Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday morning music


How many of you remember the 1970's and 1980's group Supertramp?  They grew from progressive rock roots into a pop/rock combo that was very popular for a time, but then seemed to drop out of sight in the late 1980's and beyond.  I always found their music frustrating:  neither rock nor pop, catchy, but somehow not satisfying, like the froth on top of a cup of coffee - no substance.  Nevertheless, they were hugely successful in their time, and influenced a great many other musicians and groups from then onward.

Here are five of their big hits.  First, from their 1974 album "Crime of the Century", here's "Dreamer".

From the album "Even In The Quietest Moments…" in 1977, here's "Give A Little Bit".

Their next album, "Breakfast In America", proved to be their most successful, spawning several hit singles.  Here are two of them.  First, "The Logical Song".

Next, from the same album, "Take The Long Way Home".

Finally, from their 1982 album "…Famous Last Words…", here's "It's Raining Again".

I was never a big fan of Supertramp, but I have to admit, their tunes were catchy.  I can still remember tramping out a military route march in bad weather, only to hear some damnfool troopie start wailing, "It's Raining Again" (to a chorus of disapproving epithets from his buddies).

Oh, well.  They were certainly major stars of their era.



  1. Their singer Roger had some good solo tunes too. Here's one:

  2. Thanks for remembering me some catchy tunes from my youth were played by Supertramp

  3. The vet next door of my dorm room was the first person I knew who was into Supertramp. He went with me when I bought my first stereo and we played School at an rather high volume as my test music at the store.

  4. You can mashup some of their songs. "Take a look at the long way home" is a good one.

  5. For me, they peaked with their live 'Paris' album. After that they became a bit self-indulgent.

  6. My college roommate in 180 had 5 albums the tear we shared a room. 4 by Genesis and Breakfast in America. That was it.

  7. Nothing wrong w Supertramp. They dont easily fit into a pigeonhole because that was the golden age of music when we didnt need mo stinkin pigeonholes for music. If it was a good song, it was a hit. The 70s was that rare time where you could have mega hits with completely different styles, genres, ages... Now everything sounds the same and it's mostly polluted by rap and other atonal percussive sound. We don't need an excuse to enjoy Supertramp. Just enjoy.

  8. "School" and "Crime of the Century" were outstanding IMO but otherwise, I agree with you. They were strangely unfulfilling. ELO was the same way to me. I wouldn't turn them off per say but they wouldn't be my choice to listen to.
    It is said that the members of Supertramp really didn't like each other.

  9. I have found, over the years, “Take the long way home” is one of the most deeply descriptive and thoughtful songs about when our lives are not what we imagined them to be.

  10. Funny bit of synchronicity... I picked up a Supertramp hits album this week and it's sitting on my desk waiting to be ripped into the collection...


  11. Breakfast in America was pretty big on the sports bus, even though it was fairly old by that point. He who had the cassette player ruled (and, no, it wasn't me). Still listen to them monthly.

  12. "School" and "Good Bye Stranger" are my two favorite Supertramp songs.
