Thursday, May 9, 2024

One step forward, but not far enough


My deepest thanks to everyone who kept me in thought and prayer for my procedure yesterday.  It was partially successful, but the surgeon discovered additional problems that prevented him from completing it.  I'm going to have to go back next week for additional tests, followed by another procedure.  I hope that will deal with the current problem, but that remains to be seen.

I'll also have to check on the costs involved.  We could cope with the co-pay (several thousand dollars) for one procedure, but a second (assuming it costs a similar amount) will be cause for concern, as will a different and much more complex procedure likely to be needed soon.  I know some of my European and Canadian readers will likely argue that the subsidized cost of national health care in their countries makes such procedures much more affordable, but it can also take months (sometimes even years) to get the attention one needs.  Here, it's more expensive but faster, and (unlike Canada) I don't have to put up with bureaucrats encouraging me to kill myself instead, to save money for the health care system.  (I don't think they'd appreciate my response.)

Meanwhile, I'm in a lot of pain, resting at home and trying to cope with the aftereffects of the first procedure.  I think my wife is rapidly building up her sainthood points as she puts up with my grumpiness, helps me gently and lovingly to get around and do what I can, and proves every time how lucky (and wise) I was to marry her.  I'd hate to be facing this without her love and support.

Blogging will be sparse for the next few days, because my sleep schedule and ability to sit at the computer are subject to change without notice.  I'll see about putting up something more substantial later today, mobility and pain level permitting.

Thanks again for your prayers.  Please keep them coming!



  1. Bless you and yours, brother.
    Prayers for a speedy recovery!

  2. I do wish you well. as I also know how living with pain can be. have to have something done myself later this summer
    really to fix something the VA fucked up and I am not going back to them for this ! saving up to cover the bills to come. again, I wish you well and keep you in my prayers as well. dave in pa.

  3. You take care of yourself. Some of us know 1st hand on medical procedures laying us down for a bit. Frustrating but no matter - some time off is required so don't worry about what can't be changed and get yourself healed up.

  4. Good luck, Peter!
    Always remember, it's just a thing.

  5. Got a Give Send Go account? I’d toss in a couple of bucks for that.

  6. Peter ever thought of a donation button?

    Or did I miss it looking around the site?

  7. Unfortunate, but not the worst, far better to detect problems and find solutions, as opposed to just blindly going forward. Discretion, Valor, etc... Praying for a good recovery, rehab, and ultimately successful procedure.

  8. My prayers that this be an uneventful nothing, and you're back painfree, worryfree yesterday.

  9. Hey Peter,

    I'm glad you are on the mend, and of course our prayers will follow you around, and Dorothy is a treasure, our spousal units usually are to put up with us grumpy people.

  10. Blessed are the caretakers!

    Be glad your doctor had the sense to stop and regroup. Wing and a prayer surgery is frowned apon.

    Hang in there.

  11. Aye, this aging bit has it's challenges. Part of the 'weaning off of this world' process. May the comfort of the Lord be with you and the peace that passes all understanding guide your heart, mind and soul.

  12. Peter
    Hope you get to the pain free part of recovery quickly. Plus 1 on the give send go or other donation for the next step in getting better. You have a large number of people who have been entertained/informed by your writing and would be happy to help. EdC

  13. I read a deeply ironic tale of karma unfolding a while ago. A woman who had retired from a senior position in Britain's national heath service died of cancer because her treatment was delayed several times as is usual for that system.

  14. Peter,
    I very much second what Bobo the Hobo said. I'd happily donate.

  15. Glad progress has been made, and yes, take your time, lest it become regress! Will keep the prayers flowing.


  16. Storming heaven for you! Be well.

  17. Hope you are as good as you can be soon.

    I would think you have maxed your Deductible and follow On's should be covered.

    Unless the whole thing is experimental and then I don't know how Insurance would work for that.

    Anyway you are in my prayers.

  18. Getting on after surgery like you've had also comes with hydrocodone or Oxycontin for after surgery pain relief. It's hard to rest, relax, sleep, heal, when in too much pain, I know, broke my back, C-3 to c-7 in '95. Had scaffolding clamped to my spine for 11 months, the pain never relented, lived on Vicodin until a week after the scaffolding was removed. No withdrawals, I asked my ancient, xlnt back doctor "Why no withdrawal issues?" He said "It goes to the pain, does it's job, there is no euphoria, dizziness, addiction if you don't take too much." Was he correct? he was for me. Like yours, my wife was a God send, would have short circuited without her.
    You should have SOME type of pain relief. Prayers and best wishes for your repairs and rehab.

  19. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

  20. All the best to you. Keep fighting!

  21. Hi Peter

    Some "recovery reading"


    “Douglas Murray calls on Guardian to ‘go for all mosques’ after Garrick Club reporting”

  22. Focus on your health,folks will be here when you are feeling better.

  23. Keep doing what's needful. We'll be here when you're up for it....

  24. Thank you and God bless you for all you do! You are definitely in our prayers 🙏

  25. Best wishes for a quick recovery!

  26. Very best wishes but you do ill to criticise universal healthcare - at least in the UK. While human error is always a factor, as is staff availability, if you need care you will receive it in order of medical priority. If a doctor says you need care NOW you will receive it at the expense of someone who can wait until tomorrow. If you can wait you may be told to do so while someone who cannot wait is treated.

    And here in the UK you can have private health insurance on top.

  27. Imagine for a moment the the gravity at that moment that a 'health care professional' suggests euthanasia in lieu of treatment. That's wrong in so many ways. Just plain wrong!

  28. It's wrong but no more wrong than "health care professionals" performing elective abortions (abortions-of-convenience) or "gender affirming care" (genital mutilations) on adolescents and sub-adolescents. These Mengele wanna-bes have a *lot* to answer for. :-x

  29. Peter, prayers for you, your wife, your health care team. May you be blessed with a quick pain free recovery and quick total healing. A candle is lit for you and prayers sent.
    Yes, please consider a donation button. Or a way to help out.
    My computer no longer works, this one is borrowed. You and Dorothy are being prayed for. Blessings and mercies be yours.

  30. @Quentin

    You're talking about a medical system that brought us the liverpool care pathway and forces people (including foreign nationals) to stay in their hospitals and die rather than seek treatment elsewhere.

  31. Get some rest and get well, Peter. May the Lord heal you!
