Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Well, so much for my annual flu shot...


My wife and I have made a habit of getting our annual flu shots as a matter of routine.  Both of us have health issues that affect respiration, and need to avoid serious congestion or breathing difficulties;  so, for us, it's been almost an automatic reflex to get the shot.  However, we've refused from the start to be vaccinated against COVID-19, even though it affects respiration, due to serious misgivings about the safety of those medications - misgivings that have been validated and magnified by the horrific total of side effects that have been reported.  They far outnumber the combined total reports of all other vaccines in human history.

That's why this news is likely to force us to abandon our annual flu shot "fix".

Pfizer and BioNTech have launched a clinical trial to test a combination vaccine targeting influenza and Covid-19, the companies announced on Thursday, one of several efforts to combine the two recommended shots as experts increasingly suggest yearly coronavirus boosters will be needed.

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Both flu and Covid components are built using the mRNA platform underpinning the companies’ joint Covid vaccine.

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Pfizer and BioNTech are not the only companies pushing ahead with a combination Covid-flu vaccine. Moderna, which uses the same kind of mRNA technology as Pfizer and BioNTech and was their main pandemic rival, is also testing its own mRNA flu shot and a shot combining this with its Covid booster vaccine. Novavax, which uses a more traditional style of vaccine technology, is also developing a combination shot. BioNTech’s Sahin said the Covid-flu trial will give the company more information on combining mRNA vaccines to address multiple pathogens, which he said will help guide its product pipeline in the future.

Moderna is also testing a three-pronged shot to protect against RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), Covid-19 and influenza. All three are potentially serious respiratory infections...

There's more at the link.

Not just no, but HELL, NO!!!  Given the damage that mRNA vaccines have already caused - cases number literally in the millions - there's absolutely no way I'm going to allow any of that stuff into my system.

However, it's a major concern that hospitals may make such vaccinations part of their treatment protocol for any admission.  If you get admitted, you'll get the shot whether you like it or not - perhaps without being fully informed about what they're injecting into your body.  Personally, I regard that as equivalent to assault with a deadly weapon, but I'm sure the law won't see it that way - or permit me to respond appropriately.  Sadly, as I grow older, the chances that I may not be able to make my objections known prior to getting the shot (for example, if I have another heart attack and am admitted in a comatose condition) are increasing.  That's a deeply worrying development.

What say you, readers?  Are you willing to take a chance that your hitherto-benign annual flu shot might now inject you with potentially dangerous mRNA?



  1. Another problem with getting a flu shot these days, is that they are likely to give you the covid shot instead. I have read about that happening to more than a few people.

  2. No flu shots for us, ever.

    Every time I drop my mom in law off with the wife to go see a doctor, I remind her to tell them, No Vaccines!

    No matter the reason for a doc visit, I have my 85 year old mom in law telling a doctor, as soon as they step in the room. " I do not want any vaccines"

    I love that woman.

  3. Doctor says to me every fall, do you want a flu shot, he chuckles and only because he requires a verbal response do I then say no thanks. Have never had a flu, cold or any shot they offer.

  4. Wash your hands frequently, stay hydrated and eat generous amounts of protein. And if you still catch the flu, Alka Seltzer Cold & Flu works wonders.

  5. I stopped getting the flu shot years ago.
    Any doctor that requires a shot before treatment is a doctor I'm walking out on.
    There are plenty of doctors available who won't require it; even now there are many doctors and some hospitals that aren't requiring masks despite a federal requirement to do so.

  6. With no legal recourse for adverse affects from Covid vaccines, adding something to flu shots allows more of whatever it is they're trying to put in what they consider useless humans.

  7. I got the flu shot annually from the very first one the military gave. They were mandatory. When I retired I continued the shots every year.

    That ended last year. I simply don't trust the makers anymore. And interestingly enough, the doc at VA, whom I know very well, had absolutely no reaction when I said "no." He's quite honest about things and has a way of telling me when the direction we're taking on an issue is hamstringing him via VA bureaucrats.

    My civilian GP also had no reaction when I told him the same thing, and he was totally against the mandatory masking for as long as it existed and scoffed at the 6-foot rule. He followed both "protocols" but... VA, by the way, still requires masks in the buildings, at least in this area.

  8. I, too, got a flu shot every year because of my lung disease. Then, 10 years ago, I got the flu so badly that I wound up in the hospital. Since that time, I have refused any flu shot and have not gotten the flu, either. I take lots of Vitamin C and D. Just because I am old, I find that nurses and doctors try to intimidate me into taking the shot. They wind up getting an earful.

  9. The recent flu vaccines have been largely ineffective anyway, no great loss there. I am prophylacticly taking Ivermectin now and have enough for several years in case of covid. Since the flu virus is somewhat related to Covid, I suspect it will be useful against it too. I also have Lactoferrin and Benedryl on hand based on the research from the University of Florida at Gainsville.
    Keep your zinc and vitamin d up and your diet solid and you will be safer than with the vaxx.

