Thursday, October 31, 2024

Blood tests on Halloween. Am I a glutton for punishment, or what?


I've just returned home after a long-drawn-out blood and urine test routine, in preparation for my kidney procedure on November 13th.  It was a chapter of accidents.  The hospital in DFW sent through the necessary authorization for the tests, but the local clinic couldn't find it.  The hospital re-sent it yesterday, and the clinic still couldn't find it!  I basically stood over the reception people and glared at them until they found it in an unsorted stack of faxed documents from the previous day.  Just basic incompetence, I guess . . . but there's far too much of it around for my liking.

Anyway, after the blood draw and urine sample, I'm back home.  Now to clean up the place for a guest who'll be arriving tomorrow, and trying to get on with other work.  No peace for the wicked!



  1. I've been dealing with the same thing on the medical front, Peter. The basic commonality is that no one wants to do their job! I stand in the middle of a pissing contest between the doctor and the pharmacy, the doctor and the specialists, or whatever. Each blames the other for whatever isn't getting done, and puts it on ME to figure it out! Then, THEN, when I've had enough and start getting angry, THEY BOTH BLAME ME!!! Meanwhile, illegals and welfare bums slide right through, getting whatever they need, with not so much as a COPAY.

    ...I've truly had enough...

    1. They get paid regardless; you get to pay regardless

  2. Sigh... sometimes you DO have to stand over them... my 'favorite' is the letter for an appointment that arrives a WEEK after the appointment...

  3. One reason I don't see those quacks anymore. To many C-Grade students succeeded in an A-List selection.

  4. We are flying down the mountain on a "veritable, thundering, juggernaut" of IDIOCRACY. The Clot Shot/vaxseen was the big push into the void. Anybody else notice the drop in the collective (and individual) I Q's when the jabs got rolling? Notice more aggressive driving, road rage, accidents, shorter tempers in general?
    Am I the only one seeing this?

  5. There are people willing to work... But as age decreases , the percentage willing to work drops off a cliff!
    The team I supervise has one 20 year old and the rest are over 30, many by a long way. It is pulling teeth to get the 20 year old to do anything!
    P.S. And no, I can't just fire her... Rules and family connections unfortunately.

    1. Just for giggles, can you give her an office of her own and put her in charge of some DEI vapid thing? At least the others might get some giggles out of it.

  6. I've taken to having the doc/whomever send me an electronic version, usually a pdf, and printing it out so when we go to the medicos and they can't find the form I can hand it to them.

    Been there, done that, got the angry-man-face-of-doom and the harsh voice from hollering at idjits and, yes, hollering can adjust their attitudes in a more positive way

  7. My cardiologist has been telling me for several years that the reason office staff are so useless, incompetent, whatever, is because nobody these days wants to work. They expect to show up, put in the hours, and get paid. When forced to work by whatever means they simply quit. I see shades of it in several other offices I frequent.

  8. We're living in the Third World already.

  9. Nothing says 21st century medicine like a fax machine

  10. The great Enshittening is delightful, isn't it?

  11. Welcome to socialized medicine. I foresaw this in the 80s after getting my RN license. I couldn't believe the sloth and laziness in the staff. When I became a charge nurse it was all I could do was not punching them in the face. Now, that I am retired and a cranky old fart, I use my go to of ethics and malpractice complaints directed at what ever board or agency licenses them. I have the juice and knowledge to make their lives miserable. And I do if they show me negligence or incompetency and/or plain laziness.
