Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tab clearing

Several items have crossed my monitor in recent days and weeks that I haven't had time to develop into full-length blog articles, but I think are nevertheless worth sharing.

1.  With the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks still fresh in our minds, here are two articles that you might want to bookmark for future reference.  They contain material that's timeless, and will be useful long into the future, particularly when speaking with people who weren't even alive when the attacks took place.

Images of 9/11: A Visual Remembrance

The 9/11 Attacks: Understanding Al-Qaeda and the Domestic Fall-Out from America's Secret War

Both are well worth reading, and bookmarking, and remembering.

2.  A well-known fact, but one many people forget:

Grocery stores would run out of food in just 3 days if long-haul truckers stopped working

If you haven't got a few weeks' basic needs stockpiled (food, at least a week's water, essential supplies like medication, etc.) then go read that article.  It'll provide encouragement for you to start work on that, right away.

3.  Larry Correia, author and friend in meatspace and cyberspace, is renowned for the quality and length of his rants when something or someone offends him.  He's just unleashed his latest, and it's a doozy!  I'm going to censor the title here, because some of his language is anything but family-friendly;  but when you read it, it's hard to disagree with his sentiments.


Go read.

4.  Michael Z. Williamson, another author buddy, takes on gun control (again) on his blog, and points out how much falsehood is involved in its arguments.

How Gun Control Supporters Lie to Themselves, Each Other, and Us

Good stuff, and all true.

5.  A few weeks ago, I wrote about Robert Mugabe's death.  In my article, I concluded:

By tolerating the existence of such brutal dictators, the West has basically made the problem of Africa much worse . . . both for Africans, and for the West as a whole.

Some commenters took issue with those words, accusing me of trying to shift blame for such tyrants onto the West, rather than African tribal culture.  No, I wasn't trying to do that:  but I think the evidence for Western tolerance of, if not active support for such dictators, is very clear.  One reader suggested this article about the Live Aid efforts of the 1980's, which supports my thesis:

Live Aid: The Terrible Truth

All that public outpouring of sympathy and money merely funded genocide.  It was almost entirely a wasted effort.

6.  Be careful who you label a Nazi.  The real Nazis were infinitely worse than mere present-day political opponents.

Dachau Does Not Believe in Tears

I made the same point during my fuss with Tor Books a few years ago (not that those throwing around the "Nazi!" accusation were willing to listen to facts or reason.  In my experience, they never are.)  Having had to deal with real neo-Nazis, I don't take loony-left accusations of Nazism very kindly, no matter who's being falsely accused.

I might add that if you visit the site of the former death camp at Auschwitz, and you listen very carefully at the site of the gas chambers . . . you can still hear the screams, if you listen with your soul.  I'm not making that up.  It's an uncanny and terrifying reality.  Similarly, visit the site of Bergen-Belsen, and just stand there silently, and listen.  If you don't believe the dead still speak, that should cure you of your disbelief, right there.

If you can't go to Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen, watch this video from 1945 of what a correspondent found when he entered the latter camp after its liberation.  Every word, every image, is true.

That's what Nazism meant, and still means.  Don't let others throw the term around idly, as if it were just another political label.  If anybody calls me a Nazi, they're comparing me to the men who did that.  They do so at their own risk.

7.  Finally, with reference to the recent New York Times attempt to slander Justice Kavanaugh of the US Supreme Court (about which I wrote a few days ago), I note that the Conservative Treehouse has very capably dissected the situation and exposed the real background to this brouhaha.  It makes very interesting reading.

Lawfare Group Begins Delegitimizing Supreme Court…

Essential reading, IMHO, to understand the rationale behind the NYT's scurrilous propaganda.

There you are.  That should give you reading matter for a few minutes, at least.



  1. I read that ATA report about trucking shut down and how it would affect North America. Used that as a basis for a novel I wrote. I work in the grocery industry shortly and there have been times where we DON'T have certain stocks. Either due to work slowdowns, or other situations. Have a picture on my computer somewhere of the cooler where we stored our meat products for one store I used to work at. Completely empty, on a weekend in the middle of the day. Delivery unknown and not expected.

    Most people don't realize that grocery store shelves are practically all the storage of stores. There's no space behind the front end to store anything. It comes in, and goes right out to the shelves where applicable.

  2. Regarding concentration camps, I had a math teacher in Junior High who was one of the combat photographers specifically assigned to record the attrocities. His proof book and slides, which he brought to class one day because of some Holocaust denier kicking up a ruckus, was... frightening. The pictures released, the ones you see in the history books, are sanitized.

    As to people prepping, too many today rely on already prepared food, either from the freezer section or from restaurants. And they wonder why they have no money.

    And as to Mugabe, we have our own here in the states. Think I'm joking? Violence in Chicago, blamed on the cops by the Mayor. Same in Philadelphia, and New York City. Murdering idiots kept in power by outside forces...

  3. I visited the Mauthausen-Gusen camp when I was in Europe. I don't believe in the supernatural.... but I swear I heard the screams of prisoners down in the quarry (it was a "labor camp" rather than a straight-up death camp), and I'm pretty sure I saw actual ghosts on my may out of the quarry. Whatever it was, it freaked me out enough that I made it to the train station, which was described as a "one-hour brisk hike" from the camp in the guidebook, in under 40 minutes.

  4. In re: 9-11. Back in June an archive of nearly 2400 photos was discovered and uploaded to flickr. They can be found here --

  5. It is simply true about Auschwitz. AOC and the rest of her cabal should spend a few days and nights there.
