Wednesday, February 12, 2025

They're stealing a billion dollars every year of OUR money to fund the Uniparty


For years people knowledgeable about the situation in Washington D.C. have spoken of the "Uniparty" - politicians who work together regardless of Democratic or Republican Party affiliation to pursue common interests and common aims.  It appears that members of the Uniparty have enriched themselves by feeding at the public trough for a very long time - unacknowledged, of course, and unimpaired by any sense of ethics or morals.

Now, however, the investigations by D.O.G.E. into the financial mess President Trump has inherited are bearing fruit - and, in the process, exposing the Uniparty's common organs.  Datarepublican reports:

The seven NGOs in the chart below, in my view, represent the Uniparty. Each of these organizations receives substantial financial support from USAID or the Department of State.  [Click the image for a larger, readable view.]

Around 2019, the phrase “democracy in danger” began to dominate public discourse, amplified by the media. This was odd—after all, the U.S. is a democracy (or more precisely, a constitutional republic). But as I traced the influence of these NGOs, a pattern emerged: they are controlled by establishment politicians, they play a major role in shaping political narratives worldwide, and their core mission is always framed as “protecting democracy.”

Originally, these NGOs were created to support U.S. democratic efforts abroad—many of them emerging during the Cold War to combat the spread of communism. But with the fall of the Soviet Union, their original purpose faded. Instead of dissolving, they redefined their mission. Now, they have positioned themselves as the guardians of democracy itself.

This shift explains why Trump’s re-election was framed as a "threat to democracy." To these NGOs, “democracy” means themselves. Their survival depends on maintaining that role, and any challenge to their authority is perceived as a direct attack on democracy itself.

. . .

Most of these NGOs were born during the Reagan years. While not all USAID and State Department funding flows through them, they control the purse strings for much of America’s global financial influence.

DEI initiatives created a system of unaccountability and dependency, which ended up injecting more money into them and further entrenches their power.

They see any challenge to their authority as a threat to democracy itself. But their greatest enemy is still the same one they've had since the Cold War—Russia. They've never lost the "Cold War" boomer mindset.

In their minds, they’re the superheroes keeping America from crumbling. And that entitles them to their travel perks, cushy post-election gigs, and all the other benefits that come with running an unacknowledged empire.

There's much more at the link.

The taxpayer funds allocated to each NGO for (presumably) one recent fiscal year (not specified) come to a total amount of no less than $1,027,930,770.  That's one billion, twenty-seven million, nine hundred and thirty thousand, seven hundred and seventy dollars.

Who's it going to?  Click over to Datarepublican's post and read the list of those running those seven NGO's.  You'll see an awful lot of familiar politicians' names, from both sides of the aisle.  Mitt Romney?  Check.  Elise Stefanik?  Check.  Steny Hoyer?  Check.  Donna Brazile?  Check.  They're all looking out for themselves and each other, and they have a billion dollars of taxpayers' money every year to do it with.

Folks, far too many of our politicians are robbing us blind, whether Republican or Democrat.  We need to identify all those responsible, and kick them out of office as quickly as possible.  If we don't, we deserve to lose everything they'll continue to steal from us.



  1. Taxpayer furnished slush funds. Of course, most taxpayers (until now) had no clue they were subsidizing the retirements of politicians without integrity. In a perfect world, they'd have to pay every penny back with interest.

  2. She did an interview.

  3. And Elise Stefanik is Trump's pick for U.N. Ambassador. Huuummmm?

  4. "Kick them out of office"? While the Great Unveiling is a wondrous thing, it is naught without the Great Arresting, Prosecution and commensurate Punishment.

  5. A billion? That's chump change. Just wait until we find out how much is stolen out of all the other agencies.

  6. Are we sure that USAID was ever pro-US? We know the State Department has been full of Smart Boys who know ever so much more than the people paying for their adventures for a long time now. Ever since the Wilson Administration, under Secretary of State Robert Lansing, the State Department has had its own ideas about war and peace and foreign policy and this has been entirely disconnected from the results of our elections. The Smart Boys were head over heels in love with Vladimir Lenin. They were head over heels in love with Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Mao T'se-Tung, Fidel Castro, he Ayatollah Khomeni, Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Robert Mugabe, Julius Nyere, Nelson Mandela, and many, many more. The rogue's gallery of cannibals, thugs, maniacs, terrorists, war criminals, and dictators always claimed to hold vast admiration and affection for America, democracy, and the rule of law. Their admiration always vanished like snow in spring sunshine the instant they took power, every single time, and the Smart Boys at the State Department always pretend to be surprised. Sydney Rittenberg and Owen Lattimore gave American weapons that were supposed to go to Chiang Kai-Shek to Mao instead. The 105mm howitzers Ho Chi Minh and General Giap used to shell the French at Dien Bien Phu were given to them by Dean Rusk. Treason is not too strong a word. This has been going on at least a hundred and ten years. The swamp is deeper than you think. USAID is the tiniest droplet of a bottomless ocean of corruption.
