Sunday, July 14, 2024

The assassination attempt on President Trump


I've said nothing yet in these pages about yesterday's attempted assassination of former President Trump.  I won't have anything substantial to say until more information is available - and that may be some time in being made available.  I certainly don't trust the FBI to conduct a reliable, impartial, non-partisan investigation.  As Rep. Thomas Massie tweeted this morning:

Quite so.  I said some years ago that "The FBI can no longer be trusted in any way, shape or form".  I've seen nothing since then to make me change that opinion - rather the opposite, in fact.

And what about the abysmally poor security coverage of President Trump?  How, precisely, could a man with a clearly visible and identifiable rifle climb onto a rooftop only a few hundred feet from him, take aim, and fire several shots before being neutralized?  How did he penetrate the secure perimeter that should have been in place for several hundred yards around the venue?  Failure of security, much?

In years past, before being elected President, Trump hired a very efficient and effective Israeli security company to handle that sort of thing.  Perhaps he should do so again, to remind the Secret Service how it's done.  They appear to have forgotten.

Then there's this allegation.  It may be a complete fabrication - we don't know yet, and I've seen nothing to confirm it - but I'd love to know whether the shooter was observed by President Trump's security detail before he pulled the trigger, and if so, why none of them stopped him before he could do so.  Was permission to shoot denied?  If so, by whom?  And why?  And who told the leader(s) of his security team what to do under such circumstances?

As for all the calls for restraint from so-called "moderates" and the progressive/liberal/left-wing half of US politics . . . no.  Simply "No."  When the only candidate who offers anything to "constitutional Americans" - those who support our traditional values, who reject the political, social, economic and cultural "norms" of the Obama and Biden administrations - is targeted, so are all of us who want the same things.  I personally don't like the thought of a sometimes vulgar, sometimes obsessive, loudly outspoken President Trump in charge of the country again:  but if (as it currently appears) he's the only candidate who's prepared to dismantle the administrative "deep state" and restore our country to something at least approximating "government of the people, by the people and for the people", he'll have my vote every day and twice on Sundays.  I have nothing left about which to be moderate, because every time our side tries moderation, the other side grabs more power and refuses to relinquish it.  If it takes a morning star to beat some sense into their heads, I'll buy one, gift-wrap it and personally hand it to President Trump, along with a bouquet of roses and a smile.  The time for moderation just went out the window.

Several bloggers have been expecting an attempt on President Trump's life, and I've foreseen the possibility in several previous posts in these pages.  Yesterday, all of us were proven correct.  The only question now remaining is whether this was merely one facet of a much wider, deeper and more sinister plot.  Was it a "lone wolf" acting on his own?  Or was it the harbinger of many more such attempts, each fostered and encouraged by a progressive left wing of US politics (and its "deep state" allies) that will do literally anything to stop President Trump from being elected to a second term in office?  And will the FBI and Secret Service, both very much a part of the "deep state" and therefore tainted by association, offer more effective (and trustworthy) protection to him?  I'm not holding my breath in anticipation of that . . .

Finally, the assassination attempt has "rattled the cages" of vast numbers of Americans who thought it couldn't happen here.  Clearly, it could - and it has.  The result?  As SGAmmo, my favorite ammunition supplier, pointed out in its latest advertising flyer, published today:

It is safe to say the next rush to buy ammo is here. As I have talked about in past emails, the lion's share of the volume in the ammunition business is based on hoarding and panic buying, not consumption, and demand is such cases is a fear-driven. Yesterday, due to the tragic events, we saw order volume increase by about 2000%, 20 times recent normal from around 6pm CST to 11pm when I stopped monitoring the flow for the night. Order volume then sustain massive elevation through the night and into this morning ... Yesterday, we saw several  of our so-called 'competitors' raise prices almost instantly, especially on 5.56/223, and as of so far we have not increased any prices, however please consider this notice that there may be upward movement in the days ahead unless demand settles quickly.

Clearly, many US citizens understand that in uncertain times, you'd better have ammunition with which to respond to any threat requiring it.  As the old saying goes, "it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it".

I've got mine.  I hope you've got yours.  Keep it handy.



  1. Glad I stocked up last winter. Still, might be time for a bit more, as one can never be too careful.

  2. I think the cop is in CYA mode. If I had seen the perp I would have yelled loud and clear: "GUN, GUN, GUN, GUN, and pointed to the perp. Everyone in the area would have heard it and the SS team at the podium would have whisked Trump away.

  3. I see this as a continuation of the illusions of competence being shattered that began in 2020. That roof was 'somebody else's problem' which would explain why the counter-snipers initially did nothing, were surprised, and then had to depress their aim to fire, as they were looking out beyond.

    I'm glad Trump made it, as the alternative is horrible, and I am sickened that a father was killed and another wounded from the attack. I'll be ignoring the online rage-farming for a while, as there are a lot of sick people out there on the net.

