Friday, June 28, 2024

Was yesterday's debate designed to give the Democratic Party an excuse to dump Joe Biden?


President Biden's performance at yesterday's debate was pitiful;  a shambling wreck of a re-election bid that must have given great aid and comfort to this country's enemies.  After all, if you were President Xi of China, or President Putin of Russia, or Kim Seriously-Ill of North Korea, how could you not be encouraged to realize that the current President of the USA was supposed to be the person holding you in check?

I can only presume that the Democratic Party, knowing his health to be so poor as to preclude re-election, has been frantically looking for any way to remove President Biden from the election ticket, and possibly from his current office as well.  After seeing that debate, I don't see how a 25th Amendment motion to remove President Biden from office can be resisted, on either side of the political aisle.  Biden's handlers almost literally threw him to the political wolves last night.  (I've been saying for years that the way they've been manipulating him is nothing less than elder abuse.  Last night's exhibition simply made that even more clear.)

The question is, who might take his place in the Oval Office, and on the ticket in November?  None of the usual suspects appear capable of attracting enough positive attention and support to succeed.  Kamala Harris?  Hillary Clinton?  Michelle Obama?  They all have their partisan supporters, but they've also attracted so much vituperation, disgust and dislike that I can't see them as viable candidates.  So . . . if not them . . . who?

Wouldn't it be fun if the Democratic Party chose Stormy Daniels to run against former President Trump?  Bring on those debates, boys!



  1. Ass ume they don't push Kamela forward.

    Then, one guess, Hillary. She's about the only person Kamela would take a back seat to without a major hissy fit.

    Or, dump Kamela and go for Gavin Newsom with MLG (current gov of NM) as the veep.

  2. That whole scenario was set up deliberatley by the left to get Joe off the ticket. They were counting on it going the way it did. It's actually a fairly common management strategy that when you want to get rid of someone you give them a task they are supposed to be qualified for (in this case a debate) and then measure their performance to prove they can't actually do it. I've done it myself in corporate life. The only question is "who is the replacement?". They are really very stuck with Kamala and if they put her at the top of the ticket it will prove they are in control of the outcome of the election because actual votes don't matter. I predict that Kamala will "voluntarily" resign to go take a cushy do nothing position at a Universty ot "Think Tank". This is going to get wild.

  3. Either they will dump him, or they have no plan to have an election.

  4. More important than who the Deep State aka Blob, Aka swamp) CHOOSES to pResident is in mt humble opinion:

    Is there an Off Ramp for WW3? You know, Putin Man BAD stuff?

    I fear the only thing available for the shambling wreck of an economy (UNLESS you Believe Old Joe from Scranton's BEST ECONOMY Ever! BS) is WAR.

    The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.
    Ernest Hemingway

    We've DONE the Fake Money-Debt to the heavens trick already. The Piper wants his PAY NOW.

    Hemmingway again in the Sun also rises

    “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.

    “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”

    “What brought it on?”

    “Friends,” said Mike. “I had a lot of friends. False friends. Then I had creditors, too. Probably had more creditors than anybody in England.”

    America has plenty of "Friends" and plenty of Creditors called holders of America's debt aka T-Bills.

    All those IOUs are coming HOME soon. Between Shambling Joe has No Clothes, Afghanistan, Ukraine, the Hothi's and such the "Full Faith and Confidence (creditworthiness?) of the Dollar" is gone.

    Hyperinflation when too many dollars are chasing that can of beans.

    Got trusted friends? Good garden, safe water and a deep pantry?

    All far better than a OT driven "Plump Retreat Fund".

  5. I agree and posted on this just this morning. I don't think Newsome, Harris or Clinton are viable. Obama has a real shot, but I am not sure if she wants it or not.
    There is a big surprise coming.


  6. I actually though Biden given his condition did quite well in last nights debate. Though he had a lot of issues constantly reaching for the right words, he usually got there. 4 or 5 times he was pretty incoherent and couldn't make his point but he didn't have to be led off the stage wondering where he was as has happened other times in the last few years.

    Trump showed in a very good light contrasted against Bidens state but if we disregarded Bidens state I think this was a very poor showing for Trump over all. Most of the debate seemed to be a mantra on both sides going "nah! nah! na! nah!.... your a big meanie and liar" back and forth. Though Trump working Biden into a frenzy defending his golfing skills in a presidential debate was hilarious in a sad kind of way.

