Friday, July 26, 2024

A self-inflicted tragedy in Gaza


A report on Thursday claimed that children were being deliberately targeted - executed, in so many words - by Israeli snipers in Gaza.

Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an American surgeon with heavy catastrophe-zone experience, is among those stunned by the civilian devastation they've recently witnessed in Gaza, and especially by a high volume of what appear to be precision rifle-fire wounds on children -- including toddlers.

"All of the disasters I've seen, combined – 40 mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes, all of that combined – doesn't equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza," Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an orthopedic surgeon and vice president of the International College of Surgeons, told CBS's Sunday Morning.

. . .

Perlmutter, a Jew who grew up in New Jersey and who now lives in North Carolina, was also disturbed what what he attributed to precise rifle fire directed at children, some of whom were "shot twice." 

"I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn't put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the 'world's best sniper.' And they're dead-center shots."

His description of the phenomenon was confirmed to CBS News by more than 20 other doctors who'd recently visited Gaza. An American doctor had such a problem grasping what he was seeing that he double-checked using CT scans, saying he "didn't believe that this many children could be admitted to a single hospital with gunshot wounds to the head."

There's more at the link.

It should be noted that the gist of that article has been repeated in sources such as Common Dreams (an explicitly progressive-left outlet), Politico and Democracy Now!  I have no idea of the political views of Dr. Perlmutter, but I suspect the views of such outlets are clues.  I note, too, that neither he nor any of the others involved have spoken about Hamas atrocities on October 7, 2023, or at other times.  It seems a rather one-sided perspective.  That does not, of course, affect the very real disaster that has befallen the people, particularly the children, of Gaza, but it does - must - condition one's perspective on it.

It's tragic to read about that disaster, and even more tragic to see it in real life.  I speak from all too bitter personal experience, because in the terrorist wars in southern Africa during the 1970's and 1980's, children were cold-bloodedly and brutally used as couriers, cover, even as armed combatants, by the terrorist movements.  The kids were given no choice in the matter, and their parents had no option but to let them do so - or be killed themselves as "counter-revolutionary sell-outs".  In rural areas of Rhodesia (today Zimbabwe), and to a certain extent in the Ovambo regions of South West Africa (today Namibia), it became common for terrorist gangs to kidnap whole schools full of kids and send them across the border to be trained as guerrillas/terrorists in their turn.  The security forces attempted to rescue them before they could be taken out of the country, but seldom succeeded - and when they did, many of the kids died or were wounded in the crossfire.

There were many incidents where security forces were deliberately placed in a no-win situation by terrorists using kids as cover, or to take military equipment to fighters by concealing it in their schoolbags (for example, magazines of ammunition, hand grenades, or even a land-mine or two).  Some children were even used as soldiers, not in uniform, but carrying grenades or other lethal devices and throwing them at a patrol while walking with a group of their fellow kids.  When fire was returned, it wasn't just the guilty ones who died.

I described some years ago how a baby was used to camouflage a land-mine, positioned to catch a patrol.

I remember Gavin, who was a member of a patrol that found a baby, too young to walk, sitting in the middle of a dirt road in a township, crying. As the point man and a couple of others walked up to see why the baby was just sitting there, the terrorists waiting in ambush blew up the landmine they'd buried beneath her, killing the point man and savagely mutilating the other two soldiers. Bits of flesh and blood from the soldiers, and the baby, splattered all over Gavin . . . across his face . . . in his eyes, nose and mouth.

For years, Gavin would start awake in the small hours at night, a scream of horror on his lips. "They blew up a baby! A baby!" Gavin's wife eventually left him, because she couldn't handle the strain of living with his nightmares. Psychiatric treatment couldn't break the cycle; nor could alcohol, or drugs (legal and illegal). Gavin took his own life at last, too tormented by what he'd seen to endure any longer, in the small hours every night, the parade of images across his closed eyelids. He was a hero in my book . . . and I'll always remember him as such.

