Friday, July 12, 2024

Somebody in the Marine Corps Band has a sense of humor...


This news is a couple of days old, but I only just came across it.  After I stopped laughing, I thought I'd share it here for others who might not have heard it yet.

It's emerged that soon after entering the White House, somebody in the Administration decided that whenever Mrs. Biden entered an official function, she needed her own theme music, much as the President is greeted by "Hail To The Chief".

Somebody - presumably in the Marine Corps Band, which plays at the White House - came up with this "Fanfare for the First Lady".

Only recently did somebody note that the Fanfare sounds uncannily similar to the theme music for the 1960's TV comedy series "F Troop", about a hapless cavalry troop in the Old West that can't do anything right and gets everything wrong.  See - or, rather, listen - for yourself.

Seems to me that the Fanfare is nothing more or less than a (very) thinly disguised rendition of the F Troop theme.  Given the performance of the Biden administration, I daresay it's a pretty fair tribute to its accomplishments, too!

I wonder if the composer of the Fanfare was able to get his tongue out of his cheek after completing it . . . ?



  1. Laughed when I heard it, and it's even funnier that it's from F-troop.
    Sounds like a disconnected aimless fragment of a forgotten march Sousa or Strauss tossed off while struggling for a theme. It sounds silly. The self- fascination of this wretched librarian is nauseating. I hope that they don't try to play this crap when Melania returns in triumph.
    And any of the Republican candidates that we've seen in this century would lose to this Democrat ticket and stick us with this amusical dross because they've all been Deep State milquetoast collaborators. Except for Donald Trump. May his path forward continue to be blessed. And maybe he'll return the Marine band to ranks until they agree to stay with the classic patriotic repertoire. "Fanfare for the First Lady", indeed? Should be the Cruella DeVille music from 101 dalmatians instead." If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will".
    rick m

  2. Entrance theme for the First Lady, WTF?!? pardon my French.

  3. That makes me proud to be a former Marine. Yup, I wouldn't put it past the Corps to come up with something like that. I read elsewhere that it was Jill Biden herself who asked (demanded?) that the Marine Corps Band come up with a suitable tune for her to make her grand entrance. Both the King AND the Queen have no clothes.

  4. Oh, yes - it sounds to my ear (which was raised and trained on classical music) like a dressed-up version of the F-Troop theme, and yes, I can very well imagine someone in the Marine Corps band sneaking this into their repertoire in honor of Dr. Jill.

  5. Jill enters to the theme from F Troop? I thought the Benny Hill chase theme would be more appropriate

  6. Awww. There was already an appropriate, and pleasant, piece of music, the Colonel Bogie March from Bridge over the River Kwai
    John in Indy

  7. I agree with Anon, she's wretched and arrogant, and the F-Troop theme fits her(!) but a small correction: she's not a librarian. She has MAs in English and Education, and her "doctorate" is an Ed.D. from the University of Delaware. She's taught English in high schools and community colleges, but not at a 4-year college or university. You can teach community college--or undergrads--with a Master's, but an academically serious English Dept. at a four-year institution wouldn't want her as a professor.

    I'm a academic librarian, and she couldn't get a job where I work based on her academic "accomplishments." It could only happen using her political connections, but she couldn't be a useful member of our team with her background.


    1. I felt bad about calling her a librarian as soon as I gave It some thought. Librarians are underappreciated.
      rick m

  8. That's military humor if I've ever seen it. Ordered to come up with something that doesn't make sense and is inappropriate, but it's a lawful fulfill the order in the most tongue in cheek, borderline disrespectful manner possible.

    After all the crappy news about the current state of the military, it brings a tear of joy to my eye to see that some remnants of the military in which I served 20-40 years ago persist.

    Ooh Rah Jarheads.

  9. Well that certainly was amusing but some music director probably has his butt in a crack. However I'm sure the cabinet member Rachael Levine can gladly help him out. His next duty assignment will be memorable.

  10. Theme music for Melania as First Lady? How about the Honey West theme?

  11. Jill Biden - what narcissism. What's she done for our country? OK, I guess being a full-time caretaker for her near brain dead Weekend at Bernie's husband does count for something. But don't most people taking care of nursing home patients have to at least have some sort of nursing certification?

    Compare Jill to people like Melania Trump and Nancy Reagan and you'll quickly see that Jill is far outclassed in every way - grace, elegance, behavior, charm, whit, class... Jill Biden is more like a white Moooochelle Obama: another ugly cow embarrassing America.

  12. I thought exactly that before I scrolled down.

    I think you've outted them.

    For their next selection, I suggest a riff on either Yakety Sax or John Williams' Imperial March.

  13. Anon: No offense taken at all. Just wanted to share her academic "accomplishments." She's had a long career...teaching high school and community college. To quote Jerry Seinfeld: "Not that there's anything wrong with that," but not all "doctors" are created equal, and "Dr." Jill Biden has failed to impress me.