    Some of what and how Biden said stuff was frankly frightening. That he brought up the thoroughly debunked Charlottesville issue was frankly mind boggling. What was scary ether way was that I could feel the bewildered belief and passion in his view of Trump as a hateful racist. Which makes him one of the most charismatic liars of all time (which I believe) or that he is truly not aware of what really happened (which I also sort of believe). Given his mental state it's hard to believe that he is as competent at the lies as he used to be. Either he is truly sheltered and unaware of a lot of stuff by his staff and believes some of the democratic conspiracy theories or he is such a good liar that he has been able to change reality in his head and make himself believe the lies. One way or the other he is truly dangerous in his position based on his mental state. There is no way that he isn't now and hasn't been anything but a very carefully handled puppet by the people around him during his term in office.

    I was disappointed in Trump as he never got out of the the slinging match gutter. I wanted to hear some positive messages of what we will do to fix this shit but the entire debate was a continual redirection into how evil Biden is. Not there isn't a bit of truth there but I found myself booing the guy I will most likely vote for during the debate for that.

    From both sides it was a simple message of your a liar demagogy with trump doing a better job because of Biden's mental fog and inability to coherently tie it together.

    Only on foreign affairs did I resonate with it. Trump did a good job hammering over and over that Biden through the Afghanistan debacle showed so much weakness as a country that it encouraged Russia and others to push back harder with us and that if he had been in office the war in Ukraine wouldn't have happened in the first place. Which I actually believe. He hammered Biden on Ukraine spending in relation to NATO over and over... talking about why are we paying the largest amount to them when the rest of NATO doesn't have an ocean between them and Russia and Ukraine.. it was well done. He did similar over the current issues in the Middle East and Israel.

    Trump hammered the southern border a lot but was not clear in some of his points/speech and came across more angry incoherence (at least to me). It's a good issue to use and I don't think he did a good job of it.

    Though Trump seemed sharp and competent I can't say he seems as sharp as he was in 2016. He is old and like he said should be somewhere enjoying life at one of his many properties rather than running for president. He did a good job of saying that also :)

    Over all it's just sad.. Long live the well at least have a pretty funeral for it. Well shit.... it seems to be dead and stinks like road kill just laying in pieces on the side of the road. Sigh....

  7. The answer to your opening question is, "Of course."

    I've read several sources who say that the Dems want Gavin Newsom. The answer to "What about the V.P.?" is that they'd offer Kamala the governor's slot in California, assuming that she'd want it.

  8. surely. otherwise the cnn crew would be talking about what a great job he did and how he beat trump to bits yada yada. they instead dove in on ol joe like buzzards on road kill. all in the plan. get ready for clinton/newsom '24! or maybe jeffrey.

  9. Respectfully, I'll disagree with you on this subject, for a few reasons:

    1. Some observers, such as Ann Althouse, didn't think Biden did all that badly. Much of the MSM are saying that Trump lost by continual lying. The Cincinnati media, a bastion of extreme wokeness, is a good example of this viewpoint.

    2. Trump will not be the Republican nominee; he will at least be in jail, and quite possibly dead by whoever killed Epstein. The probable GOP ticket will be Pence-Haley, and will grift their way to a loss, laughing all the way to the banks.

    3. There will be a tidal wave of women voters out to make certain that the Dems win, so as to achieve a total victory in the abortion controversy.

    4. Indifference by a lot of voters on other issues. On guns, for example, there is little if any difference between Trump and Biden. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.(I'm in this camp, plus I am a strong supporter of abortion). A lot of us will be sitting this election out.

    5. Blacks will not be voting Republican in any numbers. I don't care what some Repubs say, they are welded to the Dems no matter how the Dems treat them.

    And lastly, 6.: Cheating. Remember, There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This.

  10. Rasmussen ran a poll after the debates last night asking who Dems would vote for in place of Biden - Michelle Obama, Kamala, Gavin Newsom, or Hillary.

    None of the above won by 7 percentage points.

  11. The problem for the Dems is that it's already too late to change candidates in many states. There's already a real danger that the Dem candidate, no matter who it is, won't be on the ballot at all in at least one state, because they pushed their convention back. Red states aren't really motivated to pass a special exception to help the Dems clean up the mess they made.

  12. Gruesome Newsom? He’s obviously been positioning for it.

  13. A lot of very interesting comments.
    All rely on 2 assumptions.
    1. They won’t let the Dollar collapse.
    2. Thermonuclear War doesn’t happen.
    To end on a happy note. It’s 179 days till Christmas.

    TMF Bert

  14. Your country's enemies?

    Has it occurred to you that USGov/GAE has been for some considerable time now the Enemy of Mankind?

    You're happy to opine all the live-long day about how it's the enemy of YOU and your readers, but as soon as some furriners get involved it's Our Nation's Enemies again.

