Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Well said!


I said last Friday that "If President Trump had won re-election in 2020, he would never have had the same impact as he's had this year".  I know many have said something similar;  it's not an original insight.  However, I've never seen it better expressed than by William E. Wolfe on X:

That gets it said.  The Democratic Party, the Uniparty, the Swamp and the progressive left have effectively created their greatest enemy and propelled him into power by their excesses.  What's happening to them now is their own fault.

To put it in Biblical terms:  "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind".  Preach it, Mr. Wolfe!

Now, of course, we have to fear assassination attempts against President Trump, Elon Musk and their allies.  Their enemies won't cease to do all they can to block, frustrate and counter every move the administration makes.  There are enough radicals, enough fanatics, among them that killing the authors of their discontent will not be unthinkable.  Pray for protection, and for all those charged with the responsibility of keeping the President and his allies and advisors safe.  The odds are still pretty good that some enemies are among them, and have not (yet) been uncovered or rooted out.



  1. I think another aspect of it all is worth noting. In an era when keeping secrets has been virtually impossible, the months and months of what it undoubtedly took to craft final versions of all those Executive Orders were with sealed doors and lips.

  2. We should thank the perfidious Democrats. They are exposing who they really are much more thoroughly than would have resulted from a trump win in '20. The people who deeply hate Donald Trump are distinctly quieter now as their influence wanes and hoping nobody remembers any of the most stupid things they've said. Especially Obama. While collecting beachside real estate, his authority over the younger progressives is fading as they dissolve into a stew of self-righteousness. They need a new leftwing icon to get the Birkenstocks off the futon and out to the '26 polls. The cupboard is pretty bare for them. The democratic Party bosses have been working from home the last couple of years, and it shows. We have to concentrate on dumping the republican quislings in the old Congress, they're hazardous waste in a healthy representative republic.
    Rick m

  3. kind of weird as i said just about the same thing a few days ago to some friends. it took Biden and 2020 to bring about what we are seeing now. it is good/bad thing that "they' stole the election in 2020. the difference now is you pissed him off and he has friends now to help drain the DC swamp. and a lot of his picks for jobs now have been targets of the "blob" in the past.
    so, NO. you out of here is a lot better for all than trying to work with these bastards.

  4. Hey Peter,

    I tend to agree, If President Trump had been elected in 2020 with a democrat congress, he would not havbe gotten anything done except fend off multiple impeachment attempts and eventually they would have found something and been successful. With them winning and the American people seeing what 4 years of democrat rule looking like it was a telling testament. President Trump went through the Crucible and came through stronger and he and his inner circle had 4 years to plan their return, that is why the *shock and awe*, they have 2 years before the midterm, because there is the possibility that the GOP may lose the midterm and the donks may get the house, unless the GOP is wildly successful in showing that they are deserving of being reelected. Yes, there will be assassination attempts, the hatred of President Trump by the progressive left is unreal, and if he gets capped(pardon the pun) and the far left explodes in joy, it may be a flashpoint for the right side of the aisle and that is scary proposition.

  5. I would like to see Congress get in gear and pass law to support the executive orders. Or else when the inevitable change happens a dem president will undo all of this.

  6. Hot damn! Who says there's no God!? Oh yeah, the Looney Left.
