welders, etc. Well, if that's the desire, we're well on our way there, without your proposal.

  4. The solution is obvious, return to a meritocracy where the more capable (Higher IQ) run the show. Eliminate DEI.

    This will, of course, effectively enslave the higher IQ to the lower as the higher IQ will work while the lower collects welfare, bread, and circuses. Resentment will be on both sides, leading to violence.

    Or we could export the low IQ to their homeland, or incentivize them to return on their own.

    1. Progressive stupidity is mind numbing to observe. Given a choice who would opt to eat at a restaurant with feces eating gay males back in the kitchen. To quote the bible : "unclean!"writ large.

  5. Just one more of the many consequences of immigration/education/"equity" non-policy. Sadly, we'll discover many more too late.


  6. FWIW – the US medical system

    “The Doctor Will KILL You Now!”

    “No kidding.

    One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot. Another said that students at the end of their clinical rotations don’t know basic lab tests and, in some cases, are unable to present patients.

    “I don’t know how some of these students are going to be junior doctors,” the professor said. “Faculty are seeing a shocking decline in knowledge of medical students.”

    And for those who’ve seen the competency crisis up close, double standards in admissions are a big part of the problem. “All the normal criteria for getting into medical school only apply to people of certain races,” an admissions officer said. “For other people, those criteria are completely disregarded.” ”

    Much more at

  7. Whilst I'm a firm believer in hierarchy and IQ, there's more to your problems than that.

    In case you haven't noticed (look at Black Rock, rest of Wall Street, Media, Elite University leadership, Legal Profession, Cabinets both Republican and Democrat) you're ruled over by Ashkenazi Jews (Mean IQ ~110-115) who, along with their fellow travellers are all-in on importing the third world and destroying the middle class. In case none of you have noticed, AIPAC posts on Twitter *boasting* that their backed candidates win and anyone who they dislike lose.

    So good luck with fixating on just IQ. You ARE ruled over by a high IQ elite. Just one that despises you and despite its undoubted smarts is somehow managing to saw off the high branch upon which it sits whilst also digging up the whole damn tree by the roots.

    As for encouraging the High IQs to reproduce, that's a bit (as our betters would say) 'nuanced', too. What you want is more professors and doctors and legal partners marrying their secretaries or clinic nurses, etc... not the extreme like marries like High IQ assortative mating we have now which seems to be at least partly responsible for the plague of weirdness and autism type symptoms in Gen Z kids from the upper middle class.

    And finally, no society has *ever* survived the full emancipation of women. Given them equal legal rights, no fault divorce, and make them wards of the state (which they are) able to use the full might of said state against any man upon hearsay and you will have no society left in a few generations. And of course they mostly won't reproduce if they're not MADE TO.

    Unpleasant truths, but all truths.

  8. Another issue is that most of the 'Smart Fraction' today is heavily incentivised by the System to invest their time and hone their outlook towards being as divorced from quotidian base reality as possible.

    You rise in our present system by manipulating symbols and narratives. Not by dealing with Reality (that thing which doesn't go away when you stop believing in). This is a recipe for civilisational disaster.

    Finally, sorry Murrica! Boomers, but Marx/Lenin got some parts right -- especially the analysis side -- rather less so to put it mildly on the What To Do About It side. Anyways, Social Class is real. It's not just that the highest points of American Power are controlled by an alien race of sociopaths... it's that their managerialist minions (including plenty even mainly Heritage Americans) think of themselves as an elite class apart and look with fear, loathing and disgust at the rest of you. Plenty been written about Middle Class Angst and I'm not here to repeat it... but it's trivial to weaponise Middle Class status anxiety against Enemies of the State (i.e. normal White People. The Men first, of course.)

    To say that there are some Incentive Structures which need (ahem) Rectification is putting it mildly.

    Beyond that, Women have to go back to kitchen and hearth. Kinder, Kuche, Kirche. And as far as Kirche goes strictly only in the pews.

    Furthermore, and in the style of Cato the Elder: Stop y'all bitching about China! :D

  9. Captain Capitalism provides another discussion on IQ and how egalitarianism is causing harm to everyone.

  10. Know what the scariest thing about all this is?

    Once a certain point is reached, it's non-reversible - the collapse happens, it happens hard, and it happens overnight.

    We're not quite at that point yet but I can see it from here, and there ain't nothing between it and us to slow it down.

  11. Import the turd world... you will end up being a turd world country. Were well on our way that destination.

  12. IQ isn't measurable.
    The human brain is literally the most complex thing in the universe (and saying we even come close to understanding it is laughable). With proper nutrition it develops to its potential, and THEN, just as importantly, it is trained in education. Then you get a Thomas Soule or etc. Unless it's in a violent Irish family, in which case it develops coarse and brutish.

    If the black kid is taught that society is inherently racist and no matter what he does, he ain't gonna make it, then he won't. Very few of any race or background would even try. The Irish went through that, too, as did every other ethnotype at some point in the past. The Democrats have destroyed black intelligence in the US.

    Sure, Africa is a s**thole and may always be. The same applies to almost every other non-England derived country, but that's because their societies keep them at the bottom due to corruption, my-family-first policies, etc, the list is endless.

    If someone thinks there's a genetic link, consider Obama. Undeniably smart. Did he inherit the white brain? Is it dominant in his kids? Will they need periodic refreshments of ape genes, considering that blacks are fully human while we are mixed with subhumans? Or did hybridization create strength? Specialists wouldn't be able to tell us, so rando blog commenters probably could do no better.

    Is an autistic boy that can multiply 10 digit numbers instantly a genius?
    How about a physicist who said there ARE advanced alien civilizations, no discussion, end of story.

    Uganda had less than 100 covid deaths because they followed the science. I'll bet they're glad they didn't have whities helping them.

    We're currently experiencing a flood of third worlders, taking our jobs and our women, while we just continue with our rando blog commenter lifestyles. An impartial observer might question our judgement as to which group is smarter.

    1. When you open with a lie, everything else you say can be safely disregarded as irrelevant and unworthy of the slightest consideration. IQ is measurable. Stop lying. Reject the father of lies, embrace the Light of Life, Jesus the Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  13. As a woman, it bothers me terribly that most women in politics are ridiculously liberal. to the point that their views are completely impractical and illogical. it's very worrisome as more women get entrenched in politics and change the political climate in this country.

  14. bravokilo said...
    IQ isn't measurable.

    And yet somehow we have been able to create a system that not only measures a number that we call IQ (hint: it is measurable because we created the concept to be measurable) but it is also a very accurate predictor of success in many areas.

  15. @Anonymous,
    Yes, we actually do.
    Because you don't waste someone with a 120 IQ on connecting the black wire to the bus bar. The guy with the 120 IQ should be writing the schematic and blueprints.

    And the ones lower than that will be sweeping up the sawdust, and filling the garbage trucks.

    And the ones lower than that will be hosing out the garbage trucks, and digging the ditches.

    What you fail to grasp is that about 60% of everyone sits between 90-110 on the IQ chart, so most jobs are open to most people. But you don't DEI-promote 80 IQ midwits to become Ph.D.s and CEOs.