    Gell-Mann Amnesia much?

    As Cromwell that great friend and benefactor of the Irish (heh) once said to the Scots before slaughtering a bunch of them for not subscribing to the then equivalent of Globohomo values and the (it is to laugh) Rules Based International Order:

    "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken"

    1. Ah yes, how dare Cromwell (checks notes) act to pre-empt an invasion of his country.

      I'm somehow not particularly shocked that you're into personalistic rule, either.

  15. Biden's two defining characteristics are stupidity and narcissism. Like many dumb blowhards, he has long ago begun to believe his own lies. I think he believes he is a master debater, and his galloping senescence hasn't done a thing to change his mind. It is a sad, stupid, sorry spectacle, and one that must make our enemies rub their hands with glee. Just awful.

  16. Stormy will have a tough time talking her way around her signed notarized admission that nothing ever happened between her and Trump.

  17. What makes you think that Biden's real masters want him not to run? He isn't beholden to the DNC, he's beholden to the CCP. They are the ones holding the end of his hanging rope.

    "you push a candidate so senile and dishonest and unpopular to the fore and then help him rig an election so blatantly that no one can miss that the fix was in. you want irregularities, box stuffing, machines that suddenly get 300,000 biden votes at once at 3 AM, and exit polls that are 65% trump resulting in vote counts that are 51% biden.

    you create an election so obviously fraudulent that america will not accept it and spark civil war or, at the very least, a full de-legitimatization of the US system. you cannot really lose. either your guy gets 4 more years to play the wrecker on a newly demoralized nation, or you spark a constitutional crisis and perhaps internal uprisings. it’s the final denouement of a decades long play to destroy US institutions."

  18. Michelle Obama doesn't want to run against Donald Trump or anyone else for president in January 2025, but Gavin Newsom does. She could be his VP and apprentice for the top job over four or eight comfortable years, selling the image of Democratic hegemony until 2040 and beyond. Nobody will care what Newsom did in California except Californians. Nobody will care what Kamala Harris thinks if Michelle's there. And there's no VP in Trump's mix to offset a Michelle Obama except possibly Tulsi Gabbard. The obamas are not going to join up with a loser, or risk direct combat with Donald Trump. The Clinton magic is gone with the misappropriated foundation funds. If nothing else, it will help bring the vote numbers close enough to make cheating plausibly deniable. By hook or by crook.... Never forget who we're dealing with here. Last evening was a wretched display of the depths to which our political system has fallen. Nobody can truly win or lose at mud throwing if the world is mud. I think Donald Trump will be prevented from assuming the office somehow should he win the election. I hope I'm wrong. There's some people in Washington among other places who want WWIII and Trump isn't one of them and they resent his interference with their grifting. It's always the money.
    rick m

  19. If the Dems had any sense, they'd have eased him out months ago. before the primary season was well underway. Right now, it's late enough that except for the Blue Dog Dems there will be very little enthusiasm about voting for a relative unknown. The handful of names that might generate enthusiasm come with high negatives, as well.

    I'd agree that Gavin Newsome is a likely replacement, if they can bribe/pursuade Kamela to stand down - but his record in California won't appeal to any but the most hard-core of Democrats. In the six years he's been in charge he's taken California from "mostly solvent" to a steaming dumpster fire economically, and driven hundreds of thousands of *former* Californians to leave the state. Even with the mass media firmly behind him that's a very hard sell.

  20. One question I am very surprised I have not heard asked is that Mr Biden spend an entire week sequestered somewhere, probably Camp David. practicing for the debate, obviously focused on this key event. So who in bloody hell was running the country for that entire week? Leads me to assume it's not Biden and probably hasn't been for some time.

  21. I can't see Big Mike Obama running for president unless he's willing to demonstrate that he's not a dude in drag.

  22. I've met some people who seem to have something in their brain that re-writes their memories so they are always right, and are quite earnest and forceful in their recollection even if there is objective proof that they were wrong. In fact, one particular person I knew quite well would probably pass a polygraph. I would not be surprised if our current President is one of those people.

  23. It's especially times like this I enjoy reminding people that Biden was the "least unelectable" to be the Democrat contender against Trump.

  24. There is one other *gag* candidate...

  25. Your title asked a question, Yes is the answer.

  26. FTR, Gabbin' Nuisance is polling at -68% in Califrutopia when last I looked, and his chances nationally are worse than that. And the state is $50B in debt, which CA cannot print its way out of that.

    He has already self-selected for retirement, whether anyone told him or not. He's the entire reason term limits are always a good idea.

  27. Nah, she would only blow it.
