Mr. B, writing at "In The Middle Of The Right", makes an entirely valid and very important point that seems to have been forgotten by most of the mainstream media, our establishment, and the progressive left. Here's an excerpt.
Reality is what it is. If your viewpoint, your version of reality, is different than everyone else’s, you need to look at what you think…..Ferinstance: if you think that saying that the world is flat is correct in the face of evidence otherwise, then you are wrong. Period. Full stop. Believing the world is flat is, frankly, stupid and delusional. Getting angry because your “viewpoint” is rejected, and lashing out is childish and spiteful and just plain foolish. We, as a society, are just as foolish by allowing people like the dude above to think their (obviously invalid and foolish ) view is valid and acceptable and putting up with their stupidity just gets us more stupidity. White is white, and black is black, saying that they are another color is lying…to yourself.
Just because a woman wants to think “Big is Beautiful” doesn’t mean that fat girls are as pretty or attractive as women who take care of themselves. Shy’s lying to herself or to her fat friend. Trans people (I.E. Men that pretend to be women or women who pretend to be men) are not the opposite sex just because they put on a skirt or pants. To believe otherwise is stupid. Trans men can’t have babies or nurse, and trans women are not strong men, even with supplements of Testosterone. Saying otherwise is stupid.
. . .
People who deny reality because it makes them uncomfortable or they just don’t like what is….are fools ... Sticking to that belief in the face of evidence that shows otherwise is stupid. Otherwise intelligent people are often stupid. Of course, telling or showing them that they are stupid (and being stubborn about it) often angers them even more, making them even more stubborn….and more stupid.
I can believe I can fly all I want, right up ’til I step off that cliff. Being upset when reality (and the ground) smacks me in the face is stupid….Stepping off the cliff is stupid. Don’t like the truth? Reality and the world just don’t care. Being upset that you can’t fly is also stupid.
Man or woman (and those are the only choices), to deny reality is stupid and it really is stupid to think otherwise. Reality is what it is. Deal with it. Stop being foolish.
We, as a society, need to stop pandering to people, be they straight or trans or gay, men or women, old or young, that feel that their alternate view of reality is just as valid.
There's more at the link. Go read the whole thing. It's important.
This blatant falsehood manifests itself particularly in the "You can't criticize me! You can't judge me! You can't say I'm wrong!" crowd. Look, if what you're believing, or preaching, or doing, flies in the face of objective fact and natural reality, I can judge you (your actions, at any rate - not your soul, that's God's business) and I can say you're wrong. I will. Loudly and frequently. To indulge your false fantasy would make me as guilty of ignoring reality as you are!
I saw this particularly as a prison chaplain. We had psychologists on staff whose job was to help inmates figure out where they'd gone wrong, and help them to change. The problem is that far too many of those psychologists tried to lead the inmate to come to the right conclusions on his or her own, without actually telling them they were wrong. In many cases, those inmates had never been taught how to think, and had none of the normal frame of reference (morality, civics, etc.) used in our society. To expect them to come to the "right" conclusions when they were filled with the "wrong" personal history, information (or the lack thereof), relationships, etc. was nonsensical - yet those psychologists persisted in that approach. They had to. That's what the "system" demanded - and that's why we have a 70%+ recidivism rate among US prison inmates over the first five years after they're released.
I was considered an unsympathetic and "hard" chaplain by many inmates because I would not indulge their self-centered fantasies. I also wouldn't allow them to blame others for the bad choices they made. Sure, their backgrounds, families, experience, etc. all helped condition them; but the ultimate decision to do wrong was theirs, and theirs alone. Do-gooders were always on at me to accept that they were criminals because of their deprived background: but those same do-gooders refused to face the reality that others growing up with precisely the same background (in many cases, brothers and sisters of the criminals) did not make the same choices, and did not become criminals. In the end, it all boiled down to an individual's personal choices and personal judgment. He/she could not blame others for what he/she had voluntarily chosen to do, and to become.
The same applies to those who want to live in a fantasy world without reference to reality. It's on them - and we do them, and ourselves, a disservice if we allow that to continue.
People who deny reality are psychotic.
Full stop.
