Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mpox: the fake pandemic generates real money


Last week I noted that the declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) of mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) as a "global health emergency" was suspect on a number of grounds, particularly the very small (relatively speaking) number of cases in even the worst-affected areas.  However, as the notorious Rahm Emanuel observed some years ago, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste" - and throwing public money at another phony emergency means kick-backs, rake-offs and other benefits to far too many politicians.

Bavarian Nordic A/S, one of the few companies with an approved mpox vaccine, says it will be able to meet the immunization needs of African nations in the throes of an mpox outbreak.

Shares in the Danish company surged as much as 17% in early Thursday trading in Copenhagen, extending a 12% rise the day before, after it said it can provide 10 million doses of its vaccine to African countries by the end of 2025.

“We have inventory and we have the capabilities. What we’re missing are the orders,” Bavarian Nordic’s Chief Executive Officer Paul Chaplin said in an interview Wednesday.

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“We are in late August already, so it really does need some speed in the decision making to be able to do that,” he said.

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Africa CDC’s Director General Jean Kaseya has said the continent needs 10 million doses and that the shots are very expensive.

“Pricing is no doubt going to be an issue,” Chaplin said in the interview. “We’re very sensitive about the pricing. We’re fully aware we have to do our bit here and look at pricing in a responsible way,” he said, declining to provide more details.

There's more at the link.

Let's see, now.  Speed is a factor, meaning governments and agencies won't be able to take their time and make a fully informed judgment before shelling out the big bucks?  Check.  "Pricing is no doubt going to be an issue"?  Check.  Company needs a good excuse to charge more for forced, rushed production?  Check.  External pressure to buy the vaccine anyway, regardless of price?  Check.  Am I missing anything here?

What's the betting that the USA (as the world's biggest donor) is going to be asked to shell out a large proportion of the cost of those vaccines to Bavarian Nordic A/S, so the company can make immense profits producing vaccines that aren't even tailored to the current strain of mpox, and send them off to Africa where they'll be misused, wasted, exposed to conditions (heat, humidity, being bounced around in trucks on poor-condition dirt roads, etc.) that will render them useless in fairly short order, and thus have to be replaced (at even more expense) in the not too distant future?

Call me a cynic if you wish, but I've had too much up-close, personal, in-your-face experience with international aid organizations and NGO's to have much faith in this announcement.



  1. Here we go again. Looks like the orange man will win so call out the viruses.

  2. "...will be able to meet the immunization needs of African nations in the throes of an mpox outbreak."

    Maybe the people of those African nations should stop doing what they're doing with monkeys... Problem solved...

  3. Even since the Obama administration, it's been scam after scam after scam.
    My point is that my American-born SIL will be in the vanguard demanding that our government help all those poor Africans
    1. having no idea how the disease is transmitted
    2. having no idea that the money being used for this is coming directly out of her pocket (taxes)

  4. Completely off topic, do you know what has happened to Virtual Mirage? I found you blog through VM.

    1. Some agency(probably fed) keeps trying to shut down his site, using various hide-in-the-background techniques. Guess they hope he'll get fed up and quit. He's go a lot going with his retirement working businesses.

  5. Hey Peter,

    Yep its election season....Gotta scare the crap out of the "Muggles" again.

    1. Mister we could use a President like John Sheridan again.

  6. We are not going to be able to do squat to prevent drug companies and government officials from profiting off of this, or government officials from trying to impose submission using this. But I hope that we have learned enough not to take any more inadequately tested government mandated vaccines.

  7. Since Africans were using invermectin to ward off River Blindness and other parasitic diseases, there weren't major reports of Covid infections and no need for MNRA vaccine. Monkeypox fits the bill for vaccinating populations who missed out on MNRA vaccines wonderful effects on health.

    1. Whatever drugs they use to keep malaria at bay seemed to have worked.

      Quarantining sodomites wouldn't hurt either.

  8. @ Skyler the Weird
    I think The Donald should appoint you to run HHS

  9. I think the key to understandinding monkey pox is knowing that the "k" is silent. From a meme found on Wendy McElroy. Jean