    While I'm stocked up on normal ammunition, I did take the opportunity to get some niche calibers for my Safe Queens. The only ones I still can't find (and have shipped behind Enemy Lines) are 22 Hornet and 7mm Weatherby Magnum. No rush.

  4. America dodged a literal bullet there, and while I am an atheist, the idea of Divine Intervention feels mighty appealing. Although there is a sad and tragic death to be mourned.
    Also, I don´t think the allegation can be correct; why not take the shot regardless, if you are so certain, with such high stakes?

  5. Hate to bait Boomers (cross my heart and hope to die!) but yada yada randomly about this or that politician being under the thumbs of Da Chinese, Da Burismanians, etc., etc... and *then* suggest that the Great White Hope put his life in the hands of the Israelis who know a thing or two about Realpolitik double, triple, quadruple cross (and that's being polite) and who would *never* expect a quid pro quo and would totally not contemplate cutting deals with well *anyone*... Well it is to laugh.

    And that's even with my allowing that at least some of the Zionist fanatic faction are backing Trump because he's less likely to be affected by mystery meat pro-Palestinian pressure groups. Still wouldn't stop them letting a bullet through if it had some serious quid pro quo value elsewhere.

    Just like importing Germanic bodyguards as a hedge against the Praetorian faction didn't work way back when, this is just another dumb idea.

    If there aren't Heritage Americans who can't keep him alive, then Heritage America is finished. It's a test, really.

    And yes, definitely something very suspicious about how long it took to take out the shooter. Things are so far gone that it's hard to tease out the incompetence from the malice, though. Still, best to assume malice.

  6. I don't understand why he let a bad order stop him from shooting.

    1. I doubt he did. I doubt the second picture is real. Anyone can make that kind of claim online. And if you watch the video, it does not look like someone who has been on target for minutes just waiting. The counter-sniper's actions look more like "is that... holy shit! *trigger pull*"

    2. This tweet chain explains it.

      Once there was almost a mishap where SS and some local LEO almost got into a sniper fight because of miscommunication. This officer was probably waiting to confirm whether the shooter was one of them or not.

  7. Re the FBI falling down on the job:

    Wonderful, just wonderful...

  8. If this was a D/S/C plot was this their best? Any more in the wings. Well, that didn't work; what to try next?

    Drones? IED'S, VBID's, poison, poison gas, Bird flue, ...

    This ain't over.

  9. I don't find the Gab post credible. I did hear an explanation that seems reasonable. The sniper team was focused beyond where the shot took place. If you look, the sniper comes off the scope to look and then lowers the barrel to engage the shooter. When I first saw this, I couldn't understand why he would do that.

    Watching the clip of Trump being escorted to his SUV didn't inspire much confidence in the SS either. The female agents didn't appear to know what they were doing.

  10. It is clear that as Secret Service you are to not wait for orders but to immediately act as you see danger. If they have changed then they are putting all they cover in danger and their head should be removed immediately. Congress should investigate what changed and why. It sounds planned to me that the Left is using this to get rid of Trump.

  11. I highly doubt a serving Secret Service Agent would release that statement. Just not going to happen. Yes they were a customer of mine before I retired.

    What is true, the sniper/counter sniper must wait for approval to shoot. Command is going to make sure they are not going to kill some knucklehead who climbed up on the roof to take a picture or someone from another agency who is not where they belong. Think of it like is that aircraft a bogey or bandit?

    I would like to know how he got the rifle there.

  12. The SS shooter statement came off 4-chan, hardly the most reliable of boards. I love a good conspiracy, but this seems a bit much.

  13. The USSS left the door open here, plain and simple. Ineptitude? Inside job? We'll never know. Remember what happened after the Las Vegas shooting? ANyone? Anyone?... ...Like it never happened... Notice too, all of a sudden all eyes are on this and not the potato in the Oval Office. ...Convenient...

    I trust NO ONE anymore... I trust God, and my own eyes...

  14. “Report: Secret Service Snipers Instructed NOT to Fire Until AFTER Assassin Takes the First Shot”

    “RealClearPolitics White House and National Political Correspondent Susan Crabtree dropped an important report on the failure of the Secret Service to protect President Donald J. Trump and those around him during last week’s Pennsylvania rally.”

    “According to Crabtree, the potential lack of drones and the “DEI” protocols at the Secret Service contributed to the failure, but the biggest reason Trump’s life was put in danger is because rules of engagement prohibit snipers from engaging until the assassin shoots first.”

    So the assassins get one free shot. That is so wrong at so many levels that I do not know where to start.

    Welcome to DEI hires.

  15. My first thought when reading the FBI was going to investigate was of the fact that they had lethal authority at the raid regarding paper.

    The FBI may or may not be qualified to conduct the investigation, but they damned well are not trustworthy to do so.

  16. hell, now there is doubt the shooter was even crooks. a vid showed up by crooks after the shooting saying they got the wrong guy. and another guy's pics were flashed on the screen at first. the dead guy looks nothing like crooks. now they are saying they saw him 26 minutes b4 the shots.