There was another case where a dead baby was literally hollowed out, presumably by its mother.  Its body cavity was filled with explosives, and then carried through a military checkpoint to conceal the ordnance.  It worked the first time . . . and the second . . . but by the third time, decomposition had set in, and a whiff of it came to the nostrils of one of the soldiers at the checkpoint.  He investigated, and uncovered the scheme.  (The mother claimed - possibly truthfully - that she'd been forced to cooperate with the terrorists;  therefore, no action was taken against her.  I had my doubts.)

I was present when a vehicle-mounted patrol was passing through a very volatile area.  A woman rushed out from behind a hut, with a baby strapped to her chest in the typical African manner.  She charged the lead vehicle, holding a Molotov cocktail in either hand, their fuses lit.  The soldiers on the vehicle had a very simple binary choice.  Shoot her - which meant snap-shooting, probably through the baby on her chest, because there was no time to take careful aim and avoid it - or be immolated when the gasoline bombs exploded inside the load bed of the patrol vehicle.  You can imagine their feelings . . . but they were left with no other options.  She, and her baby, died.  Whose fault was that baby's death?  Not the soldiers', I would argue.

Older kids, as noted earlier, were used as couriers, pack mules, and resupply trains, particularly where the presence of international journalists might be presumed to inhibit troops - who knew exactly what they were doing - from shooting at them.  It seldom worked.

US forces encountered precisely the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq.  It's happening in Gaza, too.  We've all seen videos on YouTube and elsewhere of how Gaza kids are brainwashed and indoctrinated to seek martyrdom, to hate Jews, and to lash out at them whenever and wherever they can.  If you or I were an Israeli sniper or designated marksman in Gaza right now, and saw a baby being used as "live cover" by its mother in a critical situation, or an older kid making a run towards our troops or carrying supplies towards a known enemy strongpoint . . . I daresay we'd take the shot in a heartbeat, because if we didn't, our own troops would suffer the consequences.  That's the cold, hard, brutal reality of a terrorist war.  There are no morals.  There are no rules - except, "Survive!"  Allow me to assure you:  if you hesitate, you won't.

When you're dealing with a ruthless, homicidal movement like Hamas, which has openly stated that civilian casualties serve its purpose as propaganda, it's even worse.  I wish we could know precisely what side shot each of those children.  The answer might be very revealing.  We do know that for years, Hamas has routinely trained children at summer camps to be terrorists.  It has sent children to confront Israeli soldiers on patrol, throwing stones at them, in the hope that the soldiers will shoot back, thereby creating more propaganda about "Israeli atrocities" for dissemination.  Hamas wants child casualties.  It glories in them.

Yes, Israeli forces almost certainly are targeting kids who show themselves in suspicious circumstances.  I'm more saddened by that tragedy than words can say, but I'm not surprised by it.  I'm more surprised at how few kids in Gaza have been shot like that.  As a proportion of the population, I daresay it's minuscule.  I submit that speaks to the discipline and training of the Israeli troops involved (see, for example, the videos linked in the previous paragraph).  There may be a few renegade souls in Israeli uniform who are actively seeking to murder innocent kids in Gaza, but I think it's very unlikely.  I hope and pray I'm not wrong.

May God receive the souls of the children who die like that;  and may He visit condign punishment on those who force them into situations where that can happen to them.




  1. it always seems to be little ones that are most horribly used, since they cannot defend themselves. I suspect this is why Jesus said, 'Suffer the children to come unto me'.

    Unfortunately, too often this is interpreted as 'Make the children suffer'.

    I have no mercy for those who would use children in this way, no matter the reason or the circumstances, or their colour or where they are from. It doesn't matter. At all.

    Whatever is about to happen to us, our duty is to stand and protect the kids.

    Mike in Canada

  2. "There will be peace when they love their children more than they hate us."

  3. Always with the excuses for the Usual Suspects.

    Russians are slavering brutal savages who unleash convict soldiers upon the innocent.