Reality is this: If a child is abused,sexually or otherwise (abuse is abuse). The natural boundaries that are to be afforded to children are not being observed of enforced..what are we to expect? That a child will somehow develop healthy boundaries when their boundaries have never been respected? That's fantasy. Not only will they not know what their own boundaries are as a function of normal development they absolutely will not recognize or see the boundaries of others. Societal or otherwise. Our prisons are full of such people.
DeleteUsing the wildest overestimates of abuse, that's maybe 25% of the explanation. (Using more realistic measurements, it's probably closer to 5%).
DeleteMillions upon millions of children who've never been abused in any way beyond hurt feelings and lumpy oatmeal are just as psychotic (and frequently more so) as the minimal percentage who actually have been abused.
Unless you wish to draw "abuse" around a lifetime of deliberate miseducation, which cop-out bankrupts language itself.
When you let retards teach your children, and give them the majority of each weekly block of time actually raising children, you raise generations of retards, who produce generations even more retarded. The rot has been around for a century and more. This is what it produces, exactly as it was intended to do from the outset.
Calling this the results of "abuse" is codswallop, purely on the grounds of statistical impossibility.
"When you hear hoofbeats, expect horses, not zebras."
You sound like ghostsniper.
DeleteWhich argues against the point in the amount of nil.
DeleteAd hominem is ever only the logic coin of the lackwit, and anonymity the trademark of someone afraid to own what they pen.
Get a better game, or stay on the porch with the small yappy dogs. You're killing bandwidth that never did any harm to you, to no effect, and for no purpose save a lack of impulse control.
Sayeth the arbiter of truth.
DeletePeople tend to blame others for their own actions ever since Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the Snake for original sin.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about taking responsibility...and few actually WANT to do that today.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet you deny the documented, biological fact of racial cognitive and behavioral differences due to genetics.
ReplyDeleteI don't deny the differences at all, but I don't put them down to genetics alone. If you had to compare the late George Floyd with SCOTUS Justice Thomas, how much of that comparison would be down to race, and how much to culture, education, background, etc? Genetics is only one element of a very complex soup of ingredients.
DeleteYou mean the ones that we haven't actually established as existing?
DeleteIf you work at a prison for a while, you will have a chance to see lots of whites exhibiting the same low IQ and lack of impulse control that is so often said to only be minority characteristics.
DeleteWhites in higher numbers, but at lower rates. Demographics is destiny.
DeleteAnd only an idiot would claim criminality to be a minority characteristic.
So please, either trot out your idiots by name, or stop quoting them anonymously.
Figures don't lie, but liars figure.
OldNFO: I think most people, most places, and most times in history, don't actually want to take responsibility for themselves or their actions. Rather, the society in which they live, leads them to do so, either because it instills values that lead them to take responsibility for their actions even though they probably don't want to; or it makes them. We used to have a society like that in the US. Not so much any more, sadly.
ReplyDeleteI reserve the right to observe, evaluate, and criticize/comment on others as I think they have the same right regarding me. I do not, however have the right to demand change of another adult, nor do they have the right to demand change in me. If I am to be decent about it, negative comment/criticism will be delivered low key and in helpful tone unless the other person's behavior towards me warrants otherwise.
ReplyDeleteSome very good comments on this one, and I agree with most. On the other hand, I've heard the other side say that Christianity wants us to believe the impossible on faith alone. "True" Christianity -- and the reason I put that in quotes is that some of what I have to say runs counter to what history and the Roman Church have had to say about it -- is that real Christianity, as the New Testament explains it, never enforces its beliefs, doctrines, etc. with force.
ReplyDeleteWe are asked to believe what seems impossible to the objective mind, and therein lies the power of real spirituality. One will not believe it or endorse it wholly until that "still, small voice" speaks from way down deep inside. Can't prove it, don't have to, but I can believe the impossible. It's not true because I choose to believe it, for whatever all-too-human reasons I might conjure up, but because it brings Change, and the impossible becomes -- suddenly, in the blink of an eye -- real.
We're not asked to believe by giving to our earthly desires, but by ignoring those desires -- by "waiting a bit" -- and being shown what's waiting in the wings.
In this so-called modern age, doing it this way is too much to ask. And it is hard, unbelievably so, if you are serious, and no one seems to like taking the hard way any more. Self-abnegnation (as distinct from self-negation) is difficult and ultimately rewarding beyond objective understanding.
Sorry, rant off.