  10. I had to get the flu shot every year when I was active duty - and I nearly always had a bad reaction to it. Finally, I took to taking a couple of aspirin and going and getting the shot the last hour of my last duty day, so that I could be sick from it in peace and quiet. When I retired, I refused to get the annual flu shot - and oddly enough, I only caught the flu two or three times in the 25 years since.
    When I was a kid at home, I noticed that whenever the whole family got sick, I either had the lightest case, or didn't sick at all. I deduce that I must be one of those people with very good natural resistance to most common colds and viruses.
    Based on all this, I was disinclined to get the Covid jab, and am I darned glad of that, as more and more information about side effects comes out.

  11. Have your provider list it in your chart as a allergy. List anaphylaxis as the reason. Pressure will stop, and the computer will flag you as no flu shot.

  12. I haven't volunteered for any vaccines since my system was insulted back when I was 18. My pat answer is, "Nope, give it to someone who wants it."
    So my question is, why would you take something that is a crap shoot in the best of times?  They sit around in a lab running algorithms (guessing) to see what it looks like will be the 3 or 4 big viruses of winter and run with those for the manufacturing of a 'vaccine'.  The protocol of taking your vitamins, washing your hands, and avoiding people coughing all over you is just as effective.

  13. Peter,
    you might want to look into using one (or more) of the "rescue" inhalers in a preventative manner. There are studies looking at this application and it appears that some sort of daily dosage schedule has benefits, depending on the actual condition.

    As far as vaccines of ANY sort, the history of them seems to be a lot worse than is common knowledge. I've just started reading up on it, and the infant/childhood ones appear to be dangerous, with the data being deliberately covered up. Sounding similar to our current vaxx situation in the mindset and profits drive.

    I wouldn't go anywhere near an mRNA vaccine, as it seems it is too easy to play games with it. For that matter, I'm thinking that ANY sort of injection may be hazardous, as too much of the medical establishment can't be trusted at this point. I expect that the public's trust in them will continue to fade as time goes by. My experience over the past decade puts them in the trust category of auto mechanics, which is to say: I don't trust them to do things right, as a matter of course. (I used to work in that industry)

  14. The flu shot this year is still the standard quadrivalent traditional killed-virus vaccine.
    But Big Pharma is pimping their new mRNA replacement hard. Just say no to the latter.

    My facility is pimping COVID boosters and flu shots for staff. Did the normal non-mRNA flu shot (who knows what formula will be on offer next year, so it may be my last one of those forever), and skipped the Not-A-Vaxx Booster Jab.

    Also, Big Pharma is having the drug store purveyors solicit human guinea pigs for testing their mRNA versions this year. If in doubt, ask.

  15. Never any vaccine. And that was decided before I read "Turtles All The Way Down".

  16. Never again. I have had it with normal. Health care. The current crop of doctors does not believe in do no harm.

  17. I quit the flu game over years ago. I figured out how to avoid it while active duty. I started doubting the bs back then and its only got worse

  18. I'm still not convinced that Covid wasn't just another wierdo manufactured flu variant. How else did the number of flu cases drop off to almost nothing? The PCR tests actually are not that qualitative or quantitative at those high ratios they test at.

    At any rate, I may have gotten my last "normal" flu vaccine this year. Particlarly if they plan on trying to combine it with any mRNA style technology. Which I never intend to take.

    And yes, the vaccine makers have lost all credibility with me. Unless it's something with a 20 year track record of efficacy and safety, they can go pound sand.

  19. I've been to several medical appointments in recent months, and every time the nurse or MA checking me in asks "Have you been vaccinated for Covid19?" I look them straight in the eyes and say "There is no vaccine for Covid19. What they are calling a vaccine is no such thing, and I will not be taking part in such a medical experiment except insofar as I can be considered part of the negative control group." Most of the time they just want to fill in their forms, and I tell them that "No" is an acceptable answer. More than once I've had the nurse agree with me. I am by no means anti-vax in general; I've had many over my life, from the polio sugar cubes in the '60's to last years Shingrix shot for Shingles.
    As for the flu shot I'll simply say "No more for me". The worst case of flu I ever had was in basic training for President Jerry Ford's Swine Flu frenzy (1976). We asked if we could refuse it, and the answer for us was "Yes, you can refuse it. If you do, your life for the next four years will be a living hell." Either standing at a gate saluting cars, or peeling spuds in a mess hall.
    Having spent a 38 year career in Medical Technology, I not only speak the language, but I am more bitterly cynical about allopathic western medicine in general than most of us. I am always amazed at the miracles of modern trauma medicine, and I would not be alive today if not for that. But for the rest of it, I will take my Ivermectin and vitamin supplements, and stay as far away from doctors as I can.

  20. Took a flu shot this year but no more. I never thought the Wuflu was that big a deal and with a CFR of less than 1% seems the numbers bear me out. Sincen I've lost faith that someone wont monkey with the shots I'll not have another anytime soon.

  21. There is a theory now that COVID may have essentially "bumped off" the flu virus, and it's not just our usual lying to us. This was linked to on Vox Day's blog and is worth reading in full:
