Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So far, so good.

Right, that triple bypass surgery? They got in there and it turned into a quadruple bypass surgery. But he's "doing well, and we're trying to get him off the ventilator right now."

Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes, folks. I read some of them off to him late last night, and he was pleased and touched that you've thought of him.

He was not so pleased with hospital food, noting that it's well-made, well-prepared, healthy, and very bland. Curry can be heart healthy, too, right?

-Miss D


  1. Good sir; know joy at living life! You are in my devotions and have our very best wishes, truly!

  2. I meant to include my sentiments in the get-well card my fellow gunblogger_conspiracy denizens put together, but desire to say just the right thing got swamped in a tidal wave of completely unrelated drama.

    So rather than try to come up with le mot juste, I'll say we're pulling for him, thinking of him, and will be more than slightly put out if he elects to go anywhere before we've had the chance to have one or several drinks with him.

    Also there's not a thing wrong with curry with respect to one's heart unless it's so spicy it gets you racing. The turmeric in it is strongly anti-inflammatory, which is a plus for the system overall. Hospital food is only tasteless because they have an entire building full of potentially picky eaters that already don't feel well.

  3. Thoughts and prayers are made for him here daily...

  4. Yay, I'm glad he's okay. I would like to send him some flowers, can we know the name of the hospital he's at?

  5. Tell him we're praying for him. Also, let him know heart-healthy food is anything but bland and plain if you want to learn. Salt and saturated fat may be no-nos but there are plenty of good items. DH had a heart attack two years ago at 37 years old. We've learned a lot. I'll be happy to share.

  6. I am glad indeed to hear positive news.


  7. Great to hear the surgery went well, if a bit unexpectedly. I'll keep praying.


    Heh. The word of the day is traxeden, which sounds like some sort of drug brand-name.

  8. Peter ~

    Just heard, and am praying for you. Glad to hear the surgery went well.


  9. Glad the surgery went well and the prognosis is positive. We will be thinking of you and praying for a full recovery.

  10. Hang in there, Peter. We'll be here when you get back. In the meantime, take it easily and our prayers are with you.

  11. Peter,

    My prayers and best wishes for a speedy and full recovery are heading your way.

    I look forward to your return to blog land, since The Bayou Renaissance Man is a daily "must read" for me.

    Take care, Hear?

  12. Peter,

    Our prayers are with you.


  13. That's very good news, Miss D, and thank you for letting people know what's going on.

    I'll send you a dollar if you find a way to have a curry smuggled in to the hospital for Peter to enjoy. More important than the dollar: think of the bragging rights!

    Best wishes for a smooth, steady recovery, Peter.

  14. thanks Miss D for being there.
    best wishes

  15. Glad the surgery went well... that is a big hurdle. Prayers for you daily, TBS

  16. Great news :-) I'd send Sushi, but I don't think it would get there in time :-) Thoughts and prayers continue.

  17. Ouch, hang in there. Glad to know that things are going as well as can be expected in this situation.
    I truly respect your writing, and hope to read more when you can get back to it.

  18. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.


  19. Complaining about hospital food is a GOOD sign! Miss D: if he gets frisky with the nurses, slap him around a few times for us, will ya?

    Still incoming all the way from Australia, Peter. Get well soon. But most importantly, get truly *well*!

  20. Miss D, My sympathy lies with you who worry and wait like the rest of us. Peter at least knows where he is and what the Docs plan for him.

    That said, My relatively healthy heart enfolds him in hopes for a speedy full recovery. Bypass Surgery is no fun but they have gotten awfully good at it.


  21. Thank goodness we have such an immediate way to show our respect, love and support for you, Peter. We're all pulling for you. I know thousands of prayers have been whispered for you today. I hope you are encouraged and buoyed by the good thoughts sent your way. Bless you.

  22. Please pass on to Peter another prayer from the API list that he gets well and has a full recovery.

  23. He's in need of some Splendora Cafe blackberry cobbler ...................... ;-)

    We three Splendorans are SO GLAD he's doing well - tell'im to keep it going!!

    Semper Fi'
    DM, SuperFod & DevilPup

  24. I had open heart surgery in Aug and one thing to watch out for is post surgical depression. Everyone gets it to some extent, and it usually goes away on it's own, but there's a time when you feel like things will never be normal again. Make sure someone's around to talk him out of that.
    Good luck! He will be fine!

  25. Peter,
    Get well soon, from a fellow API list member. Good food can indeed be smuggled into the hospital. I know as a friend of my wife's brought a nice roasted chicken to me years ago while I was recovering from surgery. The nurses didn't care; indeed they were envious as they knew the hosiptal food was terrible.

  26. Continued good wishes and prayers from the foothills of Billy Goat Mountain.

    Dave S

    WV: seoboodi

    "Pull yo paints up, I can seoboodi."

  27. Peter,

    I stop reading your blog for a few days (been busy) and you go and have yourself a heart attack!

    Get well soon, my friend, and prayers and best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

  28. Four measly bypasses and your still in the hospital?

    In my day we'd have a heart and liver transplant, then plow 30 acres before supper. In a blizzard!

    Do what the nurses say to do, no more, no less and get well soone.


  29. Curry, Tabasco, Pace's, whatever! They're all "heart" healthy!

    Recover quickly & painlessly Peter. We need you back on the job!


  30. God bless you, Peter, and get well soon!

  31. Glad all went well. Now the hard part arrives---recovery. Follow orders, Peter. Mind Miss D and the Docs. All will be well and who knows, with all the bed rest, perhaps your back will be better too!

    Maintain your positive expectations. You have thousands of people thinking and praying for you.

  32. Best wishes for a full recovery.

    My grandfather had a quad bypass about twenty-five years ago. Didn't slow him down a bit.