    But when it's the Sainted Israelis slaughtering children (*), well... time for some Nuance, doncherknow?

    I get that it's social and professional suicide to say anything less than 100% approving of the Kindly Ones... but there's still the dignity of silence and not volunteering to carry their water for them. They have plenty to do that already.

    * Yes of course Hamas is guilty of plenty of Very Bad Stuff.

    1. Head shots supposedly indicate culpability of professionals. I direct your attention to the Las Vegas music festival where concert goers were head shot by a guy w/ a bump stock. Surely they jest.

  4. The whole affair is despicable, and there is no 'good side' at all.
    What the Israelis don't realize however, is most of the world not already involved at some level (i e. RINO pieces of garbage) views this story through the lens of having been lied to repeatedly by these people about whatever atrocity they are perpetrating.
    When Muslims desecrate a holy site it means WAR! When Jews desecrate a holy site, they were just going for a walk?
    Any reporting of the situation over there I not only DGAF, I assume its all propaganda, and the exact opposite of what I'm being told, is the actual truth.
    Good work Jews, you've lied so much nobody believes anything you say anymore! Somehow you spin that in your head that I'm the anti-semite? That is exactly why everybody hates Jews! Not because you're Jewish, but because you're all lying self serving pieces of garbage! Your religion and ethnicity just make it easy to spot you at a distance. It is the content of your character we all hate. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELVES!!!
    But yeah, blame the world for being anti-semetic, has nothing at all to do with you, its literally everyone else on the planet. Thats how they think.

  5. The Palestinians are really good at propaganda. They excel at using dead children to shape opinion.

    If a toddler was shot twice, was it a shadowy, deranged master sniper ruthlessly murdering and double-tapping innocent children? Or, was it a Palestinian propagandist shooting the body of a dead child directly in the center of the chest and head to generate a narrative and international condemnation.

    Hamas doesn't see innocent women and children as persons to be protected. They see them as resources to be utilized.

  6. I don't know if it is true, but I like to think that God would welcome innocents who are murdered by those who can and choose to act on it. I also like to think the perpetrators of attrocities like that get an Express Ticket to the hottest corner of Hell. Especially when it comes to children - there is NO EXCUSE for that

  7. Hey Peter,

    Unfortunately it isn't a new thing, the Viet Cong did the same thing to the Americans in the Vietnam War to the American GI's,and the NORK' did the same thing during the Korean war as did the Japanese toward the end of WWII, I read of cases in the Philippines and Okinawa during the hard fought campaigns there. Itr is something about a non western way of battle I suppose.

  8. What else would you expect from a culture that glorifies suicide bombings?

    They'll do ANYTHING to try to create sympathy for their cause. Even murder their own children. Martyrs my ass.

  9. I notice that you don't mention the children living in Gaza deliberately or accidently shot by Hamas that the Arab media deliberately attributes to "deaths by Israeli soldiers"
    Permutter may be "a useful idiot" or he may be a "Doctor without Borders" in which case his politics are no longer in question

  10. Mark my words, this will eventually happen here, too, if we're unable to pull back from the ledge....

  11. History isn't kind to children. All the atrocities committed during every decade of my long life. Starting with the Jewish people including all children to be sent to the death camps, to Korean war then onto Vietnam and it never stops. But always the children seem to be used in as many ways as man's depravity.

  12. Some Israeli snipers use .22 LR in crowd control situations. Other calibers listed as used by Israeli snipers are 5.56x45, 7.62x51, .338 Lapua Magnum and 12.7x99.

    Anybody with good data and experience about gunshot wounds to the head, please weigh in. Not my field.

    Also note that anybody doing anything overt in Gaza is there with Hamas approval. The mission Perlmutter was on was run by the Palestinian American Medical Association.

  13. At least the children died quickly.

    Yes, it's horrible. Yes, Zaphod, the Israelis are doing 'bad think.'

    But. What's worse, shooting kids carrying explosives or war supplies or watching your own people die because they didn't shoot kids?

