Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Still here...


I'm alive, although not kicking - that would hurt too much!  The procedure yesterday turned into a marathon session, and there will have to be a third in a couple of weeks' time, because things were rather nastier than had shown on X-rays, CT scans and ultrasound.  Nevertheless, progress was made, and I'm assured by the specialist that given time, all should be well.  If he's right, great:  if not, I'll lose that kidney before the end of the year.  We'll see.

Otherwise, I'm in a great deal of pain, moving very slowly, and trying to possess myself in patience.  That's not easy!  I expect I'll be moving more freely by the end of the week.

Blogging will be occasional for the next day or two, depending on how much energy I can find to get up and how long I can sit at my computer.



  1. Been there, and I can sympathize. All I can say is, don't get addicted to any painkillers they may prescribe for you, and take the minimum at that. And if Tylenol or powdered aspirin works, all the better. This too shall pass.

  2. Hang in there and good luck!

  3. Rest up and get well, Peter.

  4. Ouch! Here’s hoping the doctor’s prognostication of progress is both correct and overly cautious. Pity we can’t do medical repairs like an auto shop and just swap in new manufacturer’s spec parts!

  5. As we say here: Mientras hay vida, hay esperanza.

    Keep the fight!

    Also, you are in a ideal situation to offer suffering and prayers, sir.

  6. Just get your healing done.

  7. Opioids really, really work on pain, doctors routinely prescribe them for pain. There is NO GOOD reason to go through that(except allergic reaction). Addiction is not a concern for a week or two course.

  8. Glad to year there's not-as-bad-as-might-have-been news. Hope you mend faster than anticipated.


  9. Alive and kicking
    Alive and not kicking
    Not . . .

    2 out of three odds beat the daylights out of the third.

    Get well in your own time.

  10. Very good to hear that you are still (semi) vertical. Yes, I've been checking since yesterday afternoon.

  11. Thanks for the update. Prayers continue!

  12. watch the OTC pain meds. using them cost me a kidney.
    have one left and working. yes. it can be painful at times
    bigger problem can be UTI that you may end up getting.
    another bit of fun - not really.
    and there is some sort of pain patch out now that may work for some people. didn't do a damn thing for me.
    if you can get lidocaine patches 5%, do so. they are great for local pain. you can wear up to 3 at a time.
    and really watch out drinking any booze with OTC meds.
    that us what cost me a kidney. although it did help with the pain at the time a lot. cost later was a bit too high.

  13. Ouch, sorry to hear that Peter.

  14. Peter, I probably have a decade or more on you and have been through a number of med problems, though nothing as serious as a kidney. Agree with others--Opioids can be safe for a short while; not safe if there is any alcohol. Addiction to either may ensue.
    Any exercise is helpful--just opening and closing your hands as fast as you can while raising or extending your arms can get the heart and lymph system going. If you can stand, toe rises or half knee-bends. If sitting, lean forward with elbows on knees and do toe rises or lean back and raise knees.
    Food is a big issue--SUGAR IS EVIL! Check out Mark Hyman's Forever Young; there's a multitude of others with similar advice.
    Prayer changes things, but heaven helps those who help themselves.
    Final Note: I have shared your Christmas Story with a number of Americans and a few others who would have never experienced anything beyond Santa Claus or Father Christmas. It has had an impact. Thank you.
