Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Looks like others have the same fear...


A few days ago I put up a blog post titled "Biden quitting the race? That could be very risky for all of us".  In it, I postulated that President Biden, freed from any restraint connected to his re-election, could go "scorched earth" on his policies, using executive orders and other measures to ram through actions and decisions that might impact the whole country very negatively.  After all, he'd have nothing left to lose.

It looks like the New York Post has similar fears.

In an irony that would seem absurd in any election cycle but this one, Joe Biden is now liberated to do exactly what he wants without fear of reprisal for the first time in what has been a half-century political career full of triangulation and calculation.

He can even embrace the “Dark Brandon” persona his online fans have yearned for in recent years.

In short, there’s a realistic chance that if the president doesn’t step down and isn’t driven out — via a 25th Amendment scenario as Republicans from JD Vance on down would like — it’s entirely possible his term’s last few months could include some of the most radical moves any chief executive would make.

There’s no one left to cater to. So Biden, who presented himself as something of a caretaker president in the 2020 cycle, can assume his final form as an executive order-wielding change agent as he runs out the clock on his political career.

. . .

Could he increase American involvement in Ukraine? Could he impose more conditions on aid to Israel amid its struggles with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran?

What’s stopping him is the real question.

And of course there is the case of Hunter Biden, a key White House adviser of late who was recently convicted of three felonies in a federal gun trial.

Republicans aren’t the only ones who can talk about “lawfare,” and Biden — despite pledging he wouldn’t pardon his son — has nothing to stop him from breaking that vow.

There's more at the link.

I'll be watching developments very carefully.  I think there might be all sorts of mischief coming out of the White House over the next few months - not least because the mainstream media are going to be focusing on the election campaign, and paying less attention to the "old guard" (something the Biden administration might be relying upon).



  1. This wobbling disintegrating jackwagon was taped together long ago. All the parts have just been doing their jobs. I sense the 4th term of President Hussein.

  2. Scorched earth is probably in the cards anyway. It's a win-win for the Left.
    It either rapidly advances the agenda and if (ptu ptu ptu) Biden is succeeded by a Dem, then the boot gets to trample a human face for a long, long time.
    Or the steal doesn't work well enough, but the Dems leave so many crises for President Trump (along with the embedded saboteurs and spies in every agency) that Trump has to spend way too much time stamping out flaming bags of feces.

  3. It's the Soros family that's been running the country
    and they can/will make mischief if it's profitable

  4. He could executive order away. It sounds just like Hitler ordering fictitious tank battalions to go into battle.

    And everyone else could just ignore him. Congress would have to rubber stamp any significant legal changes. Chances are he'd never notice anyway if everyone just pretended they didn't hear him.

    What if Biden ordered a US-Ukraine War, and nobody went? There isn't a single military commander now who could honestly say that Biden's orders were legal, given his mental deterioration.

    Could he really make the southern border any worse now?

    Anything more extreme than that will just trigger an real armed insurrection.

  5. "impose more conditions on aid to Israel" impose the condition they all become Catholic, Biden.

  6. "He can even embrace the “Dark Brandon” persona his online fans have yearned for in recent years."

    Biden has FANS???

    One can't be any more "dark" than being a TRAITOR to America...

  7. I'm not one to be conspiracy minded but I see they are putting up barricades around the White House. Leaves me to wonder exactly what they might be announcing tonight.

  8. Pedo Joe isn't going to run amok because he can't. He's not in control. Never has been. The same puppet masters who held his strings will be holding Kameltoe's strings...or whoever they decide to install. Nobody will be allowed to hold the office who isn't totally controlled by the deep state. Which is why they tried to whack Trump.

  9. Daniel 4:17
    This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

  10. this was his task to begin with...the puppet so others wouldn't have to take the's not like he's been in charge the 3.5 years he's been there...

  11. The guy who walked off the plane definitely wasn't him, but the guy giving the speech did appear to be him. And why is he covered in bruises?

  12. All anyone has to do is look at Harris's record as junior Senator for Commiefornia. (I can say that, I was BORN THERE!) Her record is more Liberal (Leftist) than Elizabeth Warren, or BURNIE SANDERS.Indeed, she was the most left-leaning Senator, EVAH...we hand this wench the power of the Presidency at our peril.

  13. Your alarmism is tiresome. He's in the exact same position as any lame duck or 2nd term president, and they all do the same thing: sign a slew of executive orders and pardons their last day in office, but none of them are ever a surprise.