    Who's really to blame, Zaphod? I am sure in the minds of some people that the Israelis started it and they're the cause of it so it serves them right to be killed.

    But, no. The Israelis kept pulling back, kept giving up hard-won land and materials. How much better, how many kids would still be alive today if Israel had said "Screw you all, we're keeping Gaza and the West Bank." Every time Israel tries to act civilized the stupid bastids make Israel strike them back.

    It is sad to see innocents on both sides destroyed. But the Gazans voted for this, supported wholeheartedly for this, stood in the streets and cheered the wholesale slaughter of innocents in Israel.

    On December 8th, 1941, Admiral Halsey, as he surveyed the destruction of Pearl Harbor, said "In ten years Japanese will only be spoken in Hell." Only two atomic bombs, after worse firebombings of other cities, stopped the elimination of Japan and the Japanese people. All those 'innocents' burned and radiated and blown up, to stop everyone from dying. It's, sadly, a small price to pay for real peace.

    I feel for the snipers and soldiers who have to take such action.

    And I'll say the unspoken part. How do we know that it was the Israelis who shot the children? It's been shown the Palestinians have a dramatic flair for staging their own 'Israeli-caused' catastrophes.

  14. @ Peter B
    that last sentence says it all

  15. Boron 8:36, I did a little more digging. Your Doctors Without Borders guess was a good one.

    From Dr. Perlmutter's piece for Politico: "people from Oxfam, UNICEF, World Food Programme, Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders, and International Medical Corps, among others. . ."

    The links on the organization names take you to the NGO Monitor files on the relevant organizations. While the UN's World Food Programme and the International Medical Corps don't have their own NGO Monitor files, both have both heavily funded various terror/jihad organizations or their projects in the past.

  16. @ Anonymous#1
    please check Wikipedia ergarding the word antisemitic (your spelling, last sentence: "anti-semetic".
    most of us, having learned from our fathers' and gandfathers' generation no longer whine, cower, and follow orders with a Schmeisser pointed at us: we crowd-rush full well knowing that some (most) of us will be killed, but that some will live to take out (rip him limb from limb, literally) the bastard shooting us only because we're Jews.
    We're not your Grandpa'a Jooz - and we didn't do it to ourselves; they may have used us as slave labor to build Sobibor and Bergen-Belsen, but we didn't take/run the cattlecars to the camps ourselves.

  17. The war will continue until each and every Hamas member and active supporter is either dead or has surrendered to the Israelis.

    To pretend that peace is possible without that is to ignore their proven record of dissembling, propoganda, brutality, and indifference to suffering and casualties among those they purport to champion.

    Ever since 1947, the Israelis have been open to coexistence and peace. And every time they've offered it the "Palestinians" have either rejected it out of hand or added impossible-to-satisfy escalating demands to make accepting their terms tantamount to suicide.

    Israel would be fully justified in going scorched-earth in Gaza and the West Bank in the face of the ongoing provocation, but - so far - have held back. Though I applaud their humanitarian restraint, I'm beginning to wonder harsher, more brutal countermeasurs decades ago might not have, paradoxically, reduced the ongoing death spiral.

  18. My combat patrol indoc was by a Marine with real jungle 'Nam time, and he put it like this:

    "When you walkin' patrol, you lookin' for what ain't right.
    If I see a baby in the road, I'm throwin' a grenade on da baby.
    Babies don't get left in da road.
    If de baby blow up twice, dat baby was boobytrapped."

    We laughed, but he was deadly serious.
    The VC did the same thing in 'Nam the terrs did in Africa: anything to get an edge on killing your guys.

    This doctor's gullibility in assuming those were Israeli sniper shots is monumental, and epically stupid.
    Hamas already hides their HQs and arsenals under schools. It's a short step from hiding behind (or under) kids, to just shooting them yourself and blaming your opponents for any air time and PR you can get.
    Hamas' and Fatah's philosophy has always been "Shoot all you want, the people will just make more."

