Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The chaos deepens, and the panic spreads


"El Gato Malo", writing at Bad Cattitude, has a masterful essay on what we're seeing in Washington D.C at present, and why there's so much panic, anger and desperation on the part of the progressive left.  Here's an extended excerpt.  (Note that he/she does not use capital letters to begin sentences, so this may seem odd to more grammatically correct eyes, but that doesn't detract from the quality or accuracy of the message.)

DC is finally starting to see how much trouble it is in and people are freaking out. the moves are coming too fast for the news cycle to even keep up with. and DC has mostly already lost. all the high ground has been taken and now it’s just going to be about squeezing.

DOGE grabbed the OMB and the treasury payments system.

that’s it. lights out, game over.

the simple fact is this: half the permanent state is a massive grifter-plex of special interests running amok and waging war on we the people for their own benefit. it’s 1000’s of unelected anointed running groups like [the Acacia Center for Justice]:

they got $769 million back in 2022. their sole aim is to encourage illegal immigration and to make expelling such illegal aliens more difficult. it’s taxpayer money spent to create outcomes that most taxpayers would happily pay to avoid. it’s a jobs program for cronies and extra-governmental activism to subvert the basic sovereignty of the state and it’s ability to serve the demos.

there are innumerable groups like this. back in SF we called it “the homeless industrial complex.” they got huge budgets based on how many homeless people they “served.” but if they ever actually got them off the streets, they got less money. it was literally capitated. so they fed them, gave them money for drugs, and made it impossible to arrest them no matter what they did. they donated to politicians who favored that. the incentive were entirely perverse.

the circle of malfunction is like a plasmid for anti-social outcomes. it takes taxpayer money and uses it to fund agencies that create outcomes (like homelessness or illegal immigration) which taxpayers hate. these agencies then donate some of that taxpayer money to politicians who then force taxpayers to pay more money to solve the now larger problem.

lather. rinse. repeat.

and this is not even the awful part.

from ukraine to climate science to NIH to 100 different agencies like USAID, money is being funneled everywhere and stolen in wholesale quantities.

USAID and who knows who else were all out meddling for decades in foreign elections. they have probably been meddling in ours.

suddenly, these agencies are losing their minds about “declassification efforts.”

it certainly does make on wonder: why were they classifying anything at all? wasn’t this supposed to be aid?

. . .

and DC is finally realizing how much trouble they are in and leviathan is shrilling in terror and rage, but it’s already way too late.

threads are exposed, they will be pulled, and this is going to, for the first time in generations, tear the covers off these boxes and let us see what’s inside. and it’s not gonna be pretty friends. i’m telling you point blank: however bad you fear this was - it’s worse.

the middle of the american overton is about to see that government is 80% money laundering and unaccountable tyranny and theft by weight.

. . .

they are in absolute trauma that DOGE has access to the treasury payment systems.

i told you they’d find just the right place to put the lever and pry.

that’s it. OMB and payments. it’s the whole game, the commanding heights.

let me esplain, because what’s going on is brilliant:

OMB is the government’s HR department. the payments system is how the treasury actually sends out money, the pipes of payola.

these two systems touch everything in government. everything. all the jobs, all the money. every program and person passes through this at some point.

it’s the universal chokepoint.

so, everyone has to come into work now. let’s get your faces seen and learn what you do here. all the people who have had no-show sinecures for decades are going to get bounced out.

hey, where does the money go?

time to find out.

there is no way, even with AI to ferret out all these groups, their cutouts, their subterfuge and skullduggery. it’s too deep, too vast, too well hidden and camouflaged.

you cannot find them.

so you make them find you.

you shut the money off and see who squawks.

There's more at the link, and it's all worth reading.

There are relatively few Substack authors who I recommend, and even fewer worth (IMHO) the cost of a paid subscription.  El Gato Malo is very rapidly climbing up that list.  I may have to send some money his/her way as a "Thank You" for some outstanding writing and extremely important information.

