All over the world - the First World at least, North America, Europe, Australasia - older people are finding that their government(s) regard them as a burden, not an asset. Old people cost a lot of money in medical care, pensions, entitlement programs and the like, and governments would really prefer not to have to pay those costs.
Dr. Vernon Coleman writes as an Englishman about what he sees in the UK, but his observations apply very much to other First World nations, including our own. My thanks to three readers who sent me links to his article yesterday. Here are a few excerpts.
In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die - and to withhold treatment which might save their lives.
Hospital staff are told to deprive the elderly of food and water so that they die rather than take up hospital beds. Nursing home staff have even been given the right to sedate elderly patients without their knowledge. The only -ism that no one cares about is ageism ... Anyone over 60 is now officially old, though in a growing number of hospitals the cut off age for resuscitation is 55 or even 50.
. . .
Old people are a burden which the Government cannot afford and so the politicians will continue to authorise whatever methods are necessary to ensure that the number of burdensome old people is kept to a minimum. The existence of an absurd branch of medicine called geriatrics is used as an excuse to shove old people into backwater wards and to provide them with second-rate medical treatment.
. . .
The elderly are classified as the `Unwanted Generation': a political embarrassment ... The elderly are considered expensive, useless and expendable. The theory is that they don't contribute and rarely vote and can, therefore, be disregarded ... The official attitude seems to be that old people don't matter and don't have rights simply because they are old.
. . .
Ageism is, it seems, now endemic in health care. A reader wrote to tell me that when she visited her doctor complaining of painful knees her doctor told her, very abruptly, that her problem was that she was living too long. She was devastated. `It wasn't said as a joke,' she told me. `He meant it.' In the months before he died my father repeatedly complained: `People treat me like a fool because I am old'. A 79-year-old reader told me: `If you are over 55 they want you dead because you're too expensive alive.'
. . .
When doctors are owned by the Government then the Government's priorities take over. And so the elderly, who are regarded as an expensive burden, are considered expendable.
There's much more at the link. Highly recommended reading, particularly if you're getting on in years (as I am).
We've seen plenty of horror stories about such (mis)treatment of older patients from Britain and Canada. In the latter country, the elderly are frequently offered "assisted dying" rather than medical treatment, and if they refuse it, their treatment tends to be minimal, delayed, and less than optimal. In Europe, it's now legal in some countries for doctors to euthanize some patients even if the patients don't want to die, because death is the most cost-effective treatment from the perspective of the government(s) paying for it. That isn't what the statutes say, but it's certainly what they mean - and if doctors overstep the mark and are too quick to euthanize those requiring expensive treatment, they are seldom if ever prosecuted or called to account.
The problem is rearing its head in the USA as well. Ten states now allow "assisted suicide", and others are considering it. Speaking as a retired pastor and chaplain, I've heard from far too many former colleagues and acquaintances that there's increasing pressure from the medical "establishment" against older, sicker patients to take that option rather than opt for much more expensive and prolonged medical care. Medicare was intended to provide medical insurance to older people, but its coverage is growing less and less for more and more expensive conditions. Some treatments are not covered at all, even if they're the only meaningful option for the patient concerned. What's more, patient co-payments are percentage-based, so as medical costs increase, so do patients' out-of-pocket expenses (which many of them can't afford). The inevitable result is going to be patients who feel they have no option but to die, because they can't afford the medical care they need.
Of course, this is pretty much a First World problem. I was born and raised in Africa, and spent many years in the Third World. There, getting older is all too often a death sentence, even if the individual is still relatively healthy, because anything other than primary care is simply not available. Furthermore, rights are all too often group- or tribe-based, rather than individual. In tribal society, during times of famine, it was customary for all the older people to simply walk off into the surrounding countryside, sit down under a bush, and wait for death. That might come through starvation, but it was often enough caused by predatory animals, who weren't about to pass up an easy, defenseless meal if one presented itself. (That's how many man-eaters got their start; eating starving or diseased humans.) In such societies, the thought of socialized, subsidized medicine is laughable to the point of derision. When there isn't enough to go around anyway, it's reserved for those who can contribute the most to the tribe's or the group's survival. That does not include the elderly.
