Wednesday, August 7, 2024

"Just routine" can kill you


John Farnam reports:

Today, a 65-year-old female career Walmart employee was precipitously attacked and stabbed to death inside her own well-lighted store, at 7:00am, in Lake Elsinore, CA.  She was not “isolated,” as other store staff were present at the time.

The victim, unarmed by corporate edict, died at the scene.

The murderer, who had no connection with the victim, is a 29-year-old man, a multiple-convicted felon, out on parole.  He “turned himself in” to police a short time later.

This murderous attack did not happen late at night, nor in “the bad part of town,” nor was the victim doing anything other than going about her legitimate routine


1) Alertness, awareness, and personal readiness must not be limited to parking lots and dark alleys, late at night!

2) Particularly in CA, what we laughingly call our “criminal justice system” is well and truly broken, as leftist politicians openly promote violent crime, and protect violent criminals.

3) Most Walmarts and similar stores have knives for sale on the shelf, that anyone can pick up.  Being “inside a store” is no guarantee of personal safety, as we see!

4) Woke corporate “officials” say they are “heartbroken,” but of course they will still not allow employees to be armed with any species of self-defense kit.  A glaring exception is made, of course, for their own bodyguard staffs.

5) When you naively believe self-serving security fairy-tails, promoted by amoral woke hypocrites and mealy-mouthed corporate commissars, then the foregoing fate can be yours too!

Quite so.

Friends, I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  You are not, repeat, not, I say again, NOT safe in today's world!  I don't care whether you're at home, or driving, or shopping, or whatever - there are low-lifes and weirdos and people who are more or less out of their minds all around you.  If you spent a day or two observing inside the average jail or prison, you'd be scared s***less to see how many of them walk in and out of such places every day - the "revolving door" of the so-called "justice" system - and every one who walks out is statistically more likely than not to reoffend.

Keep your head on a swivel, stay alert, and if possible stay armed.  You never know when those preparations might save your life.  I'm willing to bet the unfortunate Walmart employee would never have dreamed that such a fate might befall her . . . but it did.  It can befall us, too.



  1. Jeff Cooper said that the numbers he came up with about this sort of thing in his research were that about 1 out of every 100 people would take it upon themselves, for reasons that seemed good to them at the time, to bash your head in. 1% of the population is still a LOT of people.

  2. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but.. I change my shorts into something that supports wearing a belt before leaving the house to run errands. I finally explained about the holster and drawstring waistbands.. she thinks I'm nuts for taking such precautions.
    Normalcy bias is a real problem.

  3. You know, I'm not a sue-happy individual, but in this particular case, maybe suing really IS the correct route. No, it won't help the deceased, but, just maybe, it might get the attention of the penny-counting morons in their nice, corporate offices, and explain that they need to be thinking about their employees, and not JUST that penny or two they saved off their insurance by having a corporate edict that their employees are not allowed to carry anything to protect themselves. Just a thought.

    1. Wal mart management are idiots.

    2. I agree Merlin. If the employees are disarmed by corporate policy, the corporation and it's officers are responsible for employee safety and security.

  4. There was a very similar case locally this year. Mentally ill guy, distressed enough that the ER sent him on to a local mental health place, who sent him back. ER then cut him loose, stabbed a local Walmart employee to death with a display knife hours later.

    I'm thinking, someone in the process gave him something to calm him down enough that someone further down the chain decided to turn him loose, as not a threat to himself or others.

  5. It should be obvious by now that we've arrived at the point where being Alert & Competently Armed is more important than management nostrums or one's job. Near-minimum wage positions, such as Walmart greeters, are available in sufficient quantity that walking away from one should not be a hardship, or certainly, a hardship substantially less than wounding or death.

  6. Even here in Texas, you have to pay attention to the signs in the window--

    I have no problem with these laws. Property owners are perfectly within their rights. Obviously, depending on the signs posted, there are places that don't need my business.

  7. If by some unfortunate circumstance, I had to work at some "no weapons" job, I would conceal carry anyway. No one will know unless you save the day or are unconscious, in which case you probably have bigger problems than getting fired.

  8. I’ll echo those who urge carrying regardless of corporate diktat. Short of some kind of scan to affirmatively check for weapons, one can carry virtually anywhere, as long as one selects the weapon and means of carry with sufficient care. For those ignorant of such things, Phlster has some really good concealment guides. The guides are mostly focused on their Enigma system, but 99% of the content cross-applies to other carry systems and methods. Someone motivated to read and test can figure out very quickly how to conceal very effectively.

  9. The thing is, there are far more lawyers who will sign up to sue companies where employees defend themselves than lawyers who will sign up to sue companies that don't protect employees. Big huge gigantic difference in numbers. Like it's almost impossible for an employee (or the survivors) to sue a company. While one dindu nuffin or crazy whackadoodle gets injured during a shoplifting investigation, let alone getting plugged by an employee, and it's like the 82nd Airborne over Normandy, with lawyers dropping out of the air everywhere, and every relative getting their own platoon of lawyers. And nobody's allowed to shoot at the lawyers. Dammit.


  10. I was just in Lake Elsinore 2 weeks ago, wow.

    More details. Guy had a previous arrest for knifing a restaurant employee that was plea bargained down. This seems to be over a locked cabinet. Suspect is black, victim is Hispanic.

  11. Replies
    1. Amen. or my service dog, my steel toed shoes, the stainless steel hair comb holding my hair in a bun. And I am growing long fingernails too.

    2. Oregon banned cudgels.

  12. So he was pissed the employee didn't have the keys to a locked cabinet, and responded to that bit of news by stabbing her with a knife he was carrying.

    And no points for guessing the race of the murderer. it's just a coincidence, of course.

    Bear all of this well in mind whenever you're out and about.

    BTW, this murder is owned by Kamala Harris' policies enacted when she was Califrutopia's AG, and those of current Gov. Gabbin' Nuisance. Mark it in your accountability book.

  13. We have also noticed a lot more people hanging around stores without merchandise. Some ask for 'money for emergency needs' but I think those post a risk of exposing where you keep your $$ and how much you may have on your person.