While we're on the subject of misused and misdirected funds, consider the wider implications of shutting off the cash spigot.  CNN was quick to complain.

The Trump administration’s freeze of foreign aid and dismantling of the agency that oversees it is putting at risk thousands of jobs in the US and abroad, industry sources told CNN.

The fallout is already being felt at kitchen tables around the country with hundreds, if not thousands, of aid workers dealing with the reality that they could be out of work because of the aid freeze and potential downsizing of the workforce at USAID, which has been de-facto subsumed by the State Department.

. . .

“People are losing their jobs, left and right,” a humanitarian official said. “There’s going to be a ripple effect.”

Federal contractors that are members of one Washington, DC-area trade association have racked up about $350 million in unpaid bills, forcing them to furlough some 2,000 staff in the area, a source familiar with the trade association told CNN.

Again, more at the link.

What CNN didn't say, and nobody on the left is prepared to admit, is that none of those jobs would have existed in the first place if it were not for the wholesale diversion of billions, even trillions of taxpayer dollars to third-party, non-governmental organizations.  In other words, all those jobs, and all those expenditures, have been paid for out of our pockets, without so much as a "by your leave".

Therefore, all those complaining about the "loss of US jobs" are really saying that we should go on allowing the progressive left to steal taxpayers' money to subsidize all those unelected, unapproved, unconstitutional NGO's - because their employees will have to find legitimate, honest work if we don't!

My answer to that is short, not sweet, and unfortunately unprintable.  I daresay many of my readers can come up with responses of their own.  (Not in writing in Comments, please.  This is - or tries to be - a family-friendly blog!)

Finally, let's remember that to many on the progressive left of American politics, what's going on right now is seen as truly a disaster, a calamity, a tragedy that's left them almost bereft of options.  They are in despair, and some are describing the situation in dystopian terms.  Here, for example, is a post on Reddit (since deleted, but saved for posterity by fellow author and friend Michael Z. Williamson, who posted a copy on social media).  Click the image for a larger, readable view.

No matter how insane the author may sound to us, there are at least thousands, and probably tens or hundreds of thousands, who believe as she does at this moment.  They are so unhinged they're unpredictable.  I think we should expect assassination attempts against President Trump, Elon Musk, and other leading lights of the new administration.  They're far from unimaginable.

Prayers for our nation would not be amiss, either.  We need to clean out the Augean stables that Washington D.C. has become, but we need to do so without pulling down the country around our ears in the process.



  1. You do realize, the Left is learning from this. Next time, they'll just start off with mass arrests and "disappearing" important figures.

    1. That is why you do not permit the left a "next time." These people want you dead, your kids sexually mutilated, and they think it's funny. No compromise, no pablum about how we're "all Americans." You do not accommodate evil; you confront and kill it. Which is what Trump and Musk are doing by exposing it and draining its life blood of money and lies.

    2. That is an important point.

      They really think this is akin to Hitler or Mao coming to power and purging . They will cat on that frantic fantasy in bad ways.

      There was an episode of the Simpsons from 20 years ago depicting a meeting at the Republican Party HQ in which Sideshow Bob declared: "we want to lower taxes, reduce regulation and rule you like a GOD!". Leftists really think that is it when it the furthest from the truth.

      They simply cannot fathom that the people rejected them.

  2. Since you kindly linked to my previous post, here's my latest on the Trump 2.0 phenomenon.

    The TL;DR is that this is a tsunami against the statists and right now we're at the point where all the water has been sucked out and the wall of water is heading shorewards

  3. So the players are fearing exposure to the light - Good ! Its about time we learn who were are friends, who are the 'Retired on Active Duty' (ROAD) and who are the criminals who game the system to their economic advantage.

  4. CNN has apparently changed its' pictures as the original definitively didn't
    fit the narrative

    I've been in the 3rd world, seen starving, and you aren't it.


