Friday, January 3, 2025

About those underwater pipelines and cables in the Baltic...


I'm sure readers have been following the repetitive saga of ships' anchors dragging (accidentally, of course - yeah, right!) along the bottom of the Baltic Sea and cutting communications cables, fuel pipelines, etc.  In each case over the past couple of months, Russian and/or Chinese involvement has been alleged.

The governments in the region have been vehement in their condemnation of such "accidents", and casting suspicion upon Russia as the impetus behind them.

Remind me, please, o governments . . . whose gas pipelines under the Baltic were destroyed by sabotage just a couple of years ago, after the start of the Ukraine invasion?  They weren't in the war zone, but their destruction undoubtedly harmed Russia's economy (and will cost hundreds of millions of dollars to repair, if they are ever repaired).  Nobody has claimed responsibility, but it seems clear that the sabotage could not have been carried out without a lot of official eyes looking the other way (including in the USA, which might even have carried out the attack - nobody knows for sure).

As far as Russia is concerned, its pipelines were attacked first.  I reckon their perspective is "If you do it to us, why shouldn't we do it to you?"  Goose, gander, meet sauce.  That's a very hard perspective to counter, isn't it?  It's nothing more than the Golden Rule in operation.  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Makes you think, doesn't it?



  1. The official narrative (we all know is a complete lie) is that Russia blew up its own pipeline.
    Of course they did....
    But since the lie isn't disproven, it still stands, and they will build additional lies on top of it, pointing back to the first lie in support of the 2nd.
    And so on, and so on, and...
    Russia Russia Russia
    Trump's impeachment for calling the Ukrainian prosecutor that was looking into Hunter's no-show job that wasn't a kickback.
    Pangolins have a soft-spot for BDSM with flying bats....
    I mean, how many examples must one live through before understanding it's clownworld, and all complete and thorough bullshit?

  2. I suspect it is going on everywhere, only in some places it is either more difficult to cover up or it is in someone's interest to make public.

  3. That was my first thought when I heard about the anchor draggers. This was payback, and nobody in the west has a leg to stand on to argue otherwise.

  4. If you can't stand a soldier on it with a rifle, it is unprotectable and is likely to occur further damage.

  5. With Clown Worlds record for lying and deceit, I'm not blaming Russia or China or shit! Just for the record, America is not Clown World! USA Inc. is part of it, though.

  6. This is what's called "asymmetric warfare". It generally precedes classical kinetic warfare.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

  7. Assuming the narrative is correct for a change (despite the acknowledged presence of deep water divers at the same time and place), how is cutting cables worse than sinking oil tankers? I thought our side was supposed to "respect the environment".

  8. The Russian economy was largely unharmed by the pipeline damage. They were already embargoed. It had a far greater effect on Germany and Europe.
    And of course, it exploded literally the day after a US carrier group passed by, because we all know the Navy is too stupid to put a multi-day delay timer on a pipeline we sabotage, because everyone from the CNO to E1 Squiddly Diddly has an IQ in the mid-20s, and can't follow the clever planning skills of even Inspector Clousseau or Maxwell Smart, right?

    So tell me again...cui bono?
    Then, and ever.

    Now explain to me the cui bono answer for the subsequent cable and pipeline incidents in the region.

    Clever readers may spot a trend.

    1. Was going to comment of moderate length, but I'll save typing (still 2 fingers) by echoing Aesop. Spot on, Sir.

  9. And gubmint agencies everywhere seem bewildered when we plebes roll our eyes at the latest explanations and “official” press releases- NOLA wasn’t a terror incident, then it was. Black flag of eye ciss on pickup truck was flown upside down. LV “bomber” was SF and didn’t make a kaboom, only a FOOP. LV guy body burned beyond recognition but passport made of (…… wait for it) PAPER survived. Oh, and he shot his self before lighting the fuse but CCTV video does not show a muzzle flash. These things cooked up by 20-somethings that make tiktok videos in their spare time perhaps?

  10. I'm with the kinetic part the ground work is being laid should it become necessary.. let's hope not ?
