Thursday, June 20, 2024

Making progress, slowly


Healing continues after last Monday's procedure.  I find that things are improving more slowly than I'd like, and more slowly than after the first two procedures, but I suppose that's inevitable.  One's body gets very tired of being pushed, prodded, cut and diced, and makes its unhappiness known.  I've had to deal with higher pain levels and greater tiredness this time round.  It's not enjoyable, but it goes with the territory, and if it produces a permanent "fix" and heals the problem, so much the better.

One of the trickier bits is coping with cats while fitted with a drain, so to speak.  Both of them like me, and like my company, so they try to get onto my lap for some cuddles now and again.  Unfortunately, Ashbutt is very large (about 18 pounds), so when he lands unexpectedly on my mid-section, it's . . . memorable.  Kili is only about half that weight, so her arrival is less traumatic.  Oh, well.  Ashbutt enjoys the sounds I make when he pounces, so I suppose I'm now a cat entertainment device!

I see the doctor again on Monday, and hopefully the final stent will be removed at that time.  I'm not looking forward to the process (I've been there before . . . "Just hold still, this won't hurt!" - TUG!!! - insert weeping, wailing and anguished noises here . . . ) but I'll be glad to regain control of my output, so to speak.  Being vulnerable to unexpected flooding is awkward, to say the least, particularly when the volume is such that it can actually be heard.  However, there's nothing I can do about it, so I have to put up with it - hopefully not for much longer!

Libertycon will be held in Chattanooga, TN this weekend.  I'd been looking forward to attending, but this procedure has prevented that.  My wife and many of our friends will be going, so I'll have to enjoy myself vicariously through their feedback.

Thanks again for your prayers for healing.  They're much appreciated.  As for the "streams of living water" bit in the Bible, I don't think the Lord had this sort of overflowing enthusiasm in mind!




  1. Having had cat at 18# they are a lap full. But at least he's? not using you as his scratching post. Prayers still being sent.

  2. BRM, I am hoping for the absolute best possible outcome for all these trials and tribulations you are going through. EdC

  3. yeah. pain in that area really sucks. I know.
    and I make sure if they doing any work down there, I am knocked out for it. pulling the cath. hurts like hell.
    after they did my Turpe or whatever they call it.
    they pulled it out after 8 days or so. I was on the floor
    in a ball, screaming. now I need to have that job done right by some guy everyone swears is great at it
    and clean up the pipe too. some small problem with scaring
    from passing stone like things due to infections.
    and it was done at the VA too. I don't let them touch me anymore after that mess up.
    I do hope yours goes better than mine did. hang in there.
    but I would understand praying for a massive heart attack when the pain hits.

  4. I feel your pain. I had a stent put in the early part of May, pending surgery mid-July. It became calcified and twisted and was causing a decrease in my kidney function. So I spent last weekend in the hospital being catheterized, unstented, restented, and decatheterized. Whoever said these are the Golden Years can kiss my (Biblical beast of burden).

  5. I remember being in the hospital, feeling real bad, hooked up to catheters, IV's and various monitors wishing I could have my cat bubba visit. Then I visualized him getting tangled up in the various lines etc.

  6. "I'm now a cat entertainment device"
    You've always, as have all humans, been a cat entertainment device :-)