  5. So DOGE has found a bunch of largesse and grift. Yawn, as if That money unfortunately has already been spent and is "lost" forever.
    What I'm interested in is; if that funding will end? Yes, they found waste and corruption. But, will Trump be able to excise those payments to those entities?
    Also, what I'm interested in is; how much of an effect will that make on my tax burden. How much will the rate for taxes go down. Will there be a reduction in the tax rate? Will it continue at the rates already established? If it continues at these rates; and with the reduction in spending, will there be a surplus at some point?

    1. Steve, unfortunately we have $37 trillion in debt to pay off.
      -Texas Mike

    2. First, you plug the leaks.
      Then, you start bailing out the boat.
      There is always an order to things.

  6. Transitions, of any kind, are difficult; this one will be no different, and be accompanied by its own forms of turmoil, personal, economic, political local and national.

    That said, it all is, and will be, necessary, to restore America as a Constitutionally-governed country, however painful it may be for some.

    I fully expect the Left will fight back, not only in the media and the courts, with whining Democrat politicians leading the way to podiums and TV cameras across the country, but almost certainly also in the streets. I anticipate a return to the "Summer 2020 Antifa Festivities" once temperatures warm, so prepare accordingly. And worry not, we will get through this.

  7. The problem is that most of the spending was not being tracked or covered in audits. This was happening in various Departments and agencies with info not going to Congress that oversaw these. It was total mess.

    Trump is working to clean it with Musk, but many in Congress and in the Deep State do not want it cleaned up as they benefit from it. I expect it will get the beginning of the cleaning and many of the agencies will be removed. If this works and leads to a better economy and government in 2 years then I would expect it to lead to more happening.

  8. Giving money to ngos was another bad idea brought to us by Dubya Bush. People forget that fact.

    1. I feel you probably don't like Dubya much but NGOs existed long before 'W' and at the Teat for a long time. Just the favourable tax treatment and closed books provided and covered funds.

  9. a number of us have been wondering just where our tax dollar has been going; most of us learned in high school civics that it was used to run necessary government functions; now we're learning that it used as charity; we'd always thought that charity was giving from each person's heart; this is more like making a joke of the story of Robin Hood: take from the not-so-rich to give to the "people-who-deserve-it?"

    1. It wasn't being used as "charity". "Charity" was just the thin fig-leaf cover for grift, feeding at the pork trough, and money laundering. It explains how AOC could go from a bankrupt bartender to $29 million now, as one example, and how the majority are multi-millionaires on a salary of $174,000 per year.

    2. There was a Monty Pythons skit on that.

  10. Probably should note that El Gato Mala meant "OPM" (Office of Personnel Management) and not "OMB" (Office of Management and Budget). OMB will be useful for examining the budget of various Departments but is not involved in personnel.

    BTW, I intensely dislike the OPM after the so-called "OPM Hack". It wasn't a hack at all, they just subcontracted Chinese nationals to work on the databases which had all the private information on people who had security clearances.

  11. Dubya was the first to make "faith based" organizations eligible for NGO funds. The argument was that they knew where the needs were and could disperse the funds more efficiently without bureaucracy. A good idea.....until it wasn't.

    1. Never a good idea to connect Church and state, corrupts the Church’s.

  12. my response to the panic about them losing their phoney baloney jobs.

    "oh dear. Anyway ..."

  13. Jim Rogers (a 1970s-80s hedge fund manager centi-millionaire) wrote a book "Adventure Capitalist". He traveled by "car" (a souped up Mercedes SUV) around the world (155,000+ miles) in 2000-2002.

    One of his main, unexpected findings, is that he hated the NGOs. No matter where he traveled, NGO folks always stayed in the best hotels, got the best of everything, while the people they were helping didn't have much uplifting.

    Doing away with NGOs, as a start, is a good idea. There will obviously be some who will have their funding restored, but it may now be under the eyeballs of the State Dept. So for the next 4 years, there should be some cost savings. You can't get to the finish unless you start somewhere.

