Friday, March 7, 2025

This is potentially the biggest legal can of worms ever opened in the United States


PJ Media asks the hard question, and makes a case for it.

The Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever perpetrated on the American people. A shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden's signature during his presidency was signed by an autopen — except for one.

What makes this revelation particularly damning is that the only document confirmed to have Biden's actual signature was his letter announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race.

. . .

The use of the presidential autopen dates back to the 1950s, and there's been much debate about its legality. In 2013, Barack Obama became the first president to sign a bill into law using an autopen. He was vacationing in Hawaii at the time. His office relied on a 30-page memo from President George W. Bush's legal team asserting that the president's presence was not required as long as said president had authorized the signature. 

What's not clear, in the case of Biden, is who was running the autopen and whether Biden was aware it was happening. 

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is demanding that the Department of Justice investigate whether Biden's obvious cognitive decline allowed unelected bureaucrats to essentially run the government without presidential oversight. If this is true — and let's be honest, all signs point to yes — every executive order, every pardon, and every official action taken under Biden's name could be constitutionally void.

There's more at the link.

This is potentially the biggest legal can of worms ever opened in the United States.  In theory, it could mean that every act, proclamation, executive order, etc. that was not signed in person by President Biden might have been "signed" - i.e. the autopen might have been controlled by - another person entirely, whether or not they had authorization to do so.  If they did, where is that authorization, for every single occasion on which they did so?  If they did not, they committed a crime by signing an invalid document into law.

What about people arrested and/or convicted and/or imprisoned for breaking a law that may not have been validly signed?  What about the funds expended by the government in response to a potentially unlawfully signed document?  Were they validly spent, or do they now have to be recovered - not to mention that most of them are long gone and can't be recovered?  What about those who signed illicitly for President Biden?  That's a very serious offense - but which one?  I can think of a dozen counts with which they could be charged.  Can we be sure of identifying all of them?

This is enough to make one's head spin.  I don't know what the fallout will be, but it's a matter of colossal importance in Constitutional terms.  I know the temptation will be to say, "Well, that's water under the bridge, and we can't fix it now, so let's just leave it" . . . but if we do that, we effectively condemn the Constitution and the rule of law to irrelevance.  That's a non-starter, right there - but what to do about it?  That's something that'll take years to figure out.

At the very least, we need a law specifying that anything signed into law by the President is only validly signed if:

  • he personally does so (i.e. no autopen!);
  • while in full command of his faculties;
  • in public, recorded on camera;
  • without any influence or "helping hands" involved.



  1. There was an episode of the West Wing, just after the President had been shot and had been operated on under general aneasthetic, when there was a debate about who was in charge during that period, because the President hadn't signed a letter under the 25th Amendment temporarily transferring his powers to the Vice President. In this episode, the Chief of Staff's secretary suggests to the Chief of Staff that she could forge the President's signature, so they could produce such a letter after the fact, and the Chief of Staff is horrified by the suggestion.

    If the report's implications are true, the Biden White House was not only not horrified by such a suggestion, they actively carried it out.

    1. "We have four branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative, the Judiciary, ...and Margaret!"" - WH Chief of Staff Leo McGarry, the West Wing

  2. I agree. The potential for abuse is too great; look at the Biden Presidency. Which needs to be investigated in the biggest way. IMHO.

  3. This is, or could be, huge! It depends on if anyone who doesn't read this here, ever hears about it at all...

  4. Pure hopium. Nothing will become of this, just as nothing became of the overwhelming evidence that Abidin' shouldn't have even been in office in the first place.

  5. If the autopen is accepted as a legal signature then thre is no case.

    If you open that can of worms, then every order and bill signed by every president that used an autopen is invalid.

    You can't have it both ways.

    We just need to accept that we got fucked by the Left and that thre were other people running the Biden White House and go forward.
    We allowed it to happen, let it go.

    You CAN fix it going forward by requiring all signatures going forward to be real signatures signed with an audience by the real President.
    You cannot, however, fix the past.

  6. Travel being what it is today, there is no reason why a President cannot sign a law, EO, document, whatever under those conditions. There are daily flights to just about everywhere in the world, and there is no law so urgent that it cannot wait a day or two for signature. The autopen needs to be abolished.