I've been facing pretty nasty health issues for a few years now, and I have more major surgery in my future, whether I like it or not. It's sobering to consider that if I had to rely on government-subsidized care to provide it, in many parts of the First World I'd now be receiving "counseling" about the "benefits" of assisted suicide or euthanasia; and in some, I might be told flatly that I can't have the surgery I need, so I may as well go home, live with the pain, and get ready to die. Yes, it's already as bad as that. I've been able to cover the necessary costs thus far, thanks to (some) private medical insurance and the generosity of friends, readers and others. Will that continue? Who knows?
It's a very sobering thought for those of us who are growing older, or who aren't in good health. Food for thought indeed! It might be a useful rallying point for older voters, too. We may be only one constituency in the voting population, but our votes can be enough to sway an election one way or another. Politicians should be reminded of that.
50 years old is today's officially unstated (yet) target. Logan's Run told us 30 would be the stated limit. FWP and I have written extensively on the Death Cult hiding behind the Sustainability neo-pagan religion for decades, mostly to deaf ears.
ReplyDeleteHowever, since Covid, many more leaning Right no longer fear ridicule for writing or uttering the words death cult. E.g., Peterson, Carlson, Rogan.
AI, OTOH, are still Left dominated and underplay DC thinking among those in authority. When pushed by singling out names, it tells us they merely suggest a 2 billion target and never the half a billion of the most radical. (It's an interesting exercise in how AI web browsers are biasly programmed.)
I imagine one may ask the radicals why they stopped at 500 million, but I'd bet they'd change the subject.
When I first saw the article I too was thinking the Government would send a Sandman after you if you refused Euthanasia.
DeleteI wonder if the death cult has figured out how to survive on earth with only 500,000 people. Seems a little short sited if they believe they can keep their current standard of living.
DeleteThe VA seems to have some sort of unwritten policy that falls inline with the left’s ageism death cult.
ReplyDelete(Apologies for the second post). Boomer here ~ governments were perfectly happy to welcome our generation, one that not only provided fodder for their never-ending wars we also supplied that yummy tax money every politician lusts after. Kind of ironic that the Greatest Generation produced what can arguably be considered the Wealthiest Generation but now that we’re retired and subject to the vagaries of age, it’s “Sod off, Mate! Have you considered dying?”
ReplyDeleteWhere to draw the line at Health Care "Rights"?
ReplyDeleteThere are those that think getting a boob job is a "Right" because it enhances their self-esteem or something. Other folks think they have a "Right" to get sex changes paid for because...
Thus, like calling America a Republic is correct, it's NOT Health Care "Rights" but Health Care RESPONSIBILITIES.
It is accepted that the richer the country the higher the health care is expected. Thus, the tribe comments in the story of during times of hunger old folks were expected to wander off and die so the rest of the tribe could survive.
Canada has officially created Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID), other countries have less official rules but they are in effect.
Some folks might want to think about the Largest Expenditures in the Federal Budget.
SNIP: The two largest expenditures in the US federal government are Social Security (22% of the budget) and Medicare (14% of the budget)
Running hot is the 3rd largest expenditure of the Federal Government. Servicing our EVER GROWING debt.
SNIP: As interest payments continue to rise, the federal government will likely devote a larger portion of the federal budget to such costs, thereby crowding out opportunities for investment in other important priorities in both the public and private sectors. Interest costs so far in FY25 are the third-largest spending category for the federal government — outpacing outlays for Medicare (net of offsetting receipts), income security, Medicaid, and veterans’ benefits and services. Although defense spending was larger than interest during the first three months of this fiscal year, interest payments were larger for FY24 as a whole and are expected to again exceed defense spending this year.
