Friday, February 14, 2025

Lest we forget...


... the current crisis in government revolves around both major political parties, the Republicans as much as the Democrats.

The appallingly wasteful and uncontrolled expenditure being uncovered by D.O.G.E. is long overdue for exposure, and any right-thinking American, regardless of his or her political views, should applaud its efforts.  However, let's not lose sight of the fact that these abuses were put in place over decades, not just during the past Administration.  Some of them date back to the 1980's, if I'm reading D.O.G.E. press releases correctly.  That means they were implemented under both Republican and Democratic administrations, and passed by Congress and the Senate with both Republican and Democratic votes.

It's tempting to say, "Oh, look what the Democrats have been doing!" - but it's also only half the story.  Republicans have been equally guilty.  President Trump isn't the enemy of the Democrats as such:  he's the enemy of the entire system of government that's been milking America like a cow, with no accountability and an endless appetite for corruption.

I think we should all look at our congressional representatives and our senators, and figure out how long they've been in office.  If it's more than five to ten years, I think it's probably a good idea to look for new blood to replace them, because they may by now have been corrupted.  As Lord Acton famously said back in 1887:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.

I think history has proved him to be pretty accurate.  No matter how well a "great man" starts out, he all too often ends up corrupted by the greatness of his position.  That would probably apply to President Trump as well if he were to stay in office indefinitely, but of course he won't.  He has less than four years to complete his work, and pass it on to someone who will hopefully continue it.

"Power corrupts" both Republicans and Democrats.  Let's move them on before they can become too corrupted, and replace them with others at regular intervals.  It's our best safeguard against that evil.

A final thought, one that a number of people have expressed in recent weeks.  If President Trump had won re-election in 2020, he would never have had the same impact as he's had this year.  Because he lost that election (many of us think he was cheated of it), he had time to think and plan ahead;  and the frantic, frenetic attempts by the Democratic Party to demonize him and render him politically impotent only made him stronger and more determined.  In a very real sense, the progressive left of American politics have created their own nemesis in a new, revitalized President Trump.  The same can be said for all the "Never Trump!" RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) who tried to kick President Trump while he was down.  I daresay they're regretting their choices now . . .



  1. Mr. Trump has got a backbone of steel and graphene to suffer all of the stuff the liberals (and many Republicans) have thrown at him recently. Those years of aggravation spent in the New York City property market seem to have paid off. They functioned as his personal MMA (market & money aggravations). He does seem to have mellowed a little after his brush with death-by-rifle.

    George Washington may have been in a similar situation - the war wasn't going very well at first, and a future idea of government couldn't have been guiding those folks in 1775-1780. It's tough to drain the swamp when you're fighting for your life.

    Lincoln lost his first runs at office, then that war wasn't going very well at first. I suspect that if John Wilkes Booth had used a rifle, he might have missed too, even at that close range. Do you know how difficult it is to maneuver a Pennsylvania long-rifle in a 6 x 10-foot private seating area?

    Here's to the Tangerine Tornado (even though he's gone gray now) and the remainder of his 4 years in office.

  2. Term Limits and NO Revolving door into business where they can trade their "Contacts" for money.

    Also as a Public Employee their finances including their families is audited before they take office AND after they leave.

    Prison and clawbacks are nasty.

  3. Yep! The 2020 steal made him better in all aspects. I watched the press conference, Oval Office from yesterday. Man, I was in complete shock: the level of knowledge he has in macro-economics, strategic issues at home and globally, how he controlled and commanded the event... I'm in awe, really. And I'm Canadian citizen! :) He is waay above the entire political elite of G20 right now. Congrats, guys! Congratulations to all of you Americans who voted for this titan/one-in-a-century guy. He might be the only one able to pull this off: save N America from the brink + the entire world from a WW3.

  4. Trump like RFK Jr and Tulsi Garbage is not a Republican. He's not beholden to GOP power brokers. He funded his own political career. He trusted too many of the wrong people in his first administration. He's trusting his own business instincts now. This is a hostile takeover of an ineffective and corrupt corporation.

  5. The Uniparty has been running things for a lot of years... but I never suspected how much money they were stealing!

  6. Seems to me that the only valid argument against term limits is that the arrangement allows unelected career bureaucrats to become the real "power behind the throne" always arguing that they are just providing "continuity" for critical government processes. Not that they don't already take advantage of seniority to establish petty kingdoms, but over time they become entrenched in their positions of power behind the often clueless new elected officials. It's this shadow governing body I believe that we have come to call the Deep State.

  7. Democrats are the senior partners in the Uniparty Mafia. The RINO's and country club Republicans are junior partners.

    1. I agree - while both parties are involved, this is much more a Democrat thing than a Republican one.
      Some Republicans are principled - as far as I have seen, no Democrats are.
      Don't forget that most government employees in DC are Democrats (the further you get from DC, the fewer Democrats and more Republicans you find).

    2. "the further you get from DC, the fewer Democrats and more Republicans you find"

      The degree to which this is true depends on the organization, but yeah. The further up the chain of command you go, the more liberal it gets.

  8. As I like to quote Don Willett, judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit - "Facts are hostile witnesses". Let DOGE accumulate all of the facts, and let us know about them, since we aren't sure the old news folks will let us know.

  9. Both parties contributed to this situation -either through corruption or cowardness.

    That said: USAID was almost entirely a Democrat and left wing money laundring operation (I have only seen 1 NGO linked to the GOP).

    DOGE would have had a harder time if democrats shared the gridt

  10. The oft repeated, power corrupts is only half the quote. The other half, perhaps the most important, is power attracts certain types of people. These are commonly known as sociopaths.

  11. It's not so much that power corrupts as that power draws those who are easily corruptible. Honest people generally don't want power and control over other people....and their wealth. The morally bankrupt do.

    As for the GOP vs the Dems. They are two sides of the same coin. The GOP. are the Washington Generals to the lefts Globetrotters.

  12. Trump is earning a third term right now.

  13. "If it's more than five to ten years..." - let me see...thinks a minute...So Joe Biden exceeded his sell-by date by 40 years, give or take? No wonder the intelligent ones among us soured on him - finally. Yet nearly half of us were quite content to keep Joe going "at the top of his game"?

  14. Yes, to rise to the top in politics you need to be a bit of a shit. That was Carter's problem: he was too good a man for the job.

    1. By all accounts Carter was no where near as nice behind closed doors as his public personna. And he was at times downright nasty to the hired help in the White House.