  7. Well, his "voters" didn't have to vote in person or be aware of how their votes were cast so the logic holds. Considering there's enough evidence of the vote being fraudulent and nothing has been done this too shall be given a pass.

  8. I think this is part of Trump's response to the last 4 years of harassment. If this challenge is successful it will erase most of Biden's presidency and a lot of toxic laws.

    Now I think we know why he has made every signing an Event with lots of witnesses and cameras. He has all the evidence he needs to prove he DID sign every EO and law that are driving the Demonrats crazy.

    1. "He has all the evidence he needs to prove he DID sign every EO and law...." does he though? Did YOU read each word of the document he signed? Did anyone else? Did they also countersign as a witness to the President signing it?

      Sorry, you really don't have any clue as to what the paper he signed said.

      Having said that, you have, at least, proof of his INTENT to sign an EO or bill,

  9. that why Trump is openly signing his EO's in the Oval Office with all those reporters witnessing the act?

  10. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing is going to change, Trump has slowed our destruction but that s the extent of it. No arrest. No indictments. The federal courts have demonstrated that they actually run the country. When I read the history of other civilizations, I used to wonder how they let themselves disintegrate now I understand.

    1. I really think that if you expected people to be served, arrested, in trial and convicted all in the first 30 days that would be a bit much. At least give him a year to decide which will come first. We may have a good idea of who the "bad" people are but you need proof. And yes some will get away and never be held accountable.

  11. The bigger can of worms would be if they actually proved that the 2020 election was stolen. Then it wouldn't matter if it was signed by hand or autopen, everything should be null and void. Of course, that won't be allowed to happen...

    1. At this point it doesn't matter. Because Biden was confirmed by Congress, he was the President. I don't believe he legitimately won the election. I don't believe he knew most of what was going on during his presidency.

    2. It doesn't work like that.
      All kinds of laws have been passed by Congress too, and subsequently ruled unconstitutional, null, void, and moot.

      To think the court could not take similar action regarding a fraudulent presidency is ludicrous.

      The problem isn't that the courts cannot do so, it's that they will not do so.

      When you reward fraud, you make crime pay, and you guarantee more of the same.

      Thus will it ever be, until people start getting a good neck-stretching for doing it.

  12. And this surprises anyone how? Seriously, we all knew even before Biden's inauguration, pretty much knew when he was VP, that he wasn't there mentally or physically.

    So, yes, autopen. Because it would be too much for Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Rice, Soros or anyone else who actually was in control that day to sign their own name.

  13. The scene in "Blazing Saddles" where Hedley Lamar is moving the Govrnor's hand to sign documents was supposed to be satire. --Nuke Road Warrior

  14. The laws will hold because you can only pocket veto a law if Congress isn’t in session, and the Senate never goes out of session. An unsigned bill otherwise becomes law.

    The executive orders and appointments probably won’t get litigated because Trump can just undo most of them with his pen. And for the rest, the Secretary of State signing the commission is actually more conclusive than the presidential signature, as Marbury versus Madison showed (Madison just withheld the commission). If the SoS says you’re a judge after the Senate confirmation, you’re a judge.

  15. Nah.
    That isn't the biggest, only the latest.

    Consider the overwhelming likelihood that Biden was never elected to the office in the first place, voiding every single act of the subsequent four years.

    Then go back to 2009, and note that as a naturalized citizen under the rules in effect at his birth, not being a native-born U.S. citizen, and with only an amateurish fake birth certificate to support his claims otherwise, while there are mountains of pieces of evidence pointing to the fact of the fraud, consider the exact same thing can be true for every act, signature, and appointment (including to SCOTUS) by Barry Soetoro.

    Compared to those two overwhelming likelihoods having been perpetrated on the country, after twelve years of fraudulent POTUSii, the mere use of the autopen pales into third place, at best.

    A sober consideration of the facts should lead to hunting Democrats down and shooting or hanging them on sight for treason most foul, but the national instinct for both liberty and justice has been mostly bred out of the people at this point in history.

    One can but dream of better days.
