Thursday, November 7, 2024

That's what happens when you rely on politically correct bureaucrats


Looks like Britain's Meteorological Office has been lying to the public.

Shocking evidence has emerged that points to the U.K. Met Office inventing temperature data from over 100 non-existent weather stations ... citizen journalist Ray Sanders ... has discovered that 103 stations out of 302 sites supplying temperature averages do not exist. “How would any reasonable observer know that the data was not real and simply ‘made up’ by a Government agency,” asks Sanders. He calls for an “open declaration” of likely inaccuracy of existing published data, “to avoid other institutions and researchers using unreliable data and reaching erroneous conclusions”.

. . .

Of the 302 sites quoted, Sanders notes that the Met Office “declined to advise me” exactly how or where the alleged ‘data’ were derived for these 103 non-existent sites.

The practice of ‘inventing’ temperature data from non-existent stations is a controversial issue in the United States where the local weather service NOAA has been charged with fabricating data for more than 30% of its reporting sites. Data are retrieved from surrounding stations and the resulting averages are given an ‘E’ for estimate. “The addition of the ghost station data means NOAA’s monthly and yearly reports are not representative of reality,” says meteorologist Anthony Watts. “If this kind of process were used in a court of law, then the evidence would be thrown out as being polluted,” he added.

There's more at the link.

Let's not forget that British law, as far as climate change considerations are concerned, is heavily based upon what the Met Office tells the politicians in power.  The British Civil Service is like the "deep state" in the USA:  its members and management go on regardless of whatever political party forms the government, and they can (and do) drive government policy in many areas by supplying facts and figures on which the politicians base their proposed laws.  By deliberately lying about weather readings, the Met is deliberately deceiving the politicians who make British law, and hence undermining those laws and rendering them less than accurate or effective.

Let's not forget, bureaucrats like that also make decisions that lead to murdering innocent animals on the grounds that they violate some minor regulation.  I daresay there are British equivalents of Peanut, if one looks hard enough.  Give an unelected bureaucrat unfettered regulatory power, and he'll use it, regardless of whether it's the best or most appropriate solution to a problem or not.  He won't care.  He's not elected, and therefore not answerable to anybody except his fellow bureaucrats - who can be relied upon to cover for him whenever necessary.

Elon Musk is already talking about slashing the Federal bureaucracy in this country.  Might be a good idea to offer his services to the British government as well, to cut their civil servants down to size.

Bureaucrats!  Grrrr!



  1. as the late George Carlin said. " I don't believe ANYTHING the Gov't tells me."
    kind of funny ,but it has always worked out for me.

  2. I've been reading Anthony Watts' climate website, Watts Up With That, since about 2005 and first got hooked by him with what he calls the Surface Stations Project. It started out with a very simple, very reasonable question: NOAA had changed the finish used on weather stations from whitewash to white paint and he said, "I wonder if that gives different results?" Short answer: yes. Longer answer is that he and a group of guys started going around and inspecting all of the surface temperature stations in the US and found something like 80% didn't meet the requirements for locating the stations. There was a ton of obvious stuff, like thermometers next to roads or parking lots, others were next to air conditioner outdoor units that blow hot air. Still others were located where aircraft with their engines running could blow hot jet exhaust toward them. In many cases, the monitoring station was in an open field years ago and the city had grown up around it, completely changing the temperatures it measured.

    Practically nothing is trustworthy in that area.

  3. British bureaucrats, like US bureaucrats, behave this way for a simple reason. Because they can. Till that fact changes nothing will change.

  4. The British version of Peanut is a llama called Geronimo

  5. All those BEUROCRATS who worship at the Mother Church of man-caused climate change, no doubt...

  6. They have been lying about this since they started talking about it. It went from
    Look Out! It's gonna get Cold! To
    It's gonna get hot! And the hurricanes are gonna get bigger,meaner and more numerous! And it's YOUR FAULT!
    Give us money and live in misery and We will fix it!

    Yeah Bullschitt.. STFU..
    Tear down the windmills, rebuild the power plants and FUKKOFF.

  7. The documentary series "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" already showed us how the system works.

    Stefan v.

  8. The whole climate change thing is a SCAM!!!
    Why are people so stupid they cannot see it? Really, like, how can you not tell someone is lying and manipulating you? Not only do none of the facts nor theories actually add up (just under back-of-the-napkin math they all fail), but anyone who tries serious research against the idea are de-funded and fired (that's a tell!) THEN there's the 10-million examples like this story here where we find abject FRAUD has been perpetrated, for a very long time, and secondary and tertiary frauds have been built atop the initial fraud!
    I'm sick and tired of so many people being too stupid to see it. We need to pour a giant bottle of bleach in the gene pool if humans are ever going to move forward.

  9. The UK equivalent of Peanut the squirrel is several small children, all taken from their parents and murdered by the state.