Rome fell from money debasement as the silver denarii went from a silver coin of 98% silver to 5% silver as they "Printed" money to pay for crazy wars and political projects like "Bread and Circuses" to keep the people subdued and distracted.
They didn't have the FED and computers to "Print" unlimited money digits. They had to recall and remint poorer grades of silver coinage.
Responsibility. That's for dinner.
" ...We may be only one constituency in the voting population, but ..."
ReplyDeleteIf, unlike too many people, you beget children and then raise them to respect and love you, you will largely be free of dependence on politicians. Any investment is a burden.
I'm within spitting distance of 60, but for most of my life I've held the view that in the worst case scenario, I'd choose death over being a financial burden to my family. I'll repeat - burden to MY FAMILY. I don't think I'd be so considerate concerning being a financial burden to the govt, my pension plan, my employer, etc. I paid in for the past 45 years or so, I think I deserve getting some of that back.
ReplyDeleteAlso not mentioned is that the younger generations are idiots. Who the hell is going to run the world when we die? I've been mentoring new engineers for the past 20 years and trust me, the quality of fresh graduates is continually dropping. I might not be as healthy as a 22 year old, but I still represent a significant volume of engineering knowledge that my employer pays good money for every two weeks. So yeah, us old people are still valuable.
The Logan's Run book set the age for Lastday at 21, not 30. They changed it for the movie, probably because it could not have been filmed or released as written.
ReplyDeleteThere's far too many dystopian books originally written as cautionary tales where now you have to say "It's a warning, not an instruction guide, you idiots!"
The saddest thing of all is to visit a nursing home and see the vacant stares of the victims left to sit and rot there for however long it takes them to die and then the saddest thing to see is the news that those nursing homes now filled with the Greatest Generation are staffed by vicious third world thugs who delight in beating and humiliating their betters who are in no position to resist or fight back and nobody will lift a finger to help them.
ReplyDeletePouring 90% of the medical $ into the last 6 months of elderly patients lives is a waste of resources. If those are you resources you go ahead and spend 100% but that part where you take all of the rest of the money from us is the social compact I didn't sign.
it may be that my parent's generation will be the last to be afforded the option to quietly get through life at home with family.
1 Timothy 5:4
ReplyDeleteVerse Concepts
but if any widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to practice piety in regard to their own family and to make some return to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God.
Proverbs 19:13A foolish son is his father’s ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping. 14Houses and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.
My wife and I took care of her parents until 95 years old. Mom died in hospital from broken hip and Dad sadly in dementia.
Both of my parents died young in car accident.
I hope to be allowed to live out my days in my own house and our will has it going to our Granddaughter.
Death happens and God is still on His Throne.
Solid proof that govt is more than willing to use their slaves until they cant be used any more then abandon them in need. one more reason to stop funding or working to your own demise.
ReplyDeleteAll this HOOPLA! The solution is simple, SOYLENT GREEN.
ReplyDeleteI'm 76 and since age 70 i've had an aortic valve replacement and treatment for the stroke that occurred during surgery. Surgery for sleep apnea issues and this last year a total shoulder replacement surgery. There has probably been more $ spent on me in the last 6 than the first 70. I'm not ready to let go but without quality medical I probably wont last much longer.
ReplyDeleteMalpractice laws and the pervasiveness of ambulance chasing malpractice attorneys in America tends to keep the healthcare system reluctant to openly kill elderly people. Not that the situation can't change.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter passed away young and I'm on track to outlive all of my remaining close family. I have no desire to end my days in a nursing home. But here's what I have figured out.
ReplyDeleteThe old still have obligations to the young to leave an inheritance. Our current system uses healthcare for the elderly to strip any and all remaining assets. K. Denniger has written extensively on the healthcare pricing issues. I will be the crazy uncle for my grandnephew. I intend to leave him as much as possible.