    1. @Don C
      There are NGOs and there are NGOs.
      The ones run by volunteers who are in it for the stated mission are good.
      The ones run by paid professionals need to be treated with a lot of suspicion, some are good, some not.

      But they all have to fight Pournelle's iron law of bureaucracy

      In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals that the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely.

      volunteer organizations reduce this risk as the people in charge aren't paid, but it's not completely eliminated (lavish reimbursement, paid travel, etc are dangers)

    2. I think any organization goes through three phases:

      1. The conceptualization and founding phase, almost everyone in the organization is mission oriented and things are a bit chaotic, and everyone is shooting from the hip, and trying new things.

      2. The optimization phase, some thing exciting was started in the previous phase, and now the organization is attracting optimizers. These people like the drive of the founders, but they are really catching their coattails. These optimizers genuinely make the organization run more smoothly and maintain the founders vision.

      3. The downward spiral, grifters begin to enter the organization. It’s a huge tell if they want to change the name of the organization, and then lecture the group on how the organization was run by rubes and uncultured idiots before they came to save them from their problematic name. (To real life instances Moon Buggy Race —> Lunar Rover Challenge, Wildflower Society—> Native Plant Society ). The end of phase three is that the organization disappears after the money runs out, or often in the case of Churches or governments the will have a revival with a greasy set of ‘founders’.

    3. The tale as old as time is:
      "Those missionaries came to do good, and they did very well indeed."
      Someone falling face-first onto the teats of the Golden Cow is no surprise, nor ought it be.

  14. The swamp massacre is just starting. This will continue for years. Wait for the courts to get involved. The DC courts in particular will rule against the USA Constitution every day of the week.

    Ah, the current target is not DOE, it is SBA. Everything in the federal government appears to have been politicized and/or weaponized.

    This will be going on for the rest of our lives as new administrations take power.

  15. > So DOGE has found a bunch of largesse and grift. Yawn, as if That money unfortunately has already been spent and is "lost" forever.

    No, that money has not all been spent yet. Much of what was approved has not yet been delivered.

    The press is trying to say that DOGE is wrong because the $50 for gaza condoms wasn't spent, but the Trump administration never said it had been delivered, but rather that is was about to be delivered.

    USAID spent ~$50b/year, they didn't spend all of their 2024-2025 budget between October 1 and Feb 1 (If they did, they couldn't justify their employment the rest of the year), so this year we won't save what they already spent, but we will save a fair bit, and we will save a lot more in the 2025-2026 budget year.

    And if Congress insists that Trump spend $50b, then Trump will spend it on things that match his priorities (After all, according to the Constitution, the President alone sets foreign policy)

  16. > Doing away with NGOs, as a start, is a good idea.

    No, it's not. That means that everything would then be run by the government.

    Do you want your church to become a government entity?
    What about your local Little League?
    What about your local book club?

    Now, if you were saying that we need to eliminate government funding of NGOs, that I could get behind. If the government is funding it, keep it accountable and trackable.

    But even there it's a bit squishy. The Courts have ruled that if the feds give money to secular schools for various things, religious schools must be eligable as well. We don't want the Federal Government to suddenly take over all schools.

  17. "What wills top them from Tienanmen Square Massacre-ing every last one of us?"
    First, prove to me you don't deserve it. It's going to be a tough sell after what I've seen.

  18. They are moving to Medicare and Medicaid which are deep swamps of theft. They are also hitting NIH and some of the other deep pockets. As you all say, the money we're talking about so far is chump change in the grande scheme but there is so much more to uncover.

  19. It's a truism of conflict that once you slit your enemy's throat, his screams falter and end in short order.

    Landing on Leviathan's throat with both feet may have been the winningest move in American politics in modern history, and long-overdue.

    Imagine what Trump would have been like if they'd let him take office in 2020, versus what they got instead by stealing an election, prosecuting him, persecuting him, and trying to shoot him in the head.

    This that lady they warn you about, whose mission is Payback, and whose name rhymes with "witch".