  19. The Gazans brought it upon themselves. FAFO. Anything less than bulldozing the lot of them into the Mediteranean is restraint.

  20. Zaphod...

    dude... that's just annoying, there is not really any equivalency. Both Russia and Gaza/Hamas Invaded another country first. I dare say if either one of them had not gone there first there wouldn't be a full blown war in either place.

    Gaza/Palistine in particular whether its Hamas or the preceding groups have been slaughtering people for close to 100 years (well longer than that but we are just talking the conflict with the current Israel) and regardless of the peace treaties signed that supposedly would resolve this they have never honored them. As far as I can tell Israel mostly has honored them up till the point the treaty was breached by guess what another attack. Not saying Israel is the font of all lightness and good. However they have been way more moderate than I would have ever been up to and including the current conflict. If I and my family lived in Israel and i was in charge, Gaza would have been a parking lot a long time ago. I would probably go to my grave with horrible mental trauma for doing it but my duty to my family and their safety comes way higher on the list that a group like Hamas and the population of Gaza.

    Has anyone not actually watched the freely available video even on mainstream media of the general Gazan population celebrating in jubilation, miles of them cheek to jowl on all major roads, a significant percent of their population, after the September attack. After 9/11, after almost any significant terrorist attack world wide. The general population of Gaza if not actively participating fully supports Hama's activities. There is polling showing this if a simple video of a million plus people celebrating a massive terrorist attack with raping and killing of civilians doesn't make the point. Watching the rise in cheering as a naked dead broken young woman in the back of a truck driving through that massive crowd told me what I need to know about the beliefs of of a statistically significant number of Gazan's. The polling on attitudes in Gaza by Gaza's citizens highlighted at the time i saw it a general approval of 60+ percent of that attack.

    I also could care less at this point about the current Israel being the invaders visa the creation of the country there after the holocaust. There is not a single sq ft of the planet that the current population isn't an invading force at one point or another in history. I don't approve of it but it's uncontested fact. If you want to go down that road then they are just reclaiming what was taken from them by the Romans and everyone else that invaded first. It's a net zero sum game.

    look for part 2

  21. part 2
    Shit someone cheated my grandfather of his farm in the 1930's, am I justified in hunting their descendants down and putting them to the knife because of an injustice 90 years ago. At some point you have to move on.

    All my life I have been watching this mess in Gaza and Israel. Most of what I see is Israel responding to stuff someone else starts. They just seem to be much more, horribly more, effective in their responses than the side that kicked it off.

    Do you know why no other bordering country will take in gaza's refugees. It's because they did once and all of them suffered political violence from those refugees. In Jordan they even got to the point of trying an armed takeover. The reason Gaza exist they way it does today is more about the bordering countries than about Israel. Everyone in the region relocated the palistinians there to get rid of their troublesome violent selves from their countries, im pretty sure they shipped of a few of their own troublemakers their too.

    The people in Gaza with the money and power such as Hamas's leadership now and whatever name they went by back in the day, are not in it for anything but power. Even if they are true believers in their cause those individuals want to be the arbitrators of that true belief. I have seen the accounts from inside these movements and they are as deadly to their own side in the struggle for power as they are to Israel. I'm, in general, unsympathetic. On a case by case basis where I have all the fact's I will be kind and humane. However when a majority of a population overtly supports attacks on civilian populations with attendant raping and killing of said civilians, and said attacks actually take place, I am going to be unsympathetic.

  22. Remember‭‭, O LORD‭, the children‭ of Edom‭ in the day‭ of Jerusalem‭; who said‭‭, Rase‭‭ ‭it‭, rase‭‭ ‭it, even‭ to the foundation‭ thereof.‭ O daughter‭ of Babylon‭, who art to be destroyed‭‭; happy‭ ‭shall he be‭, that rewardeth‭‭ thee as thou hast served‭‭‭ us.‭ Happy‭ ‭shall he be‭, that taketh‭‭ and dasheth‭‭ thy little ones‭ against the ‭stones‭‭.