80-90% of our health issues are lifestyle. You can, if you live healthy, lead an active life up until approximately the last 3 months. However, this takes the right diet and exercise programs. No sugars, no grains, do weights. If you take the time to read the studies this has been known for decades. Should I be taxed to pay for blood pressure medications for the elderly that sit on the couch eating a gov't recommended diet high in carbs? Yes, our gov't is complicit in making the problem. I know some people have issues not covered by the above, and they need help. But in general, I have learned to only help those actively trying to help themselves.
Social Security. I did a paper for a class 30 years ago. My conclusion is I did not want to have to rely on SS for my retirement. It is not sustainable as configured. The declining birthrate has made the situation even worse. I will be surprised if I ever collect a dime after 40 years of paying in.
Our society also ignores older people. We have things to teach. We are also more patient in general, although I'm less willing to put up with nonsense. And nonsense is the crux of the issue. I'm glad to see Trump getting rid of DEI. Maybe what you can actually do will start to be important again.
The boomers are the wealthiest generation because the deck really became stacked against the following generations. Student debt, the price of housing, no child left behind that made sure no child got ahead, poor discipline in schools that taught there's little consequence, and starting wages, even for college grads, that show a marked decline in earning potential when real inflation is taken into account. A lot of kids didn't put in the effort because it wouldn't have gotten them anywhere. Those who did have seen wages too little to buy a house and start a family. Boomer talk about work harder or whatever generates resentment because they're not acknowledging that they didn't stop the financialization and offshoring of our economy that lost good pay and good jobs, nor did the boomers keep corrupt politicians out of office. People look daggers at me when I say our children are what we taught them to be. And look at the national debt. We've sold our descendants into debt slavery for at least 3-4 generations with no end in sight. Really, I expect our currency to crash.
Tom Knighton pointed out recently that the number of people who died in Canada either from MAID or lack of treatment is in total more than double the number of people killed by firearms in the US.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you think that covid crap that the United States government paid the Chinese to build was for?
ReplyDeleteI believe Voltaire put it best.
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they so revere”
TMF Bert
"Any government powerful enough to give you any health care you want, is also powerful enough to withhold from you any care it doesn't want you to have." - Thomas Jefferson, probably
ReplyDeleteIf this is news to anyone, they haven't been paying attention, since Ever.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Spend the kids inheritance (SKIing it's an acronym and a lifestyle, look it up) and the kids stop caring whether you live or die. Fritter away the family legacy, going on cruises and vacations without your grandkids...and your family doesn't know you or care about you anymore. Enjoy your time on this earth because your final destination is Gehenna. (The universal, not the specific "you" and "your") I'm shocked and crying a river.
ReplyDeleteOnce was a cruise where the most honoured guest at the captain’s table was an older lady who was on her 23rd cruise. She was treated like a queen by everyone on board. She told us that cruising was cheaper than a retirement home and the service and company and experiences were better. In the event that she passed away she had made arrangements to be buried wherever it happened. Her family were resigned to the fact.She was a happy lady and loved to dance and laugh.
DeleteThere's no need to actively kill us if they make life untenable. I'm not better off than I was 4 years ago. Or 8. Or 12. I was better off sometime during the Clinton years. I'm not proclaiming Clinton's greatness, but it's been downhill since 9/11. I only half-joke that I'll end my days in a broken-down RV, as a government-run slum tower will be out of my range.
ReplyDeleteIn Canada you don’t have to be old to be offered MAiD. There are numerous stories of young disabled persons, both civilian and retired service, being offered unsolicited access to MAiD. The statistics on the number of terminated persons varies because of the obtuse records and statistics, but it is in the tens of thousands. Many people in Canada die waiting for “free” health care. It’s sad to say but my country is a sick, sick place.
ReplyDeleteVernon Coleman's writings are to be taken with a huge pinch of salt. Look at his Wikipedia entry: