Thursday, February 20, 2025




It's funny, of course, but the reality is that fraudulent Social Security payouts are the least of our worries.  With a "valid" (i.e. in-the-system, unquestioned) Social Security number, anyone can apply for bank accounts, loans, subsidies, food stamps, and a host of other benefits - even voting in US elections.  It's the key that opens many doors, and allows someone to defraud us through all of them.  That's why having sixty-plus-million Social Security Numbers more than the entire population of the USA is so dangerous.  It's not the numbers - it's the doors they open to fraud.



  1. At an open air market I watch a steady stream of illegals go in one door and come out the other with a driver's license, social security card. Most will pass muster. Every 6 months or so the police would raid and it would be shut down for a few weeks and begin all over once again. But the social # could belong to you, someone working or retired or dead. It's to them just a number. SS gets money in on a account that belongs to a child it's not even going to trip the trigger of why is a 3 year old paying SS. There are maybe 25 million illegals so that's at least 15/20 million paying in and never getting anything back. Had one illegal trying to buy a home, he gave us 4 W2's all with different SS #'s but would send us his "real" one.

    1. From an article I read yesterday the average monthly payout is 1760 dollars, times 12 months times something like 60 million people or around 577 billion per year. Twenty million pay in, 60 million pay out. Money is going in the wrong direction.

      Not to mention the immorality of taking money from someone under false pretenses from both sides.

      There is probably no way to make restitution even remotely possible to all the wronged parties. We need to concentrate on stopping the abuse and fraud. I would love to see lots of people jailed, namely the public employees who enabled this situation. Those whose negligence allowed it just need to be fired and never allowed another government job.

      As for the illegals, yes our country is partially responsible having created the situation. However, to go to another country for which you have to enter clandestinely and you don't speak the language, you should not be surprised if it turns out bad. We're flying people back to their home countries. Part of me says this is ridiculous, but it does encourage people to self-deport or cooperate. At some point, we will have to get punitive. What I would like to see is the border patrol reporting net numbers, who's coming in, and who's going out.

  2. I did sort of wonder why "secret vampires" fiction is so popular.

  3. O'T - but "Because"

  4. I may be mistaken but I understand the Social Security system is a legacy system running Cobol. That alone is major issue. Add to that the fact, and it is documented in his correspondence, that FDR deliberately made the Social Security System a mess. FDR did that so that the Social Security System would all hang together and could not be changed or abolished piecemeal.